Lets talk about the state of Germany

Play 5.7+ and what level/experience/number of spaded vehicles do you see on teams, specifically a big 3 nation as Germany? Do you see nations comprised of one nation almost exclusively?

This pattern has lasted a long long while yet not seen as worth any consideration!

A recent Jap match with France and 90% Germany was won yesterday (observed), and by almost the conclusion almost 50% of my team in their Tigers etc were on sub 200 score, the match being win by 1 EBR doing all the work with 3 others, across the map, in support. The 50% were not even dying, just doing nowt… and they got a +1 to their wins with 0 effort.

Happens to all Big 3 but this was one of the oddest I have seen.

There are clearly issues of undertiering by bad yse by players that probably won’t even spade said vehicles and already on their way to clot even higher BRs.

I almost ventured into 8.0+ but notice (personally, very few matches overall) the same dire play and ideology.

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That’s the point, a lot of BVM players do that and get away with it. It has one of the lowest skill floors amonst top tier MBTs and is bailed out a lot of times thanks to its damage model.

If you take a minor nation player (say someone who’s spent the last 3 years playing nothing but the Type 90), chances are he will single-handely dominate the match in a BVM because he won’t take chances, but when he does, the low skill floor of the BVM will aid him in winning a duel.

An overextending Type 10 or Chally 2 is dead no matter what, an overextending BVM has an actual shot at surviving.

BVM’s low skill floor imo is the biggest reason why it manages to perform so well, the rest being secondary. Arguably speaking, BVM was never in a real position to perform as consistently as it did, yet thanks to its damage model and low skill floor, it still pulled off the impossible.


Only against worse players.
I perform identically in it as I do nearly all my other top tanks, cause I tend to face equally skilled players on average.

2A5 players seem to know the idler wheel weakspot of all tanks.
Which is THE weakspot on CQC maps since the aggressor always has to show their weakspot.

If more people were taught that, they’d have easier time against BVM & Strv 122.

Sure, and your basis for that statement is?

Maps do have options, I use them almost exclusively as I HATE face smacking.

However, in these same maps where I am using longer ranges my whole German team just yoloed to the worst cap with all the CQC spots. You ask why? More fun!

People choose to be bad is all, and hide behind false victimhood.

Welcome to War Thunder.

And guess what: teams using the map as I do crush all the one cap focused yolo players. Watching Seversk and north going C is so common, and purely idiotic, but every match bar few the idiots do what they do. Oh look, all level 10-20 in REALISTIC… why? No wonder the game is a mess.

Mostly experience using T-series tanks, some watching footage on YouTube.

So to sum it up;

  • personal experience
  • hearsay (because videos are made on a basis that the CC played dozens of matches and picked only the best ones to upload to YT - this is btw, one of the reasons why people to this day think UHT is a Doom Machine, i.e; they saw a few videos from larger WT content creators over the years where they performed excellently, thinking UHT is the best helicopter in the game they grind it out, see that it’s actually bad most of the time and make dozens of complaint posts).

Meaning no real basis for that statement.

I used to always go A for that reason, but lately I’ve been going C as well because I’m so fed up with that map (I get both versions more often than several other maps combined) that I play it like a troglodyte, press W, angle at the alley on the riverside, and listen/wait for contact.

So I guess I’m guilty on this one. 😁

Enemy potatoing his shot has nothing to do with you. Having played both BVM and 122s I noticed they will bounce loads of badly placed shots, but honestly that’s our of your control for the most part, you are simply driving a pretty well armored tank.

This is more about BVM and 122s, I never claimed Type 10 or Chally 2 are good tanks, let alone the best.

I honestly don’t see any crippling features on 122s that will catch a newbie off guard, unlike the BVM.

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Penetration options for a BVM and other.
45grad side front

Edit: what we not see on the Pictures is the Broken Damage Modell on this Tank

I don’t have BVM with an impenetrable ERA
Someone else can use the model!

But what I can say:
Every hit in the German’s ammunition storage = out of game.
Hits on Russian and Chinese ammunition depots = no or rarely a reaction


Which tanks did you need skill for now?

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For god’s sake this is so true high tier right now are nothing more than CoD fighting in the tanks
ofc some tanks might work well but most of the tanks are not put it simple I use AMX-30 Super and got uptier when i’m in the map like Abandoned Factory I have no god damn chance to fight enemies like TURMS when the map like Sand of Sainai and Big Fulda i can eat TURMS for breakfast because i have no armor but I can dodge incoming fire which is the only protection for tanks like that and I really want high tier map from like 8.0-11.7 tanks to be rework all of it get rid of stupid map and only have option for the map suitable for high tier if those CQC cluster F lover want to play small map there an Ground AB for them let them go there


This is a very important point.

Anecdotes will only take you so far, that much is clear, if we compare impressions alone the discrepancies should be a big warning sign that something is off.

But selection/sampling bias is also something to watch out for. You might find someone playing a god tier match on YT and think to yourself that you’re a Neanderthal in comparison, but then look at their stats and see they’re just like you: they have good games and bad games.

Not to say that exceptional players don’t exist of course, they absolutely do. Just that you should always keep bias in mind. I make videos out of my best matches because I want to remember them, and I’m quite proud of some of them, but I certainly don’t make videos of the matches where I get my ass kicked and lose badly, and yet they exist.

And their opinions are subjective too. When I was first spading the German TT I heard so many “the Jagdtiger is absolutely terrible” takes from more experienced players that I only half heartedly spaded it at the time. Then, I played it some more, started liking it, and it’s now my favourite vehicle in the game.

The way people generalise, judge each other, and actively try to “own” their fellow WT players is quite perplexing to me.

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That really has nothing to do with potatoing shots, I’ve been on the both sides of the argument shooting the BVM perfectly through the carousel and it killing me in return, and me being shot in my carousel and killing the guy in return - this is what a busted damage model is and why BVM is to me a low skill floor vehicle.

A sure-kill shot SHOULD be sending you back to vehicle selection screen, not barely cripple or do nothing to you (yes, this happens to other MBTs too, but BVM is still the biggest offender of the unspoken rule).

Look at it like this, BVM at its introduction was really nothing special - just a T-80U with better thermals and slightly better gun-handling (iirc it didn’t have 40 deg/s elevation at that point in time, in fact i’m 70% positive it and the B3M were runnin around with 30/5 gun handling back then), MBTs were also significantly less survivable back in 2021 (Western ones included), which made BVM overall balanced against its competition.

All this changed soon after; UBH package was added, ERA’s were given shatter mechanics against APFSDS, whereas KEP remained unchanged and still couldn’t (they still can’t) bypass ERA’s like some do in real life, and most importantly, spall generation was lowered across the board.

Now all APFSDS generate less spall than before when penetrating a target, this allowed some Western tanks to go from 1-hit kills to 2-hit kills, sure, that was within expectation given how empty those vehicles are on the inside since modules and structures aren’t really modelled, but what it really did (coupled with already low detonation chances for MBTs across the board) was give vehicles with exposed hull racks a major survivability buff.

Later on Gaijin started to slowly implement spall shields, which lowered the amount of spall even further; see BVM’s spallshield around the carousel for example.

All of this combined into a single huge fuck up which buffed the T-80BVM to insane levels of performance back in late 2021 and early 2022 and gave it its low-skill floor status in my eyes. This wasn’t some “russian bias” type of buff tho, it was an intentional change to game mechanics that simply happened to benefit the BVM the most.


All of science is “personal experience” written down.
Also, video evidence objectively isn’t hearsay.

eh not really no

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I can send you video evidence of me dropping a nuke at Iberian Castle with the JT in a 7.0 match. Is it a true datapoint? Yes. Is it scientifically representative of my performance in game across thousands of battles? No.

That’s not what “scientific” means.


Which has nothing to do with collecting cause of death data.
Learn what science is.

Haha, alright. So tell me, how have you constructed the sample in question, which 2A5 and Soviet players have you selected?

Obviously you cannot include matches you partook in, because it skews your perspective, and you can’t include CC videos, because you don’t know how they select and edit the matches. You have to actually go into the servers and look at replays of other people. Either randomly - but you can’t filter by vehicles, so that will be very inefficient - or perhaps you put out a questionnaire that players can voluntarily fill to have their replays looked at by you and other researchers.

Which sample size did you go for, and why?

And that’s just about data collection, before we get into anything else pertaining the actual analysis and conclusions of your “study”.

Have you done any of that? Because it sure sounds interesting!

If you haven’t, and are indeed just talking about your own player experience and content creator videos, what you’re describing isn’t science, but empirical observation at best, and personal anecdote at worst.

lEaRn WhAt ScIeNcE iS.

Lol. Lmao, even.


I’ve seen ammo blacking out on loads of different vehicles at various BR ranges, you are complaining about a bug.

Seversk is perma banned on my list, one of the worst maps in the history of map creation, not just in WT.

And you still have bad takes, I doubt that will change over time.

Never said 2A4 is the best, just that it’s more than fine at 10.3.

I’ve been through that as well, but encountering bugs (ammo and fuel tanks eating shells) has nothing to do with skill from any party involved. They just tend to happen, your (lack of) skill will hardly be relevant in that matter.
This is why I mentioned poor reverse speed and gun depression, which are the features that are newbie-unfriendly and are present all the time while operating the said vehicle.

Don’t get me wrong, I think BVM is really strong, especially in the hands of someone experienced that know how to bypass disadvantages mentioned above.
But, for someone who just started the game, I believe 122s would be a better pick to learn the maps (and the game) with.

I agree, I doubt Gaijin is even capable of purposely buffing just one nation. Most of the issues and bugs are a result of shoddy coding and can be spotted on plethora of vehicles in literally every rank.

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It over buff overperform the less spall until nowadays and Gaijin can’t even get the honest answer to the players that why this BS only apply only for Russian tanks? but when BVM shot other tanks? it spalls like hell and ammunition don’t explode is other BS that Russians tank can pull of I too ever experience that shot in the middle of the side of BVM the round right straight through ammunition and all it did it just commander and four black ammunitions? that happened to me too when does Russian ammunition acts like DM63? which irl it should send turret to sky high compared to the Challenger 2 it only take one black ammunition to kill Challenger 2 i never fail to kill Challenger 2 with ammunition hit really and most of the western tanks have spall liner yet it does not work in the game and handholding for Russia like these is why I hate Russian tanks in the game just only want to kill them for fun and don’t even want to team up with them out of disgust