As a heavy tank it should be at a BR where its Armor matters. Downtier to 8.0-8.3.
Its armor matters so much that even vehicles from its BR struggle to penetrate it. It’s already too powerful at 8.7 and it unrionically should be moved to 9.0 until the BR is decompressed even further or it gets nerfed. As I said: it’s better to sacrifice one vehicle than the entire bracket.
Its also surprisingly mobile for a super heavy tank. Always when I spawn a Leopard and drive next to one of these objects after spawning in the same team, I can’t really believe what I see. At the end the Leopard is faster, but not much and and for a good part of the acceleration phase the object even competes.
Many 7.7 vehicles can front pen 279, you are just “slightly” overreacting.
They simply aren’t. Get over it.
Quite untrue. As I said above, there’s a plethora of 7.7 vehicles that can front pen 279.
it is not, anything that uses heat can pen it form the front, and there are plenty of tanks in that br that use it.
HEAT/HEATFS can even oneshot the 279 through the engine, I had this once against a Leopard sniping from a hill. The Plasma jet went all the way from the engine to the Front. I was very dissappointed.
Not true. 90mm HEATFS doesn’t work except on tiny spots on the turret.
Also the point is not to know if its armour is invincible or not, the point is that it’s just too good at its BR. There is no downside on that tank except depression angles which really isn’t a problem if you know how to play.
Platoons of 279 just steamroll the ennemy team and is just unfun to play against, just as the T55 AMD.
Wait, are you unironically having problems dealing with AMDs lol ?
it can pen the hull aswell…
youre the one claiming that, im just pointing out that it is false.
This can go on forever … just test it and you’ll see. Had the chance to experiment in combat just yesterday.
This argument make no sense. No armour is invincible in the game, you’ll always find a tank that can deal with it.
So that’s no the point, the point is that if half of the ennemy team can’t penetrate it’s armour, then it’s overpowered for its tier.
The B1 ter was nerfed because of “too good” armour while a lot of tanks could pen it and while having the worst gun of the game. Exact same case.
Been tested in battles multiple times. 279 can be penned by heat slingers but damage isn’t exactly good.
No point having a heavy tank that can get penned by virtually anything it comes across.
What’s the point in penetrating if you can’t do damage ?
First, that’s the case for most heavies in WT. Second, that’s just not true. HEATFS struggles and all AP shells can’t pen. That leaves only APDS or big caliber HEAT, that’s not “everything it comes across”
Not good damage isn’t the same as no damage at all, please read what I wrote again.
And most heavies aren’t even worth playing, just because of that.
We both know APDS and HEAT get really popular at ~8.0 range.
There is more than enough vehicles in 7.7 - 8.7 range that can pen 279 frontally, you are just overreacting.
Oh sorry, i managed to kill the driver. And now I die.
Me and every single person facing it.
It’s your fault if you went for OHK with HEAT or APDS in a head-to-head engagement, instead of disabling the gun first.
You mean, yourself and a couple more forum crybabies ?
I’ve went through 7.7-9.7 range multiple times and had no issue with 279, I guess it’s a you issue.
Nice delusion you’ve got there. If you don’t see the issue then I can’t help you but keep preaching, maybe one day you’ll convince somebody.
You are making drama out of a non-issue. People just need to have something to cry about, regardless of how stupid it is.
Yeah, the object is perfectly balanced, and the spam of this vehicle during the current event is irrelevant and meaningless!
sorry but obj 279 on 8.0- 8.3 Just no
otherwise tanks like t29 maus tiger 2 is2 etc would also need a huge br downgrade :D
All the counters to the op obj got moved up so russia could dominate again ?
then give us a bunch of examples if you’re so sure about that. shouldn’t be hard to do if there’s a “plethora” of vehicles at 7.7 that can do it.