what would speak against the marder 2 ?
Forwarded to developers. Nothing more… I really want to see that vehicle in tech tree or as event machine.
would be cool to have it and going after wikipedia ( yes i know not reliable bla bla ) you would have either a 35 or 50mm gun, would be awesome to be able to choose what gun you want to use :D
Support this report about the Leo 2 PSO please. I did it when sons of attila update came out and they told me it was fixed but it still not fixed.
Community Bug Reporting System
US mains cry they got better reload than every one and will get new shell but ppl provide evidence about the 2a7 armour and it’s D tech get nothing plus what is this
Ofc you won’t find enough information about the 2a7 in a Swedish tender talking about the Strv 122 what Sweden have to do with the 2a7
You’re right, we must unite to resist GAIJIN’s actions
i support you very much
Thay just do what they want. Nothing will change it…
We really can’t do anything we don’t have the numbers nor this community like us all that bc of YouTubers and redditors use to talk shit and make memes about us 24/7 to the point that our existence in this player base became irrelevant to most ppl.
even if we want to complain about something no one will care, the core of this thread was about us not receiving a good top tier tank and some other problems about the lynx, Puma bugs and ofc not getting a competitive fighter but in the end after waiting long enough we got the 2a7 (but ofc only after that tragedy of the pso) and we did get the Mig 29G, se we really don’t have something strong to argue about yes the 2a7 is missing it’s true armour but compared to other nations it’s actually performing well according to ppl that used it.
about the Mig 29G well this is the best we can get at the moment we basically run out of almost anything that can be added at top tier for Germany all left is the ICE, some tornadoes and finally the typhoons but thses can only be implemented about half to a year from now we can get the Swiss F/A 18 or F-20 Tiger shark but just imagine how ppl will be mad about them being added to the German TT.
So about top tier we can’t do alot of things about it it’s working at the moment but in the future there will be some problems specially when it come to air battles since we won’t reserve anything after the Mig 29G but we can only hope for the best.
Imo i think we need Gaijin to stop adding things to rank 8 and 7 at least only for this year and make them focus on economy, fixing missing loadout and other game mechanics.
Not to mention that they’re already mad at us because we got the Swiss Hunter, Argentina Sk-105, and DF-105.
Yeah, it is sad how german mains have been reduced to a laughing stock in recent times. Gaijin just being tone deaf to us adds salt to the wound
Well, this… Are they imbecile or they pretend to be?
ofc They can’t find them in Swedish tender because it a god damn GERMAN TANK!!!
Those are nothing but Russian main they just love pathetic easy mode playing style and think of themselves that have higher skills than anyone else but in truth they are nothing.
no big suprise when you can as ru main just aim in the general direction except for strv122
and get free kills while everyone has to aim for weakspots that are none :D
Should’ve looked in the thread where they made today’s post. Some clown called Count_Trackula tried baiting real hard that IBD wasn’t capable of making armours :D
So thats it? we wont get better armor? all for nothing? Worse cheek armor then even the leopard 2a5?
Yes. Again we meet same as was with pso
not better armor but they wrote that they want to change the damage model
Regarding the slightly lower turret protection than the Leopard 2A6, small differences in durability within ~2~5% do not affect this tank’s protection, and are due to the difference in vehicle geometry. In the near future, we will update the DM for Leopard 2 tanks, therefore correcting any minor discrepancies.
whatever that means