Lets talk about the state of Germany

Gotta work with what they get. It is sad poland cant develop their own technology. Well guess gotta buy in other countries

We can but higher ups are stupid, why produce your own sph when you can buy k9

Good news


It is clear that Gaijin wants you to play multiple trees, but unlike what they wanted you to do, just dont spend money in the process.
Have a shot at Italy - it is fun. You only played Italian event boats but the land and air is hella fun. You are missing a lot by not playing minor nations.

I remember playing italian air back in ye olden days, it was very fun. Especially with the Re.2005 and the centauros, those things were fun to fly

They are still good now, but mostly relies on the incompetence of enemies.
Plus side is that you get to fight with the allies, Japanese or Russian etc once so often for a break

Not to mention in the new update the Japanese got the Type 99 Self Propelled Artillery, which as far as I know has the same gun as the PzH 2000, which Germany still doesn’t have a single in country SPA. But anyway, it’s rediculous that Germany didn’t get the LYNX first, even if they haven’t fielded it.


  1. The 15cm is a infantry feild support gun/assault gun
  2. The 15cm Panzerwerfer is a “MLRS”
  3. The Brummbär is an infantry support gun
  4. The 38cm sturmmorser is a anti-structure rocket launcher, if anything, is a mortar, like the name implies
  5. These are all WWII German “artillery” not really “Germany” if you get what I’m saying.
  6. None are really artillery

Eh, two of them I guess I’m wrong in, but two others are still domestically designed German self propelled artillery pieces.
Your fifth point is nonsense and I have no clue what you mean by it.
Your sixth point ignores the roles that the Sturmpanzer II and Panzerwerfer played irl.





Well, yes, the MLRS’s are “artillery” but simply by its design it was used for “short range” engagement with either infantry, it could be used at long range, the variant you saw from Wikipedia, is the Sf, or the “bison” which isn’t the same as the SFL, the Sf is much taller, and yeah, because of its low velocity and light protection, crews preferred to use it as artillery for their safety, although it was designed as a medium-short range assaulting of strategic positions. Also, I don’t suggest you use Wikipedia as a source, as anyone can change it if they want.

So the conclusion is that Germany does in fact have domestically designed self propelled artillery in it’s tree.

Yeah, but not in the way that I meant it, because the only way to say was I was intending to say about these being WWII German was the fact that it isn’t “German” or in other words I was trying to not be insensitive about the N-word and get a flag or ban. Essentially, I was saying post WWII home built German SPA or modern guns.

There is no reason why it wouldn’t be German, especially considering that German WW2 equipment constitutes about half of their ground forces tree.

I do understand what you meant, but it is an important distinction to make between ‘no post-war domestic’ and ‘no domestic at all’.


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I admit I could’ve just said that to begin with rather than acting the smartass.
Apologies for that.


Same here, sorry.


For now, any player should join forces to fight for fairness, rather than running to someone else’s chat channel and asking for something to shut up. Chinese players are looking for a restoration of their hull armor technology, and we are the same, and there is actually no conflict

Doing gods work there

For now, it is not excluded that the Hungarian line will have a Leopard II A7HU.You know, if the German players can’t solve the D technology armor, the Leopard II A7HU that comes out will also be the current A7V armor