Lets talk about the state of Germany

The 2A7 would just be a fancy 2A6 btw. It’s only differences are APU, mine protection, gen 3 CITV, DM11 HE, mountings for the PSO’s side armour.

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The 2A5 and 2A6 have C-Tech ingame, the hull performs much better than the B-Tech hull of the 2A4.

at least frontal armor should be on par or better than Strv122
for me if PSO come to the live Server it should have modification to replace the dozer blade with full UFP armor and Thermal for Gunner should be at least gen 2 commander are already gen 2 which is for me still acceptable.


I agree with you on the armour. The thermals are problematic since the PSO had gen 1 gunner irl. They could add the 2A6MA3 for improved thermals (gen 3).

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fair enough on thermal then

Are you sure about it?

Yes, you need to check in the protection analysis, not X-ray


Exactly as underrepresented minor nations we have to collectivize our struggle towards Gaijin, instead of fighting each other


No it doesn’t get any additional frontal armor, and the thermos are still gen 1

it has additional front armor, not just on the point where the dozer blade connects, and yes thermals are gen 1 while every content creator and streamer said would get gen 3 which seems to have been a lie, you are slow on the news

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Source for the frontal armour:



Let me tell you a little secret - it doesn’t matter what new top MBT or IFV or SPAA Germany gets. Every nation is as good as Gaijin says it’ll be.
T-80BVM and T-90A are horrible MBTs IRL. Yet they’re arguably some of the best in game.
Conversely, the Merkava 4M is the most modern and currently 2nd heaviest MBT in game, yet less armored than a Leopard 1.


Agree i am tired from other nations constantly bullying us when ever we got something good, plus i am tiered of this community double standards i still remember the posts when king tiger players says thst WW2 vehicles mustn’t face cold war vehicles everyone called them german main and insulted them but when T34s and IS-6s players start facing leo1s every USA and USSR main start crying till they increase the Br of every 7.7 and 7.3 vehicles now germany have Zero tanks at 7.0 and 7.3.


Indeed, and I bet if we had a 3 German Tank situation for Russia, all of them mains would be on the fence against the Vehicle removal.

Meanwhile we German Players just get talked down, oppressed and ridiculed.




And it’s definitely not gonna end soon


Unless we manage to get together to make enough noise. Even if their Reviews drop noticeably for just 1 day or some other measure gaining enough attention, would already be a good statement.


I’m ready. I am Russian, but i like Germany tree and ready to make big noise for disrespecting it


agree this is differnt they gone to fare


Fear of Russian fans XD

sice 3 a i agree but kow they burned the community!

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