Lets Talk About The Object 279 Issue. Currently 5.8+ KDR on Average

Not really, you are actively developing worst-case scenarios in your head, while ignoring most other scenarios that can and will happen all the time.
“Hordes of tanks without stabilization takes on a frontal engagement against horde of 279s”.
Come on dude, you can do better than this.

You forget one really crucial thing. 279 isn’t the fastest vehicle on the ground (far from it), so various vehicles can easily outpace it and set up an ambush.
But let me guess, 279 users are simply ready for each and every scenario, they can’t get caught off guard at any time, right ?

There are not many effective spots that provide cover from all angles but the one you are actively holding, thus people will be able to avoid and flank you. Speed is meta for a reason my dude, but seems like you still haven’t figured that out, or just won’t acknowledge it to prove your point.

As I said before, every enemy player’s existence reason is to serve and sacrifice themselves for almighty 279. Reality is much different from your fairytale scenarios.

Then stop using it as an evidence, unless you want to look like an absolute clown that fabricates “evidence” just to justify his seething spree.

One is a heavy tank, another one is a medium one, guess who should have less weakspots, it isn’t really hard to guess.

Yeah dude, it’s really hard for your team to get overrun, that never ever happened in WT, right ?
As a result of this, you will most likely get pushed from multiple angles, and at that point your sides/back will be up for grabs.
I guess you are that type of people who will cry how German WW2 TDs are annoying as hell to deal with, without even thinking about flanking.

Here come the delusions again. Hordes of 279s ganging up on 8.0 enemies in basically every match.

I’m sure random teammates will just wait to stick their neck out to try and repair you in a tricky situation. They are the real MVP, for sure.

Guess who will be on that “popular flank” as well, enemy lights that are much faster than you, and will have no issues in flanking the flanking heavies (lmao).

Nothing more than a hearsay, just like with “evidence” about constant 7.7 uptiering to 8.7, just to face 4-man death squads of 279s lmao.
Both of your theories are actually more than just far-fetched.

There are plenty of solutions out there, but you are the one sticking to just one of many scenarios, in which 279 is laser focused on you, while ignoring literally everything else around it, like it’s on a highly personal mission to destroy you, no matter the cost.
Intentionally going head-to-head with any heavy tank isn’t advisable, 279 included.

You are presuming that 279 is aware of each and every enemy and what they can and can’t see/do.
You don’t have to be an idiot to get smoked by something you didn’t anticipate, you simply can’t control the battlefield.

In my opinion most stuff at around 8.3 - 8.7 should move up with yet another decompression, in order to give more room for the non-stabilized tanks at 7.3 - 7.7, which will then give more room to WW2 stuff at 6.3 - 6.7.

They can lose 279 as a first spawn pretty easily as well.

First of all, tanks are balanced with their desired BR in mind, not -1.0.
Second of all, stuff like Jagdtiger at 6.7 can’t be penned frontally by most 5.7 vehicles anywhere that isn’t a pixel troll spot on the MG port, which can be very easily bushed up or hidden behind solid cover.
Same thing applies to 5.3 Jumbo versing 4.3 enemies.


I’ve only ever encountered the 279 once on the battlefield, since I don’t play above 7.7, so what I’m saying is very much tentative - but the 279 strikes me as fairly atypical in the context of heavies in WT. It’s got very good mobility compared to its armour protection, and good reload for its gun calibre. Usually in WT, heavies that have good reload and even just okay mobility are balanced to basically play like mediums in my experience - that’s definitely the case with Tiger I and Tiger II. Because they are capable in many areas, they’re not being made able to rely on their armour too much. It’s the bricks that are slow and/or have horrendous reload times that get to rely on their armour sometimes, because it’s either that or they don’t work at all. Whereas 279 feels more like “MBT with APHE” to me, if that makes sense


100% agreed. French tanks especially seem to be in a bit of a weird spot right now. I’ve often said that what we basically need is a full fledged “Korean War BR range” sandwiching late WW2 with “mature” early cold war designs that have STABs etc, and that’s basically what you’re describing in a way

Which 6.0 and 6.3 don’t struggle with IS-3? which 5.3 and 5.7 don’t struggle with the fat jumbo? which 5.7s don’t get one-tab by the 6.7 T26E1 and can’t pen it nearly everywhere frontally? I’m sure most 6.7 can one-tab the Maus too. I guess heavy tanks should have the same armor values as any other medium tanks or light tanks that can be one-tab anywhere.

I think 8.7 is much more different than 6.7 in terms of gameplay.
At that BR, LRFs will start getting common, which paired with really precise guns and darts will mean you can target weakspots pretty consistently, whereas at 6.7 you will often have slow(-ish) shells and guns that aren’t very accurate.

Just look at 7.7/8.0 heavies. They sit at the BR where most stuff will have no issues going through them frontally, while still having to deal with excruciating penalties that go with heavies.

For example, let’s consider two tanks, US heavy T32E1 at 7.7, and Leopard I at 8.0.
In Leopard’s eyes, that heavy is nothing more than a crappy medium that’s awfully slow and have ridiculously long reload speed, so it’s safe to say T32E1 brings almost nothing to the table, unlike those WW2 heavies which can be pretty powerful.

In my opinion, people got pretty much used to the feeling of lolpenning heavies, since that’s what happens at 7.0 - 8.0 range, so later on, when they encounter something that actually have working armor, they will get extremely frustrated because their “godmode” mediums got put in place after a long while.

That other dude was moaning how it’s hard for a 7.7 to frontally penetrate 279, and I just gave him multiple examples of various nation’s tanks that also have pixel weakspots when facing -1.0 BR foes.

I don’t know what BR range and tanks you are referring to, but 8.0 - 9.0 France is pretty weird indeed, their lack of stabilization forces them to stick to more passive playstyles, which many people simply don’t like.

Yeah, seeing how 8.3 stabilized tanks with darts can and will face 7.3 heavies is simply atrocious. This is one of the reasons I try to stay clear from 7.0 - 7.7 range, and jump straight from 6.7 to more modern tanks at 8.3+.

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The most powerful round at 8.3 is the German M48A2GA2, fucking DM23 at 8.3 that a 9.0 Leopard still uses the same round, that is the type of ammunition that consistently OHKO the Object 279, and the IS-6 will sometime have to eat the DM23 lol

Yup and good luck penetrating a 279 with any french tank sitting at 7.7. It’s simply impossible.

If you compare two tanks, you shouldn’t just compare them to what they can do to each other, but also to what other things they face.
Leopard 1s die to anything that sneezes their way, while T32E1s are frontally almost invulnerable to the still widespread APHE and AP shells and especially against all those autocannons at that BR range. sure it dies to the missiles most autocannon carriers have, but at that BR range, they’re super slow and give the T32E1 a decent time frame to kill that light tank before the missile even reaches.
Both tanks have their advantages, and the T32E1 isn’t terrible or obsolete just because its armor doesn’t hold up to every single tank at its BR range. A Leopard may pen most things it faces, but it can’t even peek ridgelines against a tank that knows it’s there, while the T32E1 can peek most tanks and worst case get its barrel shot at, which usually isn’t a problem behind ridgelines.

Funnily enough, the one tank that is truly terrible for the T32E1 is the Object 279, which it can’t even pen side-on. Curious.

Wrong, one is an old-concept, steel-only heavy tank, the other one is an MBT with composite armor. Alot of the later western MBTs are heavier than the 279. The classification of “heavy” and “medium” is rather fuzzy anyway, some tanks even got reclassified later on, like the M26, and some mediums weigh more than some heavies.

I love my German WW2 TDs, but you know what they have? Flat, thin, no-BS side armor. You know what the 279s have? Arrowhead-spaced, asking-for-spagetthi-code-shots, steeply angled side armor. hell if its side were flat like German WW2 TDs I’d argue the 279 can go down a BR. For a bunch of tanks the 279 doesn’t have to fear much if it can put its butt against hard cover.

2 tanks. “hordes”. alright buddy. keep your own delusions, I’ll keep mine. If your reading comprehension was better, you’d see I wrote 2-3 279s PLUS A FEW OTHER TANKS FROM THEIR TEAM, which is easily achieved by a 279 squad going the popular flank of whatever map they’re on. And yes, players WILL field very strong tanks in squads to abuse them, it’s not that wild of a concept.

idk if you anger your teammates that much or whats up, but I do get repaired by teammates quite often. even in selfish cases they get a handful of SL or a BP mission for it.

Please show me the plethora of maps where light tanks can flank without any opposition or getting spotted on the side of the map where half the team goes. While also having perfect sightlines with no cover for the enemy team. Also please avoid maps where there are only 1-2 specific spots that work for light tank flanking so half decent people know to watch those 1-2 spots.

Like I said, there is no objective data on this, there is no “evidence”, go play that BR range and see for yourself. I could give you a hundred replays but those still wouldn’t be representative.
Oh wait, in a different reply you said you skip 7.0-7.7 straight to 8.3+, so you have no experience here anyway. play it yourself. get experience on the topic, and then come back to argue about things you actually have knowledge about, instead of just arguing based on meaningless statcards. My theories only seem far-fetched to you because you can’t even fathom how an 8.7 BR match with 279s plays as a 7.7 tank.

It’s called situational awareness and isn’t that hard to achieve based on the minimap, sounds you hear, and map knowledge. Minimizing the situations where you die to not anticipating things isn’t that hard, especially

They can keep their 279 for later in the game when enemy tanks are weaker on average, precisely because 8.7 USSR has alot of other great tanks to offer. You can’t know if they spawn early or late (or at all) bc that’s that player’s prefence.
Would you save your one 279 option until you see one on the map or in the kill feed just to be sure? Would you rather risk losing a match you could turn around because you can’t deal with a 279 at a cap (that can focus on you late game bc there are less enemies around) or would you rather risk running into one early game and hope your teammates sit in something able to deal with it, and then actually deal with it, instead of losing the entire flank?

What you talk about here is similar capabilities. I don’t mind the 279 being a stronger tank than 7.7-8.3 tanks. What I mind is not being able to deal with one reliably side-on.
A Jagdtiger can always be penned through the side armour from any tank at its BR range. Even low calibre SPAA in that range has HVAP rounds that can pen 80mm of flat armor without major problems.

As I have already stated, I’m not mad about the 279’s front armour alone. If it had side armour similar to a Jagdtiger or a T64A, I wouldn’t complain about it. But flanking it and then having to deal with a volumetric, steeply angled shell muncher, that you can’t avoid by shooting between the tracks because there is no crew compartment behind them, is very annoying.


What the hell did you just say ?
No one in their right mind would use, what’s basically a WW2 shell, as a main round at 7.7 - 8.0. Some of those 7.7 APHE rounds are literally worse than a round fired from Waffentrager at 5.3 lmao, but you somehow consider those things to be commonly used at ~8.0. Your delusions are getting better and better.

This is like you say 9.0 M60 is nicely armored because of it’s ERA, and because some 9.0 still have HEAT in their arsenal, without taking into consideration that BR is literally infested with darts (which everyone uses), and those will simply ignore chemical protection.

Oh wow, heavy tank is frontally immune to autocannon fire, feels good man. No wonder you are crying about usable heavies when this is your standard.

Yet another speculation in which you assume T32E1 user will be aware of each and every ratty ATGM slinger around the map.

It has obsolete armor against like 95%+ of enemies that are smart enough to not use WW2 shells, which have <100mm of angled pen from point blank range lol.
Not only it’s armor won’t make a difference in vast majority of engagements, T32E1 is also slow as hell and takes an eternity to reload.

In my opinion, T32E1 and tanks alike don’t have much going on for them, and sure as hell I would bring almost any 7.7 medium over it in to the battle.
As I said, heavies around that BR simply stop being heavies, and turn into a XP pinata for anyone that’s even semi decent at this game.
You can try and spin it however you like, but majority of those tanks are simply powercrept into the oblivion.

Taking a heavy tank that’s mediocre at best at it’s own BR to a full uptier is possibly one of the dumbest move anyone could make.

Yeah, composite armor is all good, until you get lolpenned by literally everything at your BR range, all the while having significant drawbacks when compared to your foes.
Majority of MBT at 10.0 or lower don’t even come close to reaching 60t, which is 279’s weight.

Your side armor doesn’t matter, remember ?
Your enemies are always aware of your presence and won’t show a single pixel of their sides, I guess it’s called, let me quote you: “situational awareness”.
See, we can both play dumb and write crap like that.

At some point that “flank” isn’t a flank anymore, it’s a main route, since according to you, half a dozen, or even more tanks can rush there early game.

All of this is applicable to hordes of flanking 279s as well, they can and will get spotted easily and ripped to shreds from the sides, this isn’t science fiction.
Faster vehicles will get to cover faster, and can simply reach the desired spot first and then engage slower flankers that are still in disadvantageous positions.

Stop using it as a concrete proof then, no one cares about your personal experiences, that isn’t representative in any way.

I skip that BR range when I can, but with some nations you are bound to play that bracket. For example, I’ve played loads of German 7.3 - 7.7 while Leopard was still criminally undertiered.
Guess what, using Leo against tanks like T32E1 and such was absolutely hilariously stupid, and I kinda pitied anyone brave enough bringing those crapboxes out.
I enjoyed Swedish 7.7 - 8.0 lineup as well.

I’ve went through brackets where 279 can appear several times, and haven’t really noticed those death squads of pro players simply evaporating their enemies in every second match lmao.

There he goes yet again with his fantasies, not like you haven’t been caught up unaware 100s of times, as like every single player was.
But who knows, maybe those squaded-up 279 users are in fact divine creatures that simply can’t make a mistake, or overlook something that will lead to their demise. I guess that’s pretty believable, right ?

There are plenty of planes/helis at that range which can deal with 279s, you don’t even need tanks.

Losing a flank to a rushing heavy tank (lmao) is a massive skill issue on the team’s part, and you as a team should be punished for it.

T32E1 is one of the rare tanks (only one I’ve found) that can’t pen the sides of 279, but this is more of an issue of T32E1 being an absolute crapbox, which shouldn’t be at 7.7 in the first place.

As I said earlier, ~8.0 range is massively unbalanced, some tanks are hilariously powerful, meanwhile some are not even worth mentioning, or god forbid, taking them out in a live battle.
This issue can only be solved completely by adding more decompression. Moving specific, problematic vehicles up without raising the top BR will just move the problem elsewhere.

I think the 279 should temoprarilly have a cap of ± 0.7 br instead of a full one, untill more decompression happenes. So it doesnt face 9.7 or 7.7. Also the players using the 279 are very skilled (that is why they have it in the first place), that skews the K/D ratio a bit too.

Sure but that didn’t stop a lot of French tanks going up in BR with the only reason being their stats.

My KDR in my own Object 279 isn’t special for the tanks I’m great in.
So I can’t tell any issue personally.
HEATFS & APFSDS kills me fairly easily.

Gaijin wants to milk money from 279 just like VIDAR

NOPE, that would be the IDF Magach 5 which uses M111 Hetz at 8.0 and AMX-10RC has similar round, ALL lack a Stab. Which means lie in wait or snap shot on the move which doesn’t really work on 279.

Olifant Mk1A, T-55A, have similar round but with stab

Consistantly OHK 279, sure if you hit the tiny weakspots.

and another thing:


That oh so powerful round still used at BR 9.0, has 30 mm less pen at point blank and gains 23 mm at 2000m. sure APFSDS has more angled pen but i rarely see an Object 279 fail to pen, it either has enough angled pen since even in full up tier everything it faces doesn’t have the armour to counter its round, with exception of an angled T-72A or hull down Chieftain Mk10.

PS. And IS-6 dying to M48A2 G2, like you both stated killed by full uptier opponent, which IS-6 can kill also from the front with little problems. KARMA for its Rule in the sun oh so long ago, when it had double the turret armour and was immune to all 88L71, 105L68 and 128L44, which should all have been able to pen it from the front, for which we received no compensation what so ever and they were a plague on the servers back then 4-6 per side was no rarity.

Object 279doesn’t nearly have the numbers, but can you imagine if it was purchasable instead of only via soul sucking crafting event, it would literally ruin the entire BR bracket and make it unplayable.
But still i see them regularly in my matches in GFAB, some are retards and YOLO, others go on to be MvP, with >5 kills.

Where did you find the setting so you can choose which BR you end up in, i would set that sucker so i never get full up tiers again ;P

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There is no widespread AP or APHE at 7.7. The only time the T32E1 faces AP or APHE is in a down tier, but it will still face mostly HEATFS or APDS. The 90mm is completely outclassed at 7.7. The AP or APHE tanks the T32E1 will face are going to pose a challenge to the 90mm.

You can see immediately after loading in if you are in full uptier or not.

He is trying so hard to make his point stick that he had to pull out “APHE at 7.7” card, which is laughable.

T-54’s blow up squishy early cold war tanks with APHE left and right instead of using their quite bad APDS and HEAT rounds that have terrible post pen. They’re backup rounds for them. Also literally half of France’s 7.3-7.7 lineup has no other choice. And there are other examples, too.

Sounds like you only consider US tanks (which you don’t see alot on the enemy team with the T32E1 anyway) and NATO 105mm guns, where APHE indeed sucks or isn’t even available. broaden your horizon a bit, instead of talking about delusions like a broken record. not my fault that you seem to be a freeaboo.

They are common and alot of squishy western MBTs at those BRs aren’t able to block them frontally. You seem to think that heavy tanks have to block EVERYTHING frontally, which wouldn’t make for a fun game. there is still alot that they can block, you just can’t W into every enemy like an idiot. I’d consider not losing your driver and gunner immediately to a prefiring BMP-2 coming around the corner at full speed a plus.
There are also still a considerable amount of lower BR tanks people bring up there for some reason that you can block frontally perfectly fine while tanks like a Leopard 1 can’t.

Know about popular spots, use your binos, listen to sounds, don’t go somewhere where you can be shot from 360°, don’t just push into popular rat territory, defend a cap and let them come to you. and sometimes you die to someone outsmarting you, what a tragedy.

Not even 80% of your enemies even have access to modern shells, unless you’re in a full uptier. mister “delusion, DELUSION, DELUSION!!!111oneeleven” here assuming everybody is spaded, only drives tanks with good darts and HEAT, etc.

To be fair, I’d rather have heavy tanks in general be bad than them rolling over teams like it’s nothing bc few tanks can actually beat them. Or we could go into full on people hiding around corners because they can’t even flank against a wall of heavies (and yes, there would be alot more heavy tanks played if they were alot better and their armor did wonders)
People are already crying their eyes out about Panthers, which at least have weakspots, nonexistant reverse and sides so thin they barely block a .50 cal. None of those flaws are on the 279.

So you’re saying US people playing 7.7 bc they like those tanks should just leave the match immediately in a full uptier bc they only have a heavy tank, a heavy tank, a bad medium that tries to be a heavy tank, and worse versions of those at 7.3? All of which can at least deal with most other tanks, even if they’re at a disadvantage?

It was more a jab at you thinking heavy tank means better armor than mbt bc mbts use the symbol of medium tanks.

if you had better reading comprehension, you would understand that I think the problem of the 279 is its very trolley glitchy sidearmor, after I already told you so several times. doesn’t matter if you see its side armor pixels. doesnt matter if you catch it in a 60° angle. your 8.0 apds or terrible 8.3 darts bounce at best or get volumetric’ed into the shadow realm at worst. the arrowhead spaced armor works well against HEAT shells too that have nowhere near the pen of the better missiles around 8.7+.

okay that is my bad for considering routes on the sides of the map a “flank”. for some maps like american desert those can indeed be main routes.
and yes, not that hard for most tanks to rush to the sides of a map when everything non-british/american short of a wheely boi starts to have similar topspeeds and acceleration.

  1. I never claimed it to be concrete proof, yet the game is all about subjective experiences.
  2. Funny that you think your personal experience is relevant to anyone here, then.

Good for you then. May I ask what server and time you usually play on and at? since player distribution between servers and times of day is varied. I wouldn’t be suprised when for example NA didn’t have many russian squads of 279s trying to seal club <8.7.

3/4ths of most teams die without contributing anything to the game bc their awareness is terrible, and then ragequit after their first death. The people that do really well have really good awareness. Yes, I get caught off guard here and there too, but most of the time I’m aware of the enemies around me, made simpler by pre-defined routes and spots to look out for on most maps. I honestly die more tby having the worse reaction time/taking too much time to aim carefully than by being caught off guard. Awareness is as important in ground RB as proper energy management is in prop tier air RB.
If you think good awareness is fantasy, sucks to be you.

Nah, “traditional” heavy tanks are just a concept that is entirely anti-fun in the first place. Alot of them give all of their mobility up for armor, and then they’re either invulnerable so its terrible to play against them or they get penned and it’s terrible to play as them. The heavy tanks that don’t make either side feel absolutely miserable are arguably the ones that don’t rely on their armor in the first place, like the 120mm armed AMX-50s. Idk about your experience in this case but they’re probably the only heavy tanks I haven’t seen BOTH sides cry about, too.

WT might’ve been better off without heavy tanks.

French tanks crying in the corner because you forgot about them
T-54s deleting squishy cold war tanks with APHE not having APDS/HEAT loaded when they see the T32E1 because armor at that BR range is a rare sight outside of russian tanks to begin with (to be fair they’re a terrible opponent for the T32E1’s 90mm, I’ll give you that much)
Anyone still stock shaking their fist at you because you ignore their misery
People laughing at you for using terrible post pen heat as main round when you only make their gunner orange and they kill you in return
T32E1 laughing because you used armor piercing discarding shatter and tickled them with it

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Sure, a few French tanks and a T-54 that just has to calmly reload while the 90mm fails to pen. I didn’t say no tanks used AP, I just disagree with your point that the T32E1 faces even a majority of tanks using AP.

Yeah, stock sucks. Now imagine being a stock T32E1 firing still nerfed T43 solid AP.


Money? It’s an event tank. There is no milking money.
And VIDAR is 2:1 for me, so it’s on-par with all my other tanks.