Lets talk about the state of Germany

D-Tech for the PSO ^^


So best Leopard 2 is still swedish. Best Leopard 1 is italian (this mad 5.0 SPAA) and best Tiger tank is now italian as well.

Makes sense… Can we please get an Italian F-16 or Swedish Saab jet to compensate?


Swiss J39, because it was tested.

That’s good, very good.

Too good to be true.

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We aren’t even entirely sure whether the 2a7V will even get D-tech so yeah

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SepV3 with correct armor would be too much of a problem for German “precision”

oh go back in your hungary patriot hole. You speak just as much bullshit as him

I’m from Poland bro

doesnt change that you only come here to speak about hungarian vehicles for whatever reason and didnt even read trough the KF51 Evo announcement apparently. You leave absolutely nothing of worth here besides trying to annoy us

Will be like with kf41, Hungary will get it because they will be a only operator

the 2A7V is apparently already a problem for you guys, even tho the armor isnt even correct, lmao

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ah yes you genius you didnt think about the other thing. Yes you will get the KF51 EVO, the version with the L55/A1 auto loader on a buffalo chassis. Thats the one that will be in your service.

Germany in turn will get the 130mm version /possible with autoloader on a leopard chassis. And any other possible developed KF51 versions with a completly new chassis that might come in the future

not mentioning how the KF51 literaly is only a side grade to the 2A8 still

Can you show me kf41 in german tt with unmaned turret?

See only provoking and gajin already said we will get other version. There are plenty KF41s. If you are just salty because i am right just go, nobody keeps you here.

And i have tanks to play that i don’t whine about

Good then go and play them and stop talking shit here

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Oh yeah i do too, i will have fun with my 2 PL in the german tree. It fits great in the german tree. I think more polish vehicle propably should be added to germany. Basicaly already a sub tree either way

If you want go and wait, i dont care for that junk

oh its a great tank should try it as well got gen 3 thermals as well. You should be proud of your heritage. Makes a great place in the german tree

Yeah heritage, Leo2 EVO made to polish specification