Since they are using this source to nerf the begleit, they should accept and add APFSDS to it. As well the helicopter sensor
Not to mention that almost all sources sey that it’s capable of using TOW or HOT atgms and not only TOW also in some sources they mentioned that the gun is capable of firing APFSDS plus all sources agreed that the vehicle top speed is between 75 Km/h to 78 Km/h and not 71 Km/h for the helicopter warning we have this as proof of its existence
Well helicopter detection sensors aren’t in-game period, so if and when they come I expect all the vehicles that have them IRL to get them.
As for APFSDS… I don’t know if a 10.0 Begleit would be great; very well could be, and I just don’t know.
HOT missiles might keep the Begleit 9.3 though.
What vehicles outside of the begal would also have them
Of course it would be good. Why only USSR can have a 2S38?
Sweden has had one far longer.
As I said in the post:
Considering the enhanced armor and survivability of the 90C, I feel like the Begleit is more akin to the 90B, which is 9.7
if it gets apdsfs, it would be quite similar to the 2s38, without irst but with atgm, it would be at least 10.0.
i’ve noticed that Crewless turrets its one of the main reasons why some vehicles go in higher tiers since it helps with survivability a lot
you still have more first stage ammo, higher fire rate, atgm, better reverse, btw only the ags have actually been moved up for having a crewless turret, and you also have the vilkas and the freccia at the same br.
sometimes i think gaijin ways of balancing vehicles its assisted either by AI or by a rock paper scissor lol
I would hardly count that as an advantage, non-tandem ATGMs at that br are nothing to write home about
it is still an advantage. for example you can easily kill the 292 thanks to the atgm
it is a big advantage tbh the atgm reloads fairly quickly and has saved me more than i can count but the extra pen on the HOT missile would def help specially with the damage i’ve noticed I-TOW damage its pretty low
nah they throw a dice but not the normal ones
They use the special ones
like those
but they also got a picture of putin on it ;)
nah this ones
I am very curious if they will correctly change the weight since were basing the vehicles info solely on the brochure that clearly is not 100% accurate to the built prototype .
the helicopter detection system is an IRST, which are already ingame (ADAD on Stormer HVM and Ozelot) with an additional filter for all signatures that arent from helicopters.
If the game code supports it all it needs is an “aircraftAsTarget”: false, “helicoptersAsTarget”: true.
If helicopters are also considered aircraft, just set the maximum speed to 400 or so km/h, that effectively does the same thing
So it’s a search radar but infrared like what we already have?
Cause if not that’s not in WT yet.
Static sensors are inactive on a lot of vehicles for that reason.
also the articles above repeatedly say that fitting of the device is a future thing, do we know if it ever was what it’s max range is, how reliable is it, is it functional at night ect? seems an important pre-requisite to adding it (especially since it’d need to be 3d modeled and added to the existing bagel model)