Lets talk about the state of Germany

forgot the hot missles, the only feature that could be easily and reliably be added


that’s what annoys me more than anything they revisit a vehicle to nerf it but don’t update it with other bug reports i.e missing ammo types etc


Bro just straight up forgot about the Leopard 2A5 which dominated the tank meta for a long time, not to mention how meta-defining Germany is at the lower battle ratings.



If we’re digging that far into the past, might as well mention how M1 & M1IP dominated top tier (and defined what aspects should be expected from future MBTs), how US was the only nation to get Bullpups/stand off weapons initially (and even today they’re still very potent, basically defining CAS at 8.7), how AH-1Z was the meta defining helicopter for a long time as well.


I never said the 2A5 didn’t dominate just that it’s no longer relevant because practically everyone and their mother has one now. Also I’m specifically talking about top tier i never said anything about not dominating low tier. Also that isn’t entirely true . Germany does potentially dominate low tier and 6.7 but in between it’s kinda 50/50.

But either way Germany still has a pretty rough and bland top tier experience until you unlock the 2A7 and Germany top tier needs a ton of fleshing out ie new and better AA and some light tanks the PUMA does not cut it and should never have been moved to 10.0.

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The Leopard 2A4 came before the IPM1 and after the M1. At the time, it had a better gun/apfsds and armor than either vehicle.

Just pointing out that Germany gets plenty of love.

Germany still has the second best tanks in the game after Sweden. The US is in a much worse condition SPAA-wise than Germany. I am all for adding new things to Germany, but Germany has not been neglected by any stretch of the imagination.

It had what? At the time the difference between M774 & DM23 was lower than it is today, initially 2A4 had ~360mm KE on the turret & upper plate, M1IP came to the game with ~400mm on the turret.

So, we’re just ignoring that M1s opponents in 1.77 (or 1.79) were Leo 2K & T-64B (that had 3BM-22), M1IP was better than the 2A4 at the time (arguably speaking, so was M1 because it was just so stupidly hard to kill at the time).

Just pointing out that Germany gets plenty of love.

From time to time, yes. The air is basically the middile child though, ground is treated somewhat better recently.

That’s fair, but that’s mostly reflective of the IRL German air force - not because they want to ignore German players. I bet we will see the EuroFighter this year though.

Not even about the amount of content they get, but the fact they get the same content as everyone else (usually) with a ~6 month delay at least;

  • F-4F was added a year after the F-4E
  • MiG-21Bis a year after the Russian one
  • MiG-23MLA half a year after the MLD

etc etc.

The only two ‘recent’ additions that haven’t come with a delay are Tornado & Alpha Jet this patch.


This thing was so absolutely broken on release though. However it got somewhat fixed within a week while the M1 continued stomping for a month or 2.

In what way was it broken back then?

BR 8.7 with the original black hole mantlet (would just eat the entire round without doing any damage) and a 5 second reload.

I just unlocked the M60A1 AOS when 1.77 was released. I can tell you, not a good time to be playing that BR.

That sounds quite uncomfortable to face. Wasnt the hull still pretty weak tho?

Lets not kid ourselves here, M1 was 9.3 also w/5s reload (there wasn’t a time where you wouldn’t fight this damn thing, that’s why they got limited to 4 per team, or was it 4 per match?). Pretty sure gaijin also basically deleted spalling from the game at that point due to the long rod modifier (and fixing it took them a while as well) which made M1s basically unkillable. Leo 2K was nowhere near it on the “god dammit” scale, although with the occasional downtier yea it was horrible to face, but it was also pretty nice to have on your team because HEAT-FS could lol-pen the T-64B at any range.

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There is so many vehicles they could add for top ground. I mean the boxer is the answer to the light tank problem. So many cool variations. There is also some AAs they could add but the only one to really be able to compete in top tier is the uae’s Pantsire s1e build on the german MAN 8X8, but that is highly controversial probably. And there are tons of Leo 1 and 2 variants they could add.

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It was absolutely horrible to face, but the M1 indeed so much better even. However if the M1 wasn’t added in that update I think the 2K would have taken it’s place as the, although ever so slightly weaker, flavour of the month update vehicle.

Kind of shows what a shitshow that year was in terms of balance.

It also didn’t help that this was also still the time where autocannons had a super easy time breaking gun barrels.

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i want my skyranger 30 GIVE IT TO ME, RAAAAAAAH


No skyranger 30 but here take engine power nerf for beigleit57 comrade.


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