Lets talk about the state of Germany

the guy has clearly no coherent thought line, and just picks as he needs it

For the literate among us, we can connect the dots that there are only 2 peer armor techs in the world, Germany, and the US. (Sorry Brits) So when it comes to comparable technology, that’s the only place where Introduction date matters.
All the tank trials were comparable between US and Germany with contemporary tech… hence to be balanced it would need to be contemporary… but Germans just get 5-10 year newer versions by comparison.

Real world =/= game. You’re changing the goalpost. So much for “literate”.

All the tank trials were comparable between US and Germany with contemporary tech… hence to be balanced it would need to be contemporary… but Germans just get 5-10 year newer versions by comparison.

Fewer versions inbetween?

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This entire convo reads like its something out of a surrealist sketch, because its so absurd

the other nations tanks are just as well armored gajin just doesnt wanna buff them or they are not enough sources available. You dont think everythingt as its in the game is like reality? jesus you are lost

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I’m very aware… in the real world M1A2 SEP has additional hull armor. In game, it’s using 1985 M1IP hull armor…

Well, since they skipped the C tech Leo2A4 from the late 80s/early 90s and went straight to A5… sure?

genius, he is talking about nearly every tank in the game

Genius, I know. I was posting an example. (A relevant one at that.)

That you’d have complained about all the same? DOI has no relevancy on capability, since different nations achieve different states of technology at different times.

For most, true.

For the US vs Germany?

No… they’ve had comparable contemporary tech since MBT-70…

That’s why they’re always top 2 in tank selection competitions.

you are contracidcting yourself again and again. Release year of the tanks has absolutely nothing to do with in game performance. Its gajin that doesnt give them the full capabilities. The year of the tank has those nothing to do with their capabilities in game. Man your mind is trough the gutter

again SWEDEN, not germany

I can imagine the screeching if Leopard 2A4 w/DM33 was introduced next to the M1A2.

That’s exactly what happened, in reverse. Yet they still complain. ;)

This has been amusing, but you may now return to your regularly scheduled screeching about how Sweden has a bit more armor than your versions while conveniently forgetting about their crap ammunition.

Again your point? it is the swedish tanks that dominated the game for god knows how long, germany has nothing to do with that

And diverged after 1991. Between the 2A6 & 2A7V there was no real capability improvement that would be relevant in War thunder, simply because the requrements changed. US introduced actual upgrades in the meantime into service.

Still, the only person whinining in here recently has been you, and about pretty irrelevant stuff, so well… whatever floats your boat young lad.

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and you get your mind out of the gutter lol, you have no clue what u are talking about. Speaking like germany is the number 1 top GRB nations when Sweden and USSR is better and US has an advantage trough better CAS.

Besides that, our whole community here always said adding the 2A7V is propably the worst idea on gajin part, because it does jump so much in combatility

In case you haven’t noticed, Stormwolf mains the US e.g: the biggest whiners this forum has ever seen (they were whining as far back as 1.77 when M1 was stomping everyone, and they still complained it’s not performing well enough [something something give M900 cus T-64B can’t be lolpenned]. He doesn’t care about our opinions on the 2A7V, he only cares about calling us whiners because it suits his agenda of “ohoho germoney sufferz need 20 year newer tank!!”, and it’s only in regards to the US as well :p

What he will not tell you though, is that US has an F-16 from mid 2000s, and it’s fighting basically a MiG-29A at top tier, which was acquired by the GDR in like 1989… you know, this sort of whining is wholey one-sided.

tl;dr dude’s just your typical main hypocrite.


btw is that new ? on the wedge i mean

yeye i know i’m a scumbag to use bushes on ufp to troll ru mains to aim there :D