Lets talk about the state of Germany


thanks to TheArcticFoxxo




According to physics if an object finds another object with the same density it can’t penetrate more than it’s own lenght, less if the object has ways to decrease penetration like spaced armor, so no, a 570 mm apfsds can’t pen 700

I was referring to a different APFSDS shell from the one you mentioned.

I would like to see a pic since

Here is your image Mr Royalty

Including externals:

Excluding externals:

Yes there are many more than just Russia German and Sweden but what can we do? when Gaijin being incompetent not treat every nation equally?
Better this than let Russia have all BS alone at least

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Russia is currently the strongest tech tree overall and that’s something I can agree on, but their MBTs compared to Germany is inferior. I don’t even like playing the T-90Ms and usually would play my ZTZ99A over it due to that disgusting reverse speed.

What makes Russia competitive over Germany is their Pantsir and SU-25SM3 in ground and their SU-27 in air.

but why t90m and not the t80bvm ?
yes it has no " spall liner" but got something even better
Which we as player can not see…

That is exactly why one German MBTs (with un finish model) shouldn’t be a problem if because just 2A7V can make Russian’s life miserable then i think is not 2A7V fault

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I mean player skill on a nation also does effect things like this and on average people who play both USA and Russia aren’t usually the brightest sometimes. At a time Italy had the best win rates with the worst vehicles and simply because only experienced players used the tech tree at higher BRs.

That should explain it eating the apfsds spall TY aDSD

What Shell we’re you referring to?

It eats spall cus it’s fuel tank, as any fuel tank eats it, by in game logic.

I was talking about Charm 3 aka L27A1

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Refer to my previous posts.

i wouldnt trust in this test tbh since one of the man issues was the fact this is the penetration without using the Lanz-Odermart formula and this is using another formula for penetration, devs already talked about this, there are ones like The Garzke and Dulin Empirical Formula for Armor Penetration, and such, with Lanz-Odermart being more realistic and complete because it calculates various factors and is more concise on the results, i mean, the test itself might be right but who knows what formula they are using in what conditions and how much RHA, Thanks to someone, I found out that RHAe = rolled homogenous armor. 1. It is basically composite armor with the equivalent of 700 mm of RHA but that does not mean it can actually pen 700 mm of RHA since it might have different effects a solid block of RHA, whose compression of the material might make it stronger since its a semi infiite target its gonna act different

Well that’s were I got my 700mm however to clear up the confusion.

yeah i would take it with a pinch of salt since that’s probably composite armor that simulates the penetration but its not the same formula we use here, wich is against semi infinite targets

The British sometimes have an odd way of classifying penetration.

This most likely refers to LoS penetration @ 70° @ 2000m.

L27A1 in-game achieves around 685mm of LoS penetration @ 70° @ 2km, the small discrepancy is likely due to the British documents using a lower BHN target instead of 260 BHN that Gaijin uses.

i was seeing this, the projectile is at 605x25, judging by the measurements it cant pen over 700 anyways its what im saying its using RHAe wich dosent simulate a reallistic armor, its just a pseudo composite

Minor nitpick, but 600mm x 25mm.

I assume you meant that at 0° angle of attack it can’t?

Because L27A1 achieves 718mm of LoS penetration @ 70° @ 10m in-game.

it just cant at least against a reallistic armored target, if you use current war thunder’s formula against semi infinite targets it cant, the test was done against a target with RHA and spaced armor simulating “RHA” the issue is that this kind of target dosent simulate RHA correctly wich means the performance its not gonna be the same in wt than what on the test, even if it LoS it wouldnt reach that ingame

Lets not get off topic