propably the case, because it was trickzzter in particular, he tends to just dismiss bug reports to quickly in general, which we then have to resubmit and then in the same state gets accepted and repaired
No matter how much evidence you will give them they will atill find a stupid excuse to tell you no this is an example
At times to this i remember back to the wet ammo storage fiasco, were some mods propably just arent that good with the english language
Russian tanks do have a wet storage yes, but to everyone else it was pretty clear everybody was talking about the carousel. Which ended up in the fiasco / debate that gajin gives russia auto loader carousel wet storage which just is bizarre
Innocent until proven guilty, but I think it does call into question how many of those reports have been correctly assessed by him. Do bug reports get directly forwarded to developers or do moderators have an option to tamper with the reports before that?
Ah yes the spinning ammo carousel thats stored in diesel. Yep makes a lot of sense. That totally wouldnt cause diesel to coat the entire crew compartment.
And considering all the photos weve luckily gotten out of a certain conflict we can see how these russian tanks fair irl. And we know the underdog wasnt using leo 2a6s and m1a2seps yet these russian mbts that completely obliterate top tier are being destroyed seemingly quite easily.
Guys, i have some trash information:
This is joking, but something of these may be true
You can tell these leak lists are unreliable by the fact theres no ww2 stuff. Wheres the ww2 japanese heavy fighter?
I just found that and repost there
will go apeshit if the huns get the 2a7 before germany.
So “weak” Italy need to be stronk
So is anyone making a new report ? @FurinaBestArchon (that name change confused me there for a minute) do you wanna remake your report? i dont know if you added something we might not see
This is a tad unrelated, but does anyone know if there’s a way to update your username on the bug report page?
idc if anything about is true and germany gets another sidegrade to leopard 2a4 im done with it
the sad part is, that it’ll probably happen
2A4M, then make it as the winter event reward.
Gonna have to partially disagree.
I want the 2a4 (C-type) to get dm33 which it should be able to fire as it has the collimator on the end of the barrel which lets you know its able to fire dm33.
And i want the 2a4 (B-type) to be put back into the game with its 400mm of armor and dm23.
If a 2a4 sidegrade was ALL we get, then i might just have to retake the rhineland and annex austria.
ye but didnt someone said we would get a better leopard after the pso was announced ? better= better amored etc ? and leotard revolution would not be better armor…^^
at least thats how we all interpreted the whole message
ye that’s what i mean
But i play this … game long enough to know the snail says “…” and does the opposite
So i guess my dreams about a leopard with armor levels of the strv for germany died for this year
And i have to accept we get another shitty sidegrade leotard that is worse again then the 2a5 :D
- im grinding russia right now and everytime i see a pso i just load he and meme them because the mg always sticks out of cover