Lets talk about the state of Germany

This is the Main reason to call the 2A7V OP, need skills.

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Pretty much this

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122s were ingame for over 3 years at that point if you haven’t learned how to deal with those it’s really a skill issue especially because the 2A7V is worse armored for some stupid reason. Like they have giant holes in the armor profile you can easily use to kill them not like T series tanks


or yk, give the su-22 the Kh-29TE…
and maybe ARMs?

They were absolutely annoying to fight and absolutely braindead easy to play.

I have personally yet to see a 90M pull a BVM moment and not detonate when hitting the ammo rack.

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Idk i always felt like the leopard 2k was a leopard and abrams type child. I still have mine on my 11.7 lineup just cause it feels good. (God give the thermals back to the 20mm) would still love to see more leopard with the 1600hp engine come. Pretty sure the PSO chasis is from a proto leo 2a6 model. Maybe we could see the leopard revolution come around 11.3 like the 2PL. I just want more tams ginestly i don’t see people give the 2C enough credit honestly.

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I haven’t played the 122s, but I have played the 2A7V and if someone couldn’t just turn their brain off, hold W and still get 3-5 kills in it in december I would seriously doubt their level of skill.

Highly depends on the revolution package variant. Some might end up at 11.7

I played the type 90’s not to long ago grinding me type 10 and i had a few moments where 2a7V and Strvs would have the front hull plate just under the turret est shells then other times kill the whole crew. Honestly the whole debate of the leopards imo comes to map and playstyle. I play more aggressive so the tkx and type 90s have been hitting it off for me. Then my leopards i dont play as aggressive due to reload armor is niche imo as most often you get breeched regardless. Maybe its me but the armor addons never gave me a hardtime cause i normally breech shot with the occasionly skill issue miss or volumetric. Same with my abrams honestly mobility is more my playstyle and so is reload. Though i get more turret necked than breeched lol.

Issue is there arent reals anymore tams. They did one further upgrade, just not sure how much it would change in warthunder

The more the merrier also gotta get me that sweet sweet box turret armor man.

Would love the advanced technology demonstrator. Thats the peak of the revolution package

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Ik but still love the tams and even if its really minor id want it. Seriously tam in sim on germany is where i learned to get better at tanks. (Also disguising my bmp in russian decals to hide it lol)

I know some may think this is unpopular but i haven’t had to pull my german spaa in top tier every since i got my air tree far enough. Vt1’s are so bad dealing with 10km out targets ive dound it more manageable to deal with them in an aircraft.

did it have them?
i didnt know lol… interesting…

my argument still is up the fuel tank does eat too much spall in my opinion

The fuel tank is covered by spall liners and fuel tanks in-game (all) absorb the outer part of spalling. This has always been the case for all vehicles and this is nothing new.

is not like UK’s 570 mm in lenght apfsds could pen over 600 mm of armor

I’ve always agreed that in-game penetration and real life penetration is completely wrong, there are declassified documents I have which state some British shells can penetrate at LEAST 700mm.

The reason Russian mains thought it was so OP was due to the fact that they actually had to aim no instead of just pointing and clicking like they used to always be able to do

Nothing to do with Russian mains, I think you’ve completely forgot that other nations outside of Sweden, Germany and Russia exist in-game. Its was a nightmare to face due to both Leopards from Sweden and Germany having the capability to tank shots, react then obliterate you whilst taking minimal time to aim as your vehicle is far inferior to theirs.

Only few tech trees got had MBTs with spall liners installed (in-game) which is ahistorical as this is the opposite in reality. The Merkavas, Type 99 series (China), Arietes and more had them in real life.

This also doesn’t help the fact the only vehicle comparable in performance to the Leopard 2A7V is nothing currently, the T-90M is close but the reverse speed hinders it and all other vehicles cant even compare.

I would like to see a pic since 1: i’m not in My PC rn and cant get on my PC
2: afaik T90M dosent have spall liners surrounding the fuel tanks

According to physics if an object finds another object with the same density it can’t penetrate more than it’s own lenght, less if the object has ways to decrease penetration like spaced armor, so no, a 570 mm apfsds can’t pen 700 mm of composite, i don’t think it can Even pen that ammount of RHA maybe something else but not those 2.

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It does, both IRL and in-game.

Rlly? I havent seen them, do You mind taking a pic of them? Since i’m not able to go in My PC rn