Lets talk about the state of Germany

MLA never had spo15. MLD was the first one to get it. At least it can detect j band now tho.

Any reason why it was decided to not equip the hull with spall liners on the 2A5 and 2A6?

Budget reasons I guess. The KWS 2 was already quite expensive because it required the turrets to be completely remodelled as well as significant modifications to the hull. The Leopard 2 would be used in a defensive position so a hull spall liner was likely not seen as 100% necessary.
The “Mannheimer Konfiguration” was decided by Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland and even the beak armour was cut because of weight issues.

That was for .14 already, we’re at .19.
It’s meaningless

the EX probably have the spall liner, at least the 2E does.

Apart of the problems of this update and it’s drama who want to see a V-1 in game




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Yes they did but only in the turret.
PSO should have hull as well also

That’s why I said “hull” spall liners :D

What is blud on about, we got one new Leopard this update. The other three were moved up from rank 6. It is my personal suggestion you spend more than 60 seconds thinking about it. And btw America has more Abrams than we do Leopards.

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ah yes another person with “stop complaining we have it worse then you mimimimi”


That’s because you got Leo2A5 (1995) the exact same patch the US got M1A1 (1985) and then got the Leo2A6 (2001) shortly after the US got M1A2 (1993)
The US only get a tank newer than the one you’ve had for 5 years JUST NOW. (And they still gave it the 1985 armor.)

TL;DR: You’ve not had many tanks added because they added your near BEST when they were giving everyone else the 80s tanks.

It would be like the US having M1A2 SEP when you get your Leopard 2A4 CTech… and then the US mains whining about how they’re not received any new tanks in years…

I do not understand why you are crying so much about Germany. If you are so concerned about our tanks being ‘superior’ then go complain to sweden, because they’ve had superior versions of our tanks forever. And year of service means almost nothing at top tier. What matters is capability. It is why for the longest time we’ve had 90’s MBTS fighting T-72’s/80’s from the 2010’s

EVERYONE has it worse than you. (Even Sweden now)
But here you are.

This guy is just trying to incite stuff, actual troll


and Russia received the T-80BVM while everybody was running around with a decade older tanks, gonna go into a T-80 thread and cry there about it?

as I said before when a french main stormed into this thread to cry about Leclercs being shit: this is NOT a dick measuring contest in who suffers more, you should understand us even the best out of everyone, since gaijin is not only butchering your nations vehicles.

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No XD no, just no XD

if this is a joke then nice one, havent laughed so good in a while.


Superior is a funny way of saying “newer”

Germany keeps getting “newer” tanks. 1995 for 1985, 2001 for 1993, 2010+ for 1999, and now 2014 for 2006…

Objectively wrong.
And him being wrong isn’t inherently provocative @Torpid_Hunter
I understand the instinct to think that tho.

T-80BVM is 1980s armor with a fresh coat of ERA.

you still are kinda delussional sweden still has the better armored tanks


Honestly there is no point in conversating with him on this topic, it is pointless because he is simply trying to incite us