Lets talk about the state of Germany

I see that Germans are having fun as always with their leos

They don’t even hide their blatant favoritism anymore

it does match with what the manufacturer claims.

it increased the spalling /perforation and overall damage the dart makes, that is the important part

Historical sources? How does a mod ask you for historical sources for a new vehicle, currently in service?
It seems like a clear insinuation, encouraging players to reveal classified and very sensitive documents or information.


Sorry for sending this here but can i get some feed back and some opinions about this subject

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Congratulations on yet another nerf for German AFVs Gaijin :clap:


Not like the 720hp engine was proven with primary documentation back in 2021:


What’s next in the store I wonder.

@sugarstudd it was your report I believe, so this could be of interest to you.


just saw it on data miners…this is BS. Begleit has to be the most inconsistent vehicle in the history of war thunder.

I wonder when Gaijin will leave him alone?

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This has to be a joke, I swear

Yeah i just saw this bullshit, the Begleitpanzer prototype of which a single functioning vehicle was built is using the TAM chassis that includes the engine which is the 720hp variant.
I cant wait to hear their reasoning for this because anyone can easily pull up my previous report

Hell the pictures I provided which cant be found anywhere online of the actual vehicle literally show the TAM chassis was used. Every secondary source backs this up and I even explained to the devs that the Brochure predates the built prototype and the pictures of the actual vehicle support this since we see them using the TAM chassis not a Marder chassis
Want to know why the Marder chassis was not used for the TAM nor the Begleit? Because the marders frame was literally falling apart from stress fractures of the bigger 105mm gun being used as well as the 57mm .

Its late so I dont have time to properly clean up the this new bug report and repost all the pics but I am hoping the tech devs dont close this report before I can make a case and actually look at my original report.



bet they gonna claim that they have secret documents (aka non existent) which proofs that


nah there will be a secret ru website stating it …
It’s just sad
if you look how hard ppl like @FurinaBestArchon and @sugarstudd work to collect those documents etc
and gaijin goes like “Nu uh”

because some magic ru document appeared on the www stating that the tam hesh etc are worse then what they are ingame …


i’ve played germany’s ground forces for many years now and it’s a cry for help because of the gaps in the tech tree and how gaijin just picks on the whole thing like oh tiger h1 5.3 nah how about 5.7

Can’t they leave German vehicles alone for once (they already fucked the Zerstörer 45) every update we got some minor buff or feature that wasn’t needed (just like the AP bombs) then we got tons of guns nerfs and mobility nerfs

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NO, not my bagel panzer!!!

In what is your fake Zerstörer 45 is similar to wirbilwind Gaijin?

They are literally admitting that it suppose to be an improved wirbilwind with quad 30mm yet they still didn’t give us the real Zerstörer 45 instead we got a fake one bc Gaijin thinks that the quad 30mm on a Mobelwage is the improved wirbelwind and the real Zerstörer 45, what kind of BS is this what a Mobelwage have to do with the wirbilwind


Is anyone planning on making a bugreport on the incorrect reduction of Horsepower of the Begleitpanzer?

I believe sugarstudd will do it

Not a Bug cuz they missread the German parts

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So its gonna stay with 600HP now…