Lets talk about the state of Germany

i want Zerstörer 45 it may not be able to close the gap between 7.0 and 8.3 but it can fill the gap between 5.0 and 7.0


Yeah I wouldn’t mind that, I’d rather the Kugel just goes down to ~6.7 though.

They could just add a Gepard without APDS at 8.0 as well, otherwise the 8.0 lineup goes to 8.3 just to get some working SPAA.


6.3 is reserved for the Flakpanzer 341 Coelian.


Missing load outs are treated as suggestions, meaning there’s no guarantee they’ll ever be implemented.

I love the future, but we should focus on the present. We need a new MBT and not a backup. We want the extra protection, just like the treatment of the Swedes.


Enough of promoting the Swedish TT at the expense of the German TT. The German player base brought this game to life for years, and even today, it remains very popular. Enough of discouraging the main Germans so that they consume in other TT’s.


Hungary got it’s vehicles after they kissed specific person’s ass with a lot of vetoes, if Germany wants better vehicles, they obviously need to send their tanks further east.

Joking, of course, but there’s always a bit truth in those jokes.


Why dont you guys give us the mig29G with r73 if it will not be added to the other 29 the main diference of both planes is the german betty that is a feature in this update (literally is just that so you dont even need to make new models) or are you guys waiting 2+ updates to give germany the r73 like always


Theyll wait to drop the MiG-29G as some huge upgrade for another 3 patches
(the only difference was they swapped radios and nav systems to NATO standard ones, and wired 2 pylons for fuel tanks

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Did the polish ones (the 29G selled by germany) got some upgrading to shoot the aim9X?

Im afraid I dont know, but I dont think they did either

which also doesnt get 3BM-60 or 3BM-46, only 3BM-42.

This was proposed but never followed through on. It was because Poland could no longer procure R73 as a nato member. Pretty sure they just bought F16c instead.

I don’t think the 9.12a had a German Betty until the mig29g if at all. I’m pretty sure they used the same rita the ussr used because East German pilots were fluent in Russian. All of the instruments were in Russian as well.

Thats what i said i was asking for the 29G because r73 (if they dont want tho give them to the 9.12/9.13), it would had a german betty and the bettys are a core mecanic coming this update and is a reskin copy paste but at least we get the r73 and we dont need to wait 2 updates

So they never updated it sad it would be cool to see in game a soviet airframe with western munitions

The mig29g could just come as a skin tbh. It doesn’t need another aircraft in the tree and they’re screwing any potential to sell it as a rank 8 premium in the future by adding it to the tt just for r73. If anything, just give the current one r73 and r27et and move it to 12.3.


They can milk it for more grind and the ub would be a better premium/event aircraft

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I understand the developers perfectly. However, we would like Germany to receive what it deserves not three years after the last and not in other branches. Germany should get the best versions of its machines produced by KMW and Rheinmetall, rather than look at them in other branches. It’s just banal disrespect for those who love the German branch. I, for one, would like at least one update focused on Germany more. I think many people would agree with me