Ill agree. The forum is not indicative of the entire playerbase.
The forum is where changes to the game happen. This is where information is passed to devs and where the “true” players of the game come to discuss it. This is the main voice of the playerbase, imo.
uhm buddy i think i should ask you that question.
- ground 11.7 (M1A2 is a 12.0 realistically)
- Air- 13.0
- Ground 12.0 (leopard 2a5 and Leopard 2PL, hawker hunter as cas)
- Air 11.0 mig21 lazur (tt im grinding the same so 11.0)
- ground 11.7 (T72B3, T80U, working on the spaa)
- Air, Su25BM + Yak38 (tt working on the Mig23 MLD)
- Ground 12.0 (every ground vehicle bar the new additions and SPAA line till 8.3)
-Air 13.7 (again every vehicle bar new additions and working on bomber line.)
- ground 11.3 with the type 90s and TKX (p)
- Air 13.0 with the F16AJ
- Ground 11.0 (mbt 2000 working on ZTZ 99II)
- Air - 11.3 with J8B
- ground 9.7 (with the VRCC and OF40MTCA)
- Air 8,7 G91
- ground - 9.7 (grinding vextra and now leo2a4NL due to late addition stopping me for leclerc)
- Air - 12.3 mirage 2000
- ground 10.3 (CV90105 Leopard 1a5NO)
- air 9.3 (A32A)
Ground 9.3 (merkavas megachs)
Air 9.3
so yes i think after nearly 3000 hours im fairly certain i can say what germany is lacking or not.
No swedish players filed reports for the D model. Which it was in fact missing ARH, I and others were against the D getting ARH or an ARH model being added as much as i am not friends bor do i care for @AlvisWisla he can probably tell you the same, two sides were in the argument of the ARH on a viggen. I didn’t care for it but here it is, now the problem that i know anyone would have is gaijin only adding a prem version. I doubt players would be fine if the KWS was added only as a premium and no TT version was available. Even if it was bad you missing out on a vehicle like that will cause fights.
People for years. literally for years where crying for the F4F KWS
So you do not have the 2A7, or the FlaRakRad…
Are you using the Hawker hunter as CAS with your 2A5 and 2PL…?
We also have my opinion from October which you were there for.
See this:
Since the additions of 4th gen airframes, NO ONE WANTED THE ICE.
As we see now, it is DOA and unusable now. Tehy had to move it down .3 BR to ENTICE people to play it.
Too bad there isn’t a poll on that. Would like to see the percentage of votes.
yes i am and
it works fine
hence the 68 ground kills and over 100 air kills and only 105 deaths
“The only reason I ask is that you seem to not understand anything about the German tree, let alone their top tier air.”
you said this.
I literally listed my entire warthunder BRs for every single nation.
Lets see you do the same son and see where you sit to say germany suffers.
Oh right you literally cant as youve got next to no experience in any other nation at all. bar a few prems here n there.
no they still wanted the damn ice they didnt suddenly not want it.
same as teh tornado F3 late is DOA and msot of the british equipment was and is xD or the italian stuff until very very recently. stop while youre ahead bud
I see your frustration. Maybe there’s a fix to this? Gaijin limits what you can vote on based off vehicles you have? In order to get the most accurate data, get the info from people actually playing it.
I have a sneaking suspicion other nation are sabotaging votes/implementations. But who knows how much leverage this forum has, I hope it has a decent amount but…
ive more experience at top tier than you and @Kmdo_Peach put together ive also got more of the top tiers in different nations than you both. so yes i know about top tier. i know how to avoid a pantsir, which if you can do ti in a damn A10A you can do it in a hunter that is faster and better at dodging missiles.
True, again if we only vuew the forum we wouldn’t get an accurate count of votes anyways. On the subreddit for older posts for the KWS or the Di you’ll see people both for and against it, the majority you can see actually change to against it after the KWS came out as people realized how bad the compression was. Again it would be crazy to think there wasn’t any against a vehicles introduction.
Long post with a opinion tied to it so pls no witch hunting i get that enough as is in DM’s from the 4 of you (you know who)
People lost their minds when the 122B+ was added. I was against it. I play sweden, i play germany. I play almost every nation aside from China and Isreal. I have no interest in more MBT’s for sweden when their lower BR’s could use actual spaa or more vehicles. I dont just play top tier i play at all BR’s because i enjoy a lot of history. So seeing nations get yet another top tier addition that isnt needed when there are more important things Vex’s me. Sweden didnt need Finnish Leos, they need Patrias and unique finnish modifications to soviet vehicles, we got 1 unique tank the BT42. Completely skipping anything truly unique. Same goes for the 122, sweden didn’t need another 122 when gaijin is still adding unarmored leos to germany, the PSO shouldve gotten its fron plate armor. And when other nations have similar MBT lineups to Ger/Swe/Ru then id like to see other Leos pop up.
Data could be skewed if they only go off total vehicles and not vehicles per game mode. I play German blue water and i need to get back to coastal but ive been grinding US and japan Coastal.
Would love to see more low, mid and high mid br stuff added
Why France got stuffed with leos, italy, sweden already had its leos
I agree with you i would love to see a lot of trees get filled with either home grown indigenous vehicles OR highly modified and changed vehicles.
Why we haven’t seen the pz61 yet is shocking alone
they should fix what is in game first and balaance. rather than balance being put a leopard or F16 in the tree
Our UHT already has ASGARD, you can tell by the armour plates on the side of the cockpit.
Sure IF you can get a good flank. Unlike the strf 9040b it seriously struggles in frontal engagements. Simply due to its full sized 57mm shell getting caught on everything.
But yeah i shouldve made a bigger seperation in what i meant between the poor marders and the bagel.
But still the bagel should not have been one of the first tanks to get updated internals. Like they half assed the autoloader on the m1128, it cannot physically recoil without phasing through the autoloader rails. And it didnt even get the reat of the internals.
The laziness and lack of inteligent direction from the higher ups and devs for the parts of tje game that actually matter is depressing.
Fact. On top of that, helicopters are too situational when you can fixed wing climb to 9000+ meters, and destroy enemies from orbit.
I can’t speak for others, but I prefer bringing LGBs with Tornado ASSTA [which has 6 of now] than grinding for Tiger UHT.
they shouldnt be doing it in such small numbers tbh.
same for spall liners should do a full rank worth, release. repeat.
rather than throwing out random bits n bobs for random vehicles
Honestly, I wish it would. German top tier air is non-existent and adding the tranche 1 would bring it to a competitive level. This DOES NOT MEAN I only want Germany to get it, but treat other nations how Germany has been treated and add it an update after.