Lets talk about the state of Germany

I look at that picture, and all I think is: ‘‘Gaijin, Fennek when?’’

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Considering the fact Fennek’s most powerful armament is either a .50 cal RCWS or a 40mm grenade launcher? Likely never.

I don’t think there has even been an ATGM armed Fennek, at least not in German service.

Fennek no, but there’s quite a few TPz Fuchs with ATGMs.

They could add the one with a 20mm too with APDS rounds



ah, so a vehicle for the BENELUX subtree then xDD


Which will go to France

That’s not German

It shouldn’t. But knowing gaijin it will.


Of course. As a Hungary

It will… pretty soon allready

Gaijin moment

It’s dumb and makes no sense but I will most likely happen sadly.

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Those are MANPADS, no?

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yes, Fliegerfaust most likely (aka Stinger)

yep, turkish turret with stingers, bought by the dutch

4 +4 stinger

Yeah, so still no ATGM-armed Fennek. Kinda a shame.

hot missles still only benelux @BeЗuH4uk


Other spall liners become same as hull spall liners for 2a7/122. I’d rather they just removed them from the game, but that’s not bad either. A step in the right direction.

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