Lets talk about the state of Germany

nah they throw a dice but not the normal ones
They use the special ones

like those
but they also got a picture of putin on it ;)

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nah this ones


I am very curious if they will correctly change the weight since were basing the vehicles info solely on the brochure that clearly is not 100% accurate to the built prototype .

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the helicopter detection system is an IRST, which are already ingame (ADAD on Stormer HVM and Ozelot) with an additional filter for all signatures that arent from helicopters.

If the game code supports it all it needs is an “aircraftAsTarget”: false, “helicoptersAsTarget”: true.
If helicopters are also considered aircraft, just set the maximum speed to 400 or so km/h, that effectively does the same thing


So it’s a search radar but infrared like what we already have?
Cause if not that’s not in WT yet.
Static sensors are inactive on a lot of vehicles for that reason.

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also the articles above repeatedly say that fitting of the device is a future thing, do we know if it ever was what it’s max range is, how reliable is it, is it functional at night ect? seems an important pre-requisite to adding it (especially since it’d need to be 3d modeled and added to the existing bagel model)



we have IRST search on SPAA in game

Which is what I said… hence my confusion.

ah, double negative. Missed that

Yeah, its IRST, but uses modulation of the helicopters signature by their rotor blades for filtering, but as said ingame a simple low max speed would do enough in 99% of cases


It would be amazing if it got all these features. I would look past the mobility nerf maybe then

recently made a bug report of the underperforming armor on the vilkas Vilkas underperforming armor

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It is as real as saying that Bagel has a 600hp engine. It’s in the same propaganda pamphlet.


The US never invested as much into SPAA as ww2 germany. By the Korean War they were still using Dusters.

did you read what I said? It says “will be fitted” I’m asking if it ever WAS

Sounds like a few nations are getting some love for their MBT’s this update and germany is not part of the bunch.

Chally 2 seems to have gotten a DM rework, Abrams ARAT ERA got a buff and is now able to tank multiple 30mm APFSDS shots and reduces main gun round spalling at angles, Merkava 4M apparently cannot be crew penned through the UFP anymore (though the engine still takes the hit) and its turret is back to the level of the Merk 4 LIC. It’ll be interesting to see if these changes make it to live.

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These are amazing News for Merkava family.

Thay even changed the filling type of the 4000 Ib H.C. Mark. IV bomb but they still refuse to do the same thing for us


Yeah, its getting pretty annoying to see these double standards. Its why I haven’t bothered playing the game since Dec 15th 2023 and stopped bug reporting altogether…

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