Lets talk about the state of Germany

so it is fine for them to make up false info based on reports from other vehicles and nerf other TT’s tanks because their stupid ass cant aim? but when we get info that proves the contrary they decide its ok to just ignore it and say its fake or some bs like that?, seriously gaijin needs some new tech mods to take a look at this cuz this is ridiculous

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might aswell have to ping a mod just to talk this out cuz this is ridiculous, this is straight up an attack to other TT’s and its blatantly obvious favoritism


Some more goodies from “the other side” of the wall. They will believe in anything that supports their cause (and that cause being nerfing everything Western into the ground).

Here’s a thread by this dude asking for a nerf to Leopard 2s hull armour too:

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the fact he tries to attack capitalism and even other people are calling him out for saying bullshit and he starts defending himself by making fun of capitalism or the people who are calling him out on his bullshit, that tells me a lot about him

anyone who tries to drag political “uhh capitalism/communism sucks” sh*te into WT should just leave goddamn. I mean we joke about the Egg Carton Relikt and all but seriously… thats another level.

worse of all is the fact he even makes up blatant lies just for the sake of nerfing the leopard because he obviously dosent know how to play the game, he its the biggest dumbass i’ve seen in the forums by far

oh boy i had a laugh reading it, yes it was translated via google but still xD

then go pick me up as well lol

What else is left to nerf ?
mantlet ? or tracks/engine ? :D

firstly they might not accept it.
secondly how, do you plan to ram it into their office? lol
if is true, count me in

well its rather obv that russian stuff is garbage, as you see in rl and shown ingame to a degree,hence the fantasy buffs and nato stuff works as expected, hence the nerfs
but at one point, that it reached it long ago, its just became? more and more obvious that gaijin favours russia and gives them all the handholding they need…

I mean russian tanks are known for 2 things

  1. they are dirt cheap
  2. the stuff they can is greatly overestimated (after all russia can’t have worse tanks then nato xaxa)
  3. they throw the turret when penetrated and the crew gets vaporized…
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Elevation speed and gunner optics :D

well they are already at it

with that…
so i guess we will find out sooner or later what or how they nerf it xD

You see comrade we will model detailed internal compartment for Abrams and Leopards so we can nerf them more Meanwhile Russian autoloaders will keep working under any situation xd


Why every time i get here i get slapped with the news of a random nerf for german vehicles for absolutely no reason what next increase the Br of Pz. IV bc they have good cannons, more nerfs to the 229 bc why not, or randomly nerf the Leo2s armour and mobility for no reason

I don’t get it.

Isn’t he sharing a diagram that agrees with Western sources as well as Gaijin’s implementation of the Leopard 2A4 turret protection?

The diagram is fake. Also pay attention to head-on protection; it’s only 350mm RHAe vs KE instead of the real ~430 - 440mm.

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dude faked sources? Things like this should be a ban for writing reports and writing on the forum

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i agree faking official information is already a crime in official documents from countries so idk why here it shouldnt go without punishment

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Nah he’s too dumb for that. He got it from a chinese blog. You can still find it there, you can also find it on the Sturgeon House forum where a user ‘Wiedzmin’ debunked it.



Take a look for yourself.

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damn that looks like the old forum.