Lets talk about the state of Germany

ohh here we go flagging spam away! lmao

Well enjoy flagging me I guess…
Edit: He did it. ;)

please! LMAO

Think like this:
If you hold a shield Infront of you, are you behind that shield and your arm or only behind your arm?

Secondly, I have not yet tested it myself, but try shooting it in protection analysis and see what happens to the spall from that plate. If my memory serves me correct the inner armor does not always stop the spalling that derives from the outer layers of armor.

Armor stops spalling from other plates IRL and in-game.
That’s why I’m laughing at the fact the 60mm plates spalled in the first place, what a waste of calculations.

Irl yes. In Game, I don’t think so, but I might be wrong.
I just have a vivid memory of seeing just that, spalling from outer plates going through and hitting crew.

I think if it did happen, that’d be a bug.
Either way removing unnecessary spalling probably would fix any bugs while reducing processing needed when armor is hit.
Cause only the last armor plate in the line needs to spall after all.
Whether it’s the 50mm plate of T-90, or the 45mm plates of Leopard 2s.

It objectively isn’t sorry mate


it isnt its noticeably much less acurate than the PT76 57 but the main reason is because the cannon wasnt meant for extreme precision since in the first place its a naval cannon

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Ah, that’d explain it pretty well.
Thank you.

yeah noticeable becasue of the muzzle thingy at the tip that i dont even know what it is or what is it for but that i’ve noticed with a lot of naval autocannons

flash hider

well that we can both agree on.

even if it is a bug, that means that it would happen to all tanks and thus effect performance if removed from only some right?
of course the aim would be to fix that bug but in the meantime those tanks who got spalling removed from outer layers would be buffed compared to those who didn’t.

I don’t have the resources to make a proper bug report, but the Begleitpanzer 57 has thermals. The VT1-2 Doesn’t. They have the same gunner sight, the Peri-R 12, clearly the same on both. So either the Begleitpanzer doesn’t have thermals, or the vt1-2 does. Can somebody make a bug report about this? I’m not the best with them. It’s the same sight on the Leo 1A5, I believe.

Ok, nevermind.

we need new CAS
ADD F-4F-KWS-LA for germany? - Machinery of War Discussion / Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

they dont have the same gunner sight…

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Oh wait, Nevermind, it’s the sight from the 1a4/2k.

The Begleitpanzer does not the Peri R-12, nor does the Leo 1A5. The PERI R-12 is usually the commander optic on the vehicles that use it (Leopard 2 variants up to the 2A4, as well as the 1A4, yes)

The VT1-2 is the only that employs it as gunner sight because of its special design

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And the 2AV, and PT-16/T14 mod.

mentioned Leopard 2 variants

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