Lets talk about the state of Germany

This bug report is worded that the model is wrong rather than the statcard.

Yes, because we’re talking about the model of the skirt, the model is described as 50mm. Do you see the point now, or are you just gonna try & argue that “umm, akshually it don’t matter umm…”.

I’ve repeated “described” multiple times, in my report I’ve used specific language, maybe like “assigned a thickness”, while in @GodIno’s report he mentioned the skirts of other Leopard 2s (lower ones only), making it clear that the issue is about the assigned thickness to the model.

Funnily at first the SA dude was arguing in the first report itself that “it’s all correct, the thickness is correct because they overlap hurr durr”.


I didn’t say that the thickness was correct because they overlapped.

I clearly stated; plate 1 is 50. Plate 2 is 122. They, furthermore, overlap, unlike any other Leopard.

But… you know what? Do whatever you want. If we log in when the update is live only to find an artificial nerf caused by an unecessary misunderstanding over a meaningless technicality, don’t tell me I didn’t warn about it.

Furina is not asking to fix the armor dimention at point, he is asking to fix the Thickness stat value, which is 110mm for all its lenght of the composite screen and should be counted individually.


Both reports state “wrong thickness”, not “wrong thickness description”.

Even one of the reports states: “skirt received a 50mm nerf, leaving it with a wrong thickness”, etc.

If that’s not the intention, it’s worded terribly and may lead to the opposite effect that is supposedly intended.

Other Leopards don’t have the backplate modeled at all, its included on the composite screen, which is wrong. If any, every other Leopard should be fixed, and they should update the description of them all.

Also, for some deep reasons, the 2A6FIN have them on another thickness as well, go figure.


German 2A6:



The defeated male walks away.

Both reports state “wrong thickness”, not “wrong thickness description”.


What does it say?


And what does this say?

If your aim here is to argue semantics, don’t worry, there’s a lot I could nitpick about the way you word your sentences.


The reports were denied because staff thought they were talking about the armor itself.
And I can see why since they don’t effectively specify otherwise.

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Furthermore, it’s not even “as of today’s developer server opening”. It’s been like this ever since its release. And suddenly there’s only an issue now?

Anyway, if I don’t want to continue discussing this is because you’ve been overly aggressive from the start and have made like 10 disrespectful remarks towards me since you demanded me to delete my comments and call me out, and therefore I have started getting more bitter over the hours as well and I would rather not. Do whatever the f you want.

And semantics are vital for a bug report to the developers, I don’t care about the “no u” card you suddenly pulled out of nowhere here.

The devs? The reports weren’t even forwarded, what are you yapping about dude. There was no “dev involvement” of any sort.

I wonder why they weren’t forwarded…?

May it be because they weren’t properly worded nor addressing the intended subject matter at hand? No! It’s clearly the tech mods that are evil and because I sabotaged them! For God’s sake, I’m leaving this thread already.

Before that the backplate and composite plate was counted together instead of separated, as you can see on live. the composite plate alone was 10mm off, instead of 60mm like its right now, which is the reason why probably it didn’t got reported already.


Same impact angle on dev server, same armor dimensions at point; there was no nerf.

Yes, but look at the backplate on DEV and LIVE. That backplate wasn’t properly modeled in live while on dev it is.

Update: Nevermind i was wrong. Problem still stands though. Thickness value on the composite screen is incorrect.

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Previously when a report was made about one of the skirts being 50mm instead of 100mm, there was no problem with “semantics”, suddenly there is now? Or is it just you “seeing” a problem, because you thought we wanted to “nerf” the “armour dimensions at point” value.

It’s been like this ever since its release. And suddenly there’s only an issue now?

They’ve never been this way though, the skirts (apart from one of them getting corrected from 50mm to 100mm before the vehicle was added) had been 100mm ever since 2A7V went live. The skirts are still “100mm” on the live server.

And I can see why since they don’t effectively specify otherwise.

Which is why vladuxa asked for manuals, primary & secondary information? If the issue was with wording, he wouldn’t have done so.


Do whatever the f you want.

That’s what I’ve been already doing? But aight, next step is getting rid of CR 3 TD’s 1500hp engine then, I guess.

May it be because they weren’t properly worded nor addressing the intended subject matter at hand? No! It’s clearly the tech mods that are evil and because I sabotaged them! For God’s sake, I’m leaving this thread already


One thing I can concede is not saying “armour viewer” like I’ve done before, which by all means is the meaningless technicality. That aside, you sure do have a colorful imagination, considering this isn’t the first time vlad had shot down reports with bad excuses, so yes, he is totally & truly evil - by extension so are all the other moderators /s

Feel free to drop by later.


So like I said earlier, it’s not an issue with semantics:


vladuxa is just… I will refrain.


quite frankly incompetent, if you cant take the time to read or to do your job that says a lot about who you are honestly, that’s why mods like Smin and David are well liked around, they are respectable people who will take their job seriously, i will refrain from talking more about this that’s just my honest opinion


This guy has a totally perfunctory attitude towards his work


First Thickster now this guy where this company get this kind of employee anyways?


Right @_David_Bowie, @InterFleet & @Gunjob

Anything that can be done? Because apparently actual measurements aren’t enough, showing that one of the skirts is much thicker also isn’t enough, can’t even talk to this dude because he just closes the report down based on “trust me bro”.



You didn´t realize we are talking about the STATED thickness and NOT the total effectiveness value? I told you before