Lets talk about the state of Germany

(Everyone laughed at Russia for getting their T-80BVM and T-72B3, because Russian 2018 is NATO 1999)

That’s why they got their newest and it still had to be buffed.

Germany and the US are commensurate in armor tech… so Germany constantly getting newer tanks than the US at the same time is just unbalancing from the snail while the German mains still whine about how they’re getting screwed.

All 3 of them

true, just shows he hasnt any clue. Many nations had tanks that are way newer, just look at merkavas and type 10 as example, gajin is just bad at implementing them

Interesting. So far I’ve just gotten “haha no” and “don’t argue with him”

Probably because nothing I’ve said is incorrect… it’s just inconvenient to the “Germany Suffers” party that is this threadnaught.

3 you bofos, shows you have no idea lol

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Typo doesn’t indicate lack of knowledge.

Pretending you’re not getting significantly newer tanks, and more of them, than Germany’s nearest peer in armor is… fun to watch.

(And I’m sure it just slipped your mind that those “better armored” Swedish tanks have all have crap rounds like the Russians…not DM53, available to all 4 R8 German Vehicles)

I mean yeah doesnt change the fact that the upgrade package is a decade newer.

ah yes good excuse lol

literaly arent, there is plenty of other nations that get newer stuff. And germany literaly didnt get any new mbt additions since neary 3 years, in that time a lot of nations got newer stuff then germany

None of them are on tech Par with Germany and the US…

Ya know, it’s funnier when you point out that Germany got a Rank 8 11.7 vehicle 2 years before everyone else. Yeah, the 2A5 came in the same patch as the 11.0 M1A1…

my suggestion to you is to just leave this thread, it was a mistake from the beginning barging into this thread with “STOP COMPLAINING” and “NOW I GET WHY YOURE CALLED GERMAN WHINERS”, you shouldve known from the beginning that with insulting a whole group of people you wouldnt have a productive conversation, even tho I dont think that was your intention anyway, just coming in and calling everybody stupid and leave, but whatever.

this whole conversation is pointless for everybody involved.


Anyways whose hoping for improved Leopard armor next patch, I know I am. Fingers crossed for D-tech, and also a fix for the acceleration. Recent datamine didn’t show any work being done on the Leopard but eh, maybe it’ll make it.

Well, it’s quite literally a thread full german mains (who have most consistently had the best line-up for years) whining about how their line-up isn’t good enough.

So, it was nice to come in and give them a perspective check.
(Most normal people sit back a second when they realize that they’re whining about the unfairness of it all, from the position of being on top.)

complain to gajin not to us, we arent at fault for that here

again blame gajin, but that doesnt have anything to do with the production year of the vehicle, Since gajin clearly isnt able to balance newer vehicles right.

You literaly are only whining about sth gajins decides, it doesnt have anything to do with german vehicles. Specialy when its sweden that has the most problematic ones

never said that. you are twisting our words. We complain about sweden having literaly the better german top tier. Thats the main problem of the mater. We never said we are better of the some other minor nations. You just falsely assume so.

Besides that we just want our vehicles to be as real as they are. And every nation is working on that

This is what I’m talking about

Sweden is the problem with 3, newer well armored vehicles, and rounds on Par with 3BM60…
Compared to Germany, with 4, newer well armored vehicles, and the best round in the game.

if thats what makes you sleep better, sure.

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So you would just take it when people start calling another tree the better version of your own?
There was a whole massacre because britain got the gripen c and because US received the F15A.
You are saying them should have just stayed quite as well?
You are a Hypocrite nothing more


When it comes to the Air? US mains are divas.

But this is the ground forum…

And what makes this different???

You realy pick your arguments as you like, besides that we talk about air here as well, we cant give it more tags. Just go , you have shown more then enough you dont care about anything and only wanna complain about germany. But its fine for other nations

First you complain about the year of introduction into service, now you’re complaining about capability.

Make up your mind whiner.