Lets talk about the state of Germany

Yea its true, i tried play with my Leopard2A5-A6 and got one shotted every single time.

I had a repair task in ground rb. I had to abort this one, cause everone just dying now with one shot. No chance to repair assist anyone.

According to Smin this change was based on multiple studies and reports.

Well good luck reversing this…

According to Smin & TrickZZter, the devs don’t think Germany’s armour design advanced past 1970s either.

We can’t reverse it, but we can give them shit for it at every corner. Eventually it will come crashing down.

Btw a small hint: there are no studies about this, they are making it up just to have an excuse.

edit: some kids got angry & flagged this, lmao.


Moment i saw that sentence i knew it was bs.

Like you said its time to give them shit at every corner.

ah yes our old friend trickZZter
shooting down anything related that would benefit not russia :)

for what ? The obvious bullshit they do with german or rather nato tanks ?
All that happens is you, me or anyone else getting a break from stona or anyone else

Probably lose good boy points as well.

Ah flagging again, nice :)
keep going with it razervon

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And? Penetration is set up by formula. They can show anything, it won’t matter.

welcom in british issue xD, we love oneshot too

So no documents to prove it just “I should be able to 1 shot through here” and boom it’s nerfed? That’s BS

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nah just a brainless oleg with aiming issues making a report, kinda funny
hur dur aiming at empty space creates no spalling, can’t be normal REEE

Meanwhile @FurinaBestArchon makes detailed reports with measure tape and shit
and it gets closed
Because of reasons…

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Yeah there was one he made that got closed after only being up for like 20 minutes

Spalling on all tanks seems OP now.
Though I lack evidence to show if it’s wrong.

Being able to just shoot any part of pennable area of all tanks in War Thunder at the top end resulting in a crew/ammo frag in the first shot is weird.

I feel like 2A7V shouldn’t be as one shot-able as Soviet tanks are; though it’s entirely possible that the new spalling of all tanks is more correct than previous spalling.

Pretty much so any of the main 3 western tanks (Abrams, Leopard 2, Chally 2) shouldn’t be as one shotable as they are and no where near as 1 shotable as Russian tanks.

Still the single worst “bug report” ive ever seen…

The fact this was allowed as a bug report at all shows how low the bar is when reporting any possible nerf to western tech.

Meanwhile, I need to break into Area 51, hijack an experimental US aircraft, use it to somehow get all politicians on earth never to tell another lie, and then create everlasting perfect world peace for gaijin to MAYBE approve a bug report with 17 sources, 32 of which are primary.


Seems just as legit as the “Klimb Afterburner” bug report for the FW190s

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Fun fact: I talked in DM’s to that mod, explaining to him that the report is null 'n void due to low testing standard (one shot, bad placement) and suggested to instead focus on the BVM… yeap, I was disregarded.


The fact that report got acted upon sooner than the significantly more detailed ones (e.g: Leopard 2 et al turret armour) honestly broke me, I don’t have any drive left to try & work with the mods and devs no more…

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absolutely ridiculous how devs are convinced that hitting a spot with a thin metal rod its supossed to create enough spall to make it conveniently work similar to APHE

I’m just waiting for further 2A6 nerfs due to Russia capturing one, when they do happen (and they will), i’m going full scroched earth ;^)

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if that happens im going to drop the leopard 2A7 info directly to the devs


Russians thinks 2A4s armour is overperforming.

Fun fact: the hull is in fact underperforming, but they will stop at nothing to make sure Russia is the best nation at any given BR :"D