Lets talk about the state of Germany

Every gun you have at 4.3 can one-hit-kill KV1s, provided that you know your shot placements. And the Sturer Emil just laughs at that armour 😁

It’s a BR where I can have good matches while relaxing. It’s unbelievable how I’ll play a few rounds of 6.7, which I love, and feel mentally exhausted from a good match with 3-4 kills… then go down to 4.3 to relax, and can do well without needing to be 100% on it.


Sure thing, you will get atrocious teammates no matter what nation and BR you are playing. But, at least from my experience, German teammates around BRs where Tigers and Panthers reside are in general one of the worst I’ve encountered.
Guys playing 9.3 premiums come close in second place though.

I think by playing TDs only will actually improve your skill faster. Most of those are really tricky to play, you need to have amazing awareness and positioning.

It’s always easier to transition from harder to easier, than vice versa. As I said above, you will develop game sense much quicker in something like a case mate TD, those things don’t really forgive overextending and brainless play.

True, cap&fly people can be a pain in the ass if they know how to fly well.
But, capping in a light vehicle also brings a lot of risks, multiple artys are often called to the contested cap point, making it extremely easy to die in very early game.

Even when I get Italy, it’s like 2 or 3 players at max in a 12+ team, and most of those are memeing around with R3, with occasional 2S1 grinder.

Scouts are always nice, but you need teammates that can actually aim at small German weakpoints to get results in the end.

I see what you mean, and you have a very good point. But there’s still not exactly 100% overlap at least in my personal experience - for example, “don’t be hit” is always part of the security onion, but the way you “don’t get hit” in a Dicker Max is different than in a Pz IV, if that makes sense. Knowing places on the map that you can exploit with a turret that you can’t with a casemate, stuff like that etc. There’s a different “flow” to your game.

Yes. The other thing it taught me was marksmanship. I think to this day it’s the thing I do best in WT. Whether that means very long range snapshots, or very accurate shot placement, or getting one of those “blink and you’ll miss it” shots on a moving enemy, playing German TDs etched this stuff into my muscle memory.

Slowly but surely, gotta work on the rest of the skillset… :D :D

Spamming suggestion moderators on the forum with a bug report won’t get it seen faster.

I didn’t spam i send the suggestion every 24h but they delete it within minutes every 24h i send the same suggestion to see it get deleted within 15 minutes

And ofc they still ignoring the rest of mu suggestions i know it took them a very long time to see if the suggestions are valid or not but 1 whole month i
believe this is more than enough

Sure, difference in their playstyle is more than visible.
But, I guess you can play Pz IV in the same way you play Dicker Max way easier than vice versa. With casemates, if they get your driver/engine/transmission, you are basically done for. With that constantly in your mind, you will think more and will probably get better at the game much faster.
Going from a TD to a “normal” tank shouldn’t be that hard, yeah playstyles aren’t the same, but I guess you would learn it very quickly when you have fundamentals sorted out thanks to TD experience.

That’s one of the most important things to learn, at least in tiers where LRFs and pin-point accurate guns aren’t a thing.
There are also a lot of different vehicles with various different weakspots, you firstly need to learn them and then be able to recognize the tank in question quickly, since bushing up your profile is a very common thing to do.

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I have this thing about obsessively spending time in protection analysis, right. On more than one occasion where I’ve met a rare tank, that’s saved me - when I met a T54E1 in Stalingrad, I immediately knew where to shoot it with the Maus, stuff like that. This methodical process of memorisation has led to some amusing results in the past. I have JT in my 7.7 lineup too, and in an 8.7 game I had the pleasure of one-shotting an Obj 279 through the driver’s hatch (volumetric must have been very cooperative that day). But perhaps my favourite shenanigans are with the Dicker Max at higher BRs: I’ve gotten the opportunistic broadside kills on T-55s, Somuas, Strv 103s and a T-10M, stuff like that, and a god mode with a Dardo kill, but my two favourite by far were frontal one-hit-kills on a Conqueror and an M103. I can’t take credit for the first, target was mostly hidden behind bushes, I won the lottery with that shot, but with the M103, I knew exactly the one pixel that the 105mm could penetrate frontally.

Ridiculous. And fun. :D

I tend to learn on the fly, or after the fact I got non-penetration on something and got killed lol.

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I think the time when I really started obsessing about protection analysis was the first time I encountered an IS-3 and got my ass handed to me. The absolute shock I felt when I went with the standard LFP shot that works on most Soviet WW2 tanks, and realised that nuh-uh-uh… :D

IS4-M compounded that feeling, because while the IS-3’s shape is so extremely angled that even as a rookie it gives you a little pause, the IS4-M is visually quite deceptive, you see the stepped and somewhat large LFP, the bulging turret cheeks, if you have no clue what it is it looks like a more “classic” WW2 Soviet design.

And now The tiger and Panther get uptiered from 5.7 to 6 to make it even less fun to play


Yeah, having vehicles under-tiered is much more fun. Glad the training wheels have been removed again, at last!!


The Tiger E should’ve stayed at 5.7, but the Panthers 100% deserved to go up, those were OP, and ruined an entire BR range for me.

Not really, Churchill VII should never meet a Tiger so all need to be at least 6.0?

and Churchill 7 shouldn’t meet m4s at 3.7 and needs to be at least 5.0.
You can find many tanks with this problem

BTW if you angle right in the churchill you can be invincible for the tiger guns.


Erm… one shottable from 3.3 medium germany from front, so no. Same with M4.

Cannot pen Tigers.

Front weakspot on top of tracks, very very easy.

So, no. Tigers and Panthers all 6.0+

Angle? Not only tiger is allowed to angle

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Sure mate… 3.3… let that sink in.

Well the 2A6 isn’t that different from the 2A5 either…i think they are literally the same aside from 2A6 longer Canon but most modern MBTs and their variants aren’t all to different, mainly export ones or some used by other Countries which show more variety.

Hungary will probably then also get the Lynx 120 and KF51 Panther…because Germany so far has no plan to use or build the Panther whereas Hungary already said they want it.

When Germany doesn’t get access to its export Vehicles the Top Tier is going to look a bit dry.

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so is the tiger h1?

Maybe it needs to move to 1.0 because the 15cm sig can oneshot it?

Tiger 2p can be killed by 3.3 tanks so can the jumbos.