Lets talk about the state of Germany

Smin passed this one, so there’s at least a chance.

The other one was also passed by Smin. So were the multiple reports on the underperforming hull armor of the Leo 2A7V and PSO, yet none of them were implemented so far, with most being labeled as not a bug after a few days.

Because we have these:


Ach so.

It doesn’t matter who passes a report. Regardless of if it’s me, Trickzzter or anyone else. The outcome is decided by the developers, not us.

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The joke is that the arguments are just assertions.

Basically it says: The Stalinium components of the T tanks stop spalls better than the NATO aluminum. Or have I missed something? Or have there been real fire tests on Leopard gun mantlets and can they back up their claim?

Let’s be honest: just have balls in your pants and say clearly that the Leopards have been weakened regardless of rl performance because they are otherwise too strong in the game.

I really don’t have a problem with that. But first stuff like installing spall liners and then just making the Leopards non-functional is simply not good marketing.


Thats the part that bugs me the most. Gaijin devs being ADAMANT their modelling is as accurate as possible, followed by them quietly correcting issues at a later date. Its a massive issue imo, and a primary cause of bad blood and distrust.

Players spend hours/days of their time and their own money to make bug reports that get denied by gaijin and their secret “sources”, followed by gaijin fixing the issue at a later date without acknowledging the bug reports at all.

It’d be much better the devs stop wasting players time and just say “this vehicle/weapon has been artificially weakened to fit the current games constraints for balance purposes. Performance may be revised at a later date”


they then would have to admit that russian tanks have been buffed and nato tanks nerfed
to keep it balanced

And they would never admit that ^^


Most of those reports listed as acknowledged, with a few exceptions, took 2-3 bug reports for wording to be found where the devs wouldn’t instantly label them as not a bug. Most notably would be the reports about the Leo’s armor and more specifically the hull armor where it took more reports that I can even remember for the devs to entertain the idea that the Leo 2A7V’s hull armor isn’t drastically inferior that that of the Swedish Leos (this report still sits in acknowledged limbo).


just to come back on that one real quick.

The BVM spall angles can vary depending on where you shoot. It’s normal when you shoot rear or front, but becomes narrower when you hit the center.

I remember testing it back in 2023, and the difference comes from the turret carroussel armor, which doesn’t create any spall, but absorbs the spall created on the main flat side armor

This picture is why I stopped playing the game altogether, the devs will never acknowledge this obvious and broken balance.


Everyone knows Trickzzter’s opinions on things, I won’t surprise you if I tell you a big chunk of the playerbase have no trust for him, and rightfully, while they trust you more.

I understand the forums is not the best place to talk about it and I apologize if I break any rules but having a mod that openly despises a good chunk of Gaijin’s customers is odd to me.


It truly does seem like they are baiting for certain unnamed documents….


He’s not a mod, he’s an employee. Besides, as Smin pointed out the answers he gives come from the devs.

Has anyone else noticed that recently most matches now include USSR vs USSR in GRB? Seems like we have reached the good old Murica or USSR Fotm peaks leading to these mirror matches.

well was the same already when the obj 292 got added for 10.0/11.0

and nobody likes to play vs a enemy that kills you without having a chance to defend yourself

i mean i haven’t played TT well played war thunder at all

It no fun to get killed by su25sm3 or dumb shots that penetrate which shouldn’t


The “Winning Team Joining” phenomenon. As old as there are competitive team games. Many players see the unbalanced CAS problem with the best combination in the Russian tree, lose more often than before and switch to the Russian tree (if possible). Or just play in the lower BR until the highest BR is balanced again at some point. I’m pretty free from pain. I play my A7, which can withstand significantly less without a functioning spall liner or atomic spall in the turret and is no longer much better than the A6. I am then killed 50/50 by tanks or at some point by CAS, jump into the FlaRakRad or Tiger UHT and then had fun. The win rate is still well over 50%, the KD with Leo has fallen just under 2. So on the whole there is no reason to cry with the Germans. In the CAS game, the German tree was left out anyway. Unless you take the Tornado for a 5-minute lap into the stratosphere and then drop 4 precision bombs. Not really funny.

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I miss his voice :(

Considering who this guy was, I don’t miss him at all, I don’t like giving money to someone who despises some of his customers, and god I do give a lot of money to gaijin :')

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