Lets Talk About The Object 279 Issue. Currently 5.8+ KDR on Average

Look for tanks that fire bigger caliber HEAT rounds. ATGM slingers will also do the trick.
I’m sorry if you feel wronged by having a heavy tank with strong armor in full downtiers, but they are supposed to be strong.

So what about heavies tiered where their armor is irrelevant even in a -1.0 downtier?

T1E1 and M6 are both huge bread boxes that a Pz4F2 (-2.7 BR) can put holes into.

Char 2C literally fights vehicles with no issue penetrating it at 500m and beyond the majority of the time.

Jumbo 76.

Obj 279 is the sole vehicle in game permitted to faceroll with near complete immunity in -1.0 downtiers.

There’s clearly an anomaly here. The overwhelming majority of heavy tanks have exploitable weakspots and disadvantages for -1.0 tanks to make use of.

Obj 279 does not.


That’s a clear signal something isn’t right and should get reworked.

As I said before, some 7.7 tanks have ways to penetrate it frontally, that’s not an issue.
It seems like you want yet another heavy tank to join those, not so good heavies you mentioned above.

Heavies are off-meta for a reason, and it is quite obvious why. People want zero challenges when facing them, otherwise they are quick to scream OP, and I’m afraid 279 isn’t the first nor the last heavy that is/will be facing this witch hunt.

And for the overwhelming majority of 7.7 vehicles that cannot it’s just a “too bad so sad now die and give me free reward”?

Lol, lemao. Somua SM, Tiger 2H, T32, T26E5, IS-3 and IS-6 are all still very dominant in their BR brackets. And yet they also all have significant weakspots.

Let me guess, they are strong because their autoloader/mobility/strong turret and the 279 doesnt have that?

Oh wait, it has all three and then some.


Sure if they have the UPgraded HEAT-FS round which needs to be unlocked. then they have to aim for a very small target, most without a stab. while OP279 can just snap shot any thing but an angled MAUS or T95.

and as far as the witch hunt only the MAUS succumbed to this, it was removed, while im pretty sure it never went on a 10-15 killing spree. the OP279 surely can achieve this, i’ve seen it multiple times in GFAB.

it’s the perfect trifecta of a tank, mobility, firepower and armor, not a single tank comes even close, and then it’s used by dedicated people who completed the soul sucking crafting event to get it, are easily distinguished from the one who bought it, one yolo’s to an early defeat, the other soars to mentioned killing spree.

just yesterday on one of the desert maps, one (OP279) was cornered into an outcropping and 4-5 tanks on my team tried to kill it with little success, i had to drive out and shoot him with the Tandem ATGM with 750mm of pen from my BMP-4 to finish him off.

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Not really, you will always have ways to deal with something frontally. As far as I know, barrels can be destroyed and should always be prioritized over shooting at pixel weakspots. I guess someone with 20k+ battles should know this.

They are strong in full downtiers, just like 279. At their BRs, especially for those higher BR’d heavies, their armor becomes almost irrelevant in lots of engagements, since HEAT slingers are more and more prevalent higher up you go.

You shouldn’t judge tanks at their stock performance.

Stabilization is a problem for almost every 7.7 vs 8.7 engagement.

I’ve gotten nukes with way off the meta vehicles. That doesn’t mean anything.

As I said above, tanks themselves play way less of a role than the player operating it. I went on pretty big kill streaks in things people here like to call useless and trash.

Good job, not like a dozen ATGM slingers from 7.7 to 8.7 could’ve done the same thing.

Bottom line, that thing can be penetrated frontally without an issue in every game it can possibly get, it’s not my problem people expect to lolpen heavies in full downtier.

Meanwhile, I have K,D 8.0 on scharnhorst lol

HEAT doesn’t even pen that thing well because of the heavy sloping and arrowhead spaced armor all around the hull. ATGMs’ guidance absolutely sucks currently.
It’s not even solely the problem that it is strong in full downtiers (though even there it should still have consistant weakspots that don’t troll you 2 out of 3 hits, it already has the advantage of being stabilized while most of 7.7 and 8.0 is not), the bigger problem is that even with 8.7 to 9.3, MBTs struggle if they don’t have a dart that deals well with sloping like 105mm DM33, Type 93 and equivalents. Plus the fact that anything short of a 1 ton bomb doesn’t even scratch this thing while any other heavy in the game easily blows up from a 250kg bomb.
Object 279 could probably get some kind of 9.0 +/- 0.7 matchmaking so more tanks in the enemy team are able to deal with it by aiming well, without forcing pixel shots at medium range. sadly that wouldn’t work in a lineup, so ultimately I wonder why they even added a tank that just screams “not possible to balance in this gameplay”

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Maybe you should get your head out of the 5.7 BR meta and realize that at mid-high tier, there are alot of tanks with working reverse gear, so barrel & track torture doesn’t work most of the time. If you take the Obj 279’s barrel (good luck with that in the first place, with the heavy desync tank turrets have these days), it can just reverse out of your line of sight. By going after it you give up any positioning and risk other enemy tanks seeing and shooting you. If you don’t go after it, it can just repair and pop back out, go around and flank you, call in air support, or get a teammate to engage you from multiple angles so you can’t defend yourself.

Barrel meta is for low to low-mid tier where alot of tanks have -8km/h and less reverse speed and can’t get away before you track them.


Barrel shooting? Really?

That’s your “solution” for vehicles that are incapable of damaging the obj 279 from any angle?

Not only is it already a tiny time window for someone to push an Obj 279 safely without threat of instant APHE death, it’s also incredibly easy for an Obj 279 to deny barrel shooters by just reversing away with the barrel pointed away. You also forget how a tank without a barrel is still not dead.

Maybe if you had 20k+ battles like I did you’d understand that barrel shots for 7.7 unstabilized tanks against heavily armored UFO tanks with stabilized guns, fast reloads and excellent mobility are not viable counterplay options.

You clearly have never played 6.7 to 7.3 recently. Every single tank I listed is capable of performing at +1.0 handily. They only need to play carefully around enemy capabilities.


Just like basically any 8.7 tank.

Guess what, 8.7 - 9.3 darts are built to defeat angled armor. Only darts that suck against angles are Soviet ones, so I guess those don’t matter.

This really depends on the situation you are in.

You can always wait for a backup, just like you would when an enemy is watching the angle you want to peek from. You are portraying this to be like some sort of an arena, where only 7.7 vehicles go against hordes of 279s, which surely isn’t the case.
Not only a very small number of 8.7 players can be present in a 7.7 match, 279 is also a very rare vehicle to begin with, so seeing it with your 7.7 vehicle should actually be very rare.

You mean to not expose themselves at all to the various HEAT slingers at +1.0 ?

Early american ones suck at angles too, especially M735. And guess what, they’re on alot of vehicles in that BR bracket.

There are few situations on most maps where you’re in the middle of an open field with no cover to reverse into or hill to reverse back down, and if you are, you probably made a big mistake with the route you took.

Which is a problem on the other side of the team because there are less vehicles properly equipped to deal with the Object 279, too. Not to mention that alot of 8.7s cant even handle it properly, or some players might have fail lineups where they only have a plane or heli at 8.7 but no tanks at that BR, or they only have one 8.7 tank but no lineup to back it up.

Plus, have you played around 8.7 recently? 279s are NOT very rare. they are played ALOT these days. you will rarely ever find a 8.7-9.3 match without one. There might not be a huge amount of players who have it, but those who do have it spam it, especially while grinding events are ongoing.


Ah, yes. Wait for a teammate so you can feed the 279 a multikill instead of a single kill. Excellent advice.

“Just push together and shoot him on his reload” This assumes you are certain your teammate will be kind enough to sacrifice themselves for you to deal no damage to the UFO and said UFO will be kind enough to take the bait like a fool, and not do anything to prevent their barrel from being destroyed.

Such as wiggle. Or reverse behind cover. Or just roll up to your vehicle point blank. Or kill your tracks before you can even expose your gun to fire. Barrel shooting isn’t viable for unstabilized tanks attacking stabilized tanks on defense.


Yeah, reversing behind a hill while enemy is 150m away and pushing you will help greatly.

8.3/8.7 lineups can handle 279.

That’s not 279’s problem, and in my opinion that thing is the cause of many imbalances currently in the game.

Firstly, as a 7.7 player, you will need some (un)luck to see 279:

  1. Get a full uptier
  2. Play against USSR
  3. 8.7 enemy players have to be from USSR
  4. Those few players must have a tank that’s released 3+ years ago and is at 500€+ on the market

Make whatever you want from this.

As I said, you are portraying this like it’s an arena where only 7.7s are allowed against hordes of 279s.
In real gameplay, sadly for you, this isn’t the case. Your team will have as many 8.7 vehicles as they will, so waiting for backup will be very effective, since you are the bottom dog there and you will be mostly playing with/against 8.0/8.3 vehicles. Those can do much more harm than you at 7.7.

With backup, your team wouldn’t even need to go for the barrel. Remember, there will be loads of 8.0 and 8.3 vehicles to back you up.

Who said 279 will be on defense and you on the attack ?
You kinda portrayed it to be a great rusher, just yoloing through enemies like it’s nothing, driving around without a care in the world.
You are simply imagining best-case scenarios to back up your claims, while in reality things are much different.

Why are you talking as if the situation is in a vacuum? WT is 15vs15, and pushing through open space and over hills is not that easy. Who even said you’re only 150m away?

There are a bunch that can’t. Some only have missile slinger to deal with it, which would make them mostly unable to in CQC maps.

doesn’t have to be 7.7s, alot of 8.0 to even 8.7s struggle alot with 279s too.

  1. uptiers into 8.7+ are common, there are alot of 8.7-9-0 matches these days.
  2. good chance since USSR has alot of players so the rest of the nations often get thrown together in the other team, and since China loves to platoon with them at 8.7 (because coincidentally China has the best 8.7 lineup to counter the 279), all other nations face it regularly.
  3. since USSR has an amazing 8.7 lineup even without the 279, and 7.7-8.3 are pretty bad lineups, 8.7 USSR players in 8.7-9.0 matches are very common.
  4. like I already told you, there are ALOT of those 279s in MM currently. not everyone has to buy one from the market at 500€+, there are plenty people who grinded it back then, didnt play it all that much when it was higher up in BR relative to other tanks and now play it alot more since it gets to whack weaker tanks than ever, plus it has a very favourable BR at the moment, since there are alot of 8.7-9.0 matches, which wasn’t always the case.

And in your answers to the other guy, you talk alot about your team’s other 8.7s and waiting for backup, yet you forget that the 279s usually aren’t alone either, especially when they platoon with other people. 279s can easily work as a vanguard for a bigger group of tanks pushing a flank, too.

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First of all, I’m not the one who is using fairytale scenarios to prove my point, so don’t talk about vacuum with me.
You can’t be in cover all the time, when on the move, you are going to get yourself exposed to multiple angles, which is a risky move most players know about, expect maybe you lol.
Considering how cramped our maps are, ~200m engagements should be pretty common.

First of all, CQC isn’t that favorable to 279 because it will have a hard time hiding it’s ridiculously long barrel. Lack of neutral steering surely won’t help as well. Perfect opportunity for something to remove it’s barrel and track.
That being said, pretty much every country has at least one option at 8.7 to deal with it frontally, again, you are just overreacting.

I hope you have some evidence to back this up. Personal experiences may vary from person to person.

That event happened in March 2020, so more than 3 years ago. Many people that were active back then might just moved on with their lives and stopped playing the game. Honestly, 3+ years isn’t a small time period, especially for a video game.

One more thing to note, since 279 is very hard to obtain at the moment, it most likely means that majority of it’s players are hardcore veterans that are playing the game for years and years, thus their skill level should be much higher than average, which in end leads to fairly unfair matchmaking.
All of this doesn’t mean the vehicle is utterly OP, just the skill gap is too big to have a fair matchup in majority of cases.

I bet those people would make something as ridiculously overtiered as T-64A look absolutely godly, and soon enough people would come here crying their eyes out to move T-64A to 9.7 lmao.

I guess you never ever witnessed one team outnumbering the other and wiping the floor with them in that area of the map. Certainly 279 can’t get in that sort of a situation, right ?
Everyone is blindly following the almighty god that is 279 and providing unconditional support, just so they can later visit the forum, and make a good laugh from all the whiny crybabies that are getting outnumbered and frankly, outskilled by a large margin.
That being said, you should stop using best-case scenario fantasies as arguments my friend.

Oh now we have pre-made squads of 279s just roaming around fully downtiered, while also cooperating with complete randoms in their team, in every single match.
Stay delusional lol.

Big talk comming from someone who doesn’t even recognise reality of 279 squads …

Last night I dropped 3 1000lb bombs on a 279.

Didn’t even break the tracks.

Prime example of Russian Bias.

Yes, you ARE trying to use your own fairytale scenarios to prove your point, that is why I was providing other common situations on the battlefield instead of “open field with no cover to reverse into, you get the first shot on the Obj279 to barrel + track it even though you’re likely not stabilized while the Obj is”. If the Obj sits in an open field shootable from all directions, it did something horribly wrong.

There are alot of maps that provide plenty of cover to not be exposed 360° at all times, even maps like Maginot line have a city to work in with decent hill cover to get over to the middle cap, which then has plenty houses in all direction as cover.

Cramped maps with plenty cover and allies that wont just let you push that Obj279 when it reverses into cover after getting its barrel shot. shoot the track first and you’re likely dead before you reload.

There is no way to get objective evidence for the matchmaker, so go play some 8.0-8.7 and see for yourself. and not just a couple games at a single day at a certain time. If you don’t get many 8.7-9.0 matches, good for you, but then you simply don’t understand the problem with the Obj279 since you don’t face them often when they’re toptier.

T64A weakspots outside of rear armor: 1) LFP 2) entire side of the hull 3) drivers hatch 4) gun mantlet; the side is easily penned by rank 2 tanks with >100mm flat pen.
Obj279 weakspots outside of rear armor: 1) drivers hatch 2) gun mantlet; some darts even fail to pen the side armor because its heavily sloped. Did I mention autocannons can’t even pen the back side of the turret (140mm), which they can with the T64A (65mm)? And the lack of a proper reverse gear for the T64A?
Yeah I wouldn’t cry about the T64A if it swapped BR placements with the 279.

Because its harder for the 279 to get into those situations when it can easily deal with being outnumbered against lower BR tanks. And what I was getting at was BOTH sides having several tanks on one flank and not just one. 2-3 279s + a few other tanks vs a bunch of other nation’s 8.0-8.7 tanks still isn’t a very fair matchup.
Not to mention not being alone means that your oh so holy barrel shooting is less effective since its teammates can just help with repairing.

go play at those BRs. see for yourself. you don’t have to coordinate with your team to just push down a flank with them, usually just going the “popular flank” on a map is enough for that. it also doesn’t have to be every match, it’s already disgusting when that happens roughly each 3rd or 4th match. it is simply not fun to play against. getting the same squad in multiple games a day isn’t that far-fetched, anyway.

Again, if your only solution to the 279 is “just shoot barrel and tracks”, with mostly unstabilized tanks vs a stabilized 279, with turret desync not showing you where its gun actually is, with the 279 probably not sitting there giving you its barrel unless its an idiot, you should go back to your rank 3 meta. There are situations where this is helpful but there are also alot of them where this gets you nowhere or outright gets you killed.

It doesn’t even need huge nerfs, put it back at 9.0 where it was relative to other tanks before the last BR adjustments and it’ll be fine. or fix the volumetric mess that is the driver’s hatch, it’s only real weakpoint from the front.


Special mention for this, having a single option is such an amazing feat if you can lose that option before even encountering the 279s in question and then be royally screwed if you’re one of a few survivors in the endgame; yet that 279 will have a plethora of other great 8.7 options for anything you can throw at it.

For a tank to be balanced at a BR, every tank it can see should at least be able to deal with it from the lightly angled sides. This isn’t true for a good amount of 7.7s and 8.0s for this particular tank.