Lets talk about the state of Germany

This leads to the Leopard II A7V’s current maximum speed and acceleration, the armor is wrong. They ask for too much, and in fact a lot of data is torturous for players to collect in too much detail

It is also up to the developer whether the data can be adopted after data collection

yea thats a problem I have with the Vilkas too because the 38mm composite screen it is clad in acts as 5mm RHA ( I´m not kidding) even tho it is supposedly STANAG 4569 Level 4 complient all around and Level 6 complient in the front. but because it is classified as of 2017 (I beleive when Land 400 Phase 2 begun) websites that quote protection with links are not reachable anymore.

At a recent mess event Rheinmetall showcased the protection of Boxer. The frontal armor being lvl 6 and and that the side armor can be increased to Level 6 too, with ADS.


damn thats nice

is that used on the boxers atm tho? I believe gaijin would give me a hard time just with that

Unfortunately Gaijin has no idea what STANAG protection levels entail

Chinese players claim that Gaijin is Russia’s intelligence agency (they ask for too much detail)

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well I mean thats not the craziest shit we heared about gaijoob this year xD

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Yet you have other mains agreeing. Hell you could see for a moment there were topics created on forum to return the damage to the tanks, but they were fastly deleted. Or people coming to agree on topics that damage was massively reduced even against non spall liner vehicles.

it pisses me off that Gaijin still hasnt fixed the hundred like bugs reports of the PUMA. like we literally gave them the infos they need and yet they keep ignoring it. what’s wrong with them

well lets be real here if they fixed Pumas armor that thing would be impenetrable from the front and side by anything including ATGMs besides main battle tanks, I mean not even the turret armor is correct

pumas protection would be 480+mm front 180mm+ sides tureret would be about 100+mm frontal
then it would actually deserve 10.0

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2A7V armor doesn’t get fix underperforming and yet Russian main crying it OP right now what a total joke there is no way that 2A7V are heavier but had less armor than strv122


I saw the thread and laughed for solid 20 mins its just comedy gold

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plus if they fixed AHEAD… OMG that’d actually be useful ffs

I mean I think spall liners are a pretty decent idea if they were given to everyone, it would give a bit more of an armor and survivability meta.

However a lot of the whining from the US playerbase could have been prevented if they didn’t add an Abrams variant that is seriously inferior to the current 2A7V (let alone in it’s fixed state) and Strv 122s.

Abrams really deserve better than this really also other nation such as France


contemplating to do the Vilkas frontal protection report

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And it just a week Russian doing that for years

it actually has that much armor on the Front? wow… dang . that’s crazy

it would be great if the rapid fire 30mm on the puma is actually a feature and not some misunderstanding.