Lets talk about the state of Germany

Also the argument of “they don’t speak the same language” is idiotic.

@Anatoly_Karpov just saying u angered a literal switzt kek, Drag0oon is switz

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switz pretty much is the exact same situation as benelux to france in my opinion

Where would u put swiss lol, has no other place in a nation, and its even worse stand alone then benelux and so many other optiond


You still haven’t given a source for this claim. Only some conspiracy theory level rambling.

I would put them as premium or squadron vehicles on the nations who manufactured them.
Or event vehicles.

If there is even a need for them at all, it’s again copy and paste.

With Austria i agree, they understand. Most Germans though don’t.
There is no reason Swiss tree should be German.

i mean in the current state thats all i need lol. its not to far fetched

the big thing for switzerland in the german tree would be supporting germanys dying air tree, which is pretty dead after ww2 already even

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I mean that’s just not true. I see German tourists communicate fine with swiss German speakers as deep as Bern which has one of the strongest dialects in the entire nation.

Swiss co-development with a large amount of German military equipment, Swiss Rheinmetall specifically have been a big role in Munition development for decades, numerous amounts of German tech (and concepts) in the swiss military during WW2 and cold war. The biggest reason is that France just got BeNeLux so there is no reason for Switzerland to go to France and there is no other nation that could realistically get Switzerland.

Panzer 87 140, Panzer 87 WE (proto and in service), Panzer 68 (and its variants), Mowang piranha and a lot of other domestic tanks & upgraded versions of foreign imports.


I have different experience, even the germans working in my company don’t understand anything.

We used even more equipment from the US and UK, so what.

Used equipment ≠ Developing and using equipment. In recent times Switzerland has had much closer military ties with Germany and German developments than most other places. Think of RCH 155 tiral or DM53 development / production or Rheinmetall in Zurich.
(wouldn’t count America with F35 as we don’t have any domestic military aviation sector and forced to import…)

Sure we used more UK equipment in the past (centurions, vampires etc) and are currently using more American planes (F5, F35 and F18C) and lets not forget the large amount of French equipment (amx-13, mirage III etc), but none of those nations need Switzerland as a subtree, what gaps are we gonna fill for them?

Already has a competitive air tree and top tier Switzerland wouldn’t help with the non-existent 10.0 line-up. (BeNeLux rumoured)

Competitive 10.3 ground line-up and a consistent air tree with few gaps of which can be filled with other nations. (already have SA)

Has current gaps and future ones regarding ARH, especially air and the lack of any capable ARH carrying plane or the lack of MBTs in the 10.3 bracket.


If France is getting all of the Benelux, I don’t see any valid argument for Germany not getting Switzerland in addition to Argentina…

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7mm xd


clearly OP xDD

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Better nerf it to 5mm, just to be sure xD

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why yes comrade, leopard tank needs a hole! How else will the crew breathe?? ))))

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Gotta make sure the PUMAs 5.56mm can pen it

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As a German, a comment on the German language: Dialects in Germany are sometimes so extremely varied that individual words in two villages that are 3km apart sound so different that they cannot be understood. However, the dialect is increasingly disappearing from everyday use and has never existed in written German. The same applies to Austria, Switzerland or former East Prussian areas where German is still written and spoken. Language is hardly a distinguishing feature between Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

And on the topic: I think it is a mistake to completely attribute smaller nations to a large nation. Germany is special with the DDR and BRD and I can understand that the tech tree includes Soviet and NATO military technology. Otherwise, “foreign” technology should be limited to export variants.

Maybe they should remove Germany out of the game. The rate how German tanks are distributed among other nations is out of hand. Soon France will drive around with Leopards as well…