Lets Talk About The Object 279 Issue. Currently 5.8+ KDR on Average

Is it not obvious? because the ability or lack thereof to penetrate an opponent frontally is ONE aspect of how tanks are balanced. Other aspects of balance include gun handling, gun depression/elevation, mobility, utilites like scouting/uav/arty, ammo rack locations and size, crew number, survivability upon penetration, along with lethality of munitions upon penetration of an enemy, armor or lackthereof (in some cases being more survivable than thick armor), and optics/zoom/thermals/lrf. Saying that tank A can lolpen tank B and vice-a-versa makes them balanced is nonsense.

And your heavy tank getting lolpenned by almost anything at its BR, let alone above makes that advantage COMPLETELY NULL!

Like hell it aint, being able to pop into and out of cover very quickly to take shots is super important to prevent return fire from smacking you back to the hanger.

And they often fought each other and got to enjoy smashing their faces into each other without some time traveling light tank popping up and deleting them from existence with lolpen rounds.

Bruh what? I bought this on release, it was never particularly well armored. It’s a good tank don’t get me wrong, but heavily armored is not what I would ever describe it as.

Ah see you’ve made a grave error here, the ins and out of a tank and its abilities are not used to determine BR. The only thing that determines BR in this game is “Statistics!”, which is obviously a stupid way to balance and you end up with situations like the CL-13 sabers getting continuously uptiered because hypersweats who make up the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent of all players decided to skew the statistics of that plane because they were the only ones left playing it frequently and doing well in it despite the BR changes because the players were just that good.

Play any map with thick underbrush and lots of small bits of rubble, debris, and scrimscrams that is large enough to conceal a tank partially or fully and you will understand just how much thermals make spotting people a trivial matter.

My brother in bias, no matter how you angle the front hull of the 279 it will always have the same resistance to heatfs/atgm/apfsds (that is to say, almost none).

The only way to truly make the 279 nearly invulnerable to penetration is to do a reverse sidescrape, but you can still be shot in the turret ring neck and through the ass of the tank if you are not careful.

I have shot enough IFVs to know that when the APHE does not explode, the round does almost no damage to anything it does not directly hit.

just some quick examples from protection analysis.

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You know what the other problem I don’t see anyone acknowledging about the o279. Is the number of vehicles russia has at 8.7. This is BR 8.7 vehicle count:

USA = 1
Japan = 2
Germany = 3
Britain = 3
France = 4
Isreal = 4
Taiwan/china = 6
Sweden/Finland = 5 (+2 SPAA)
russia = 9

So if you want to build up for BR 8.7 with any non small nation, you have to look at BR 8.3 where Britain has 8 vehicles, the USA has 6, Germany has 4, and France has 5. So you basically have to uptier yourself with your lineup.

Their are 39 vehicles at BR 8.7. 24% of which are russian. BR 8.7 does consist of the Chieftan mk3 and mk5. But unfortunately it is MISSING the L15A4 APDS-T (355mm pen at 1000 meters) and L15A5 APFSDS which has an incredible 150mm penetration at 6,500 meters. Ammunition for its L11 Cano0n WHICH IT USED IRL. That ammunition would actually pen the object 279 without any issues. This is how the snail cheats players out of fair matches.

If you want to get super technical since the object 279 was a cancelled project. The L11 Canon for the should see L28A1 ammunition for its canon which has a 680mm penetration at 3,500 meters. The L28A2 ammunition which has 480mm pen at 3,500 meters. So it should have no problem with the o279 had they outfitted it correctly.

Their are 36 vehicles (29 are tanks 7 are SPAA) at BR 8.3 13% are russian. Even though 7 of those are SPAA, russia doesn’t have spaa at that BR because they get RADAR SPAA at 7.7 while many others have to wait until 8.3. BR 8.3 consists of 19% SPAA, That will teach that pesky o279!

Their are 27 vehicles at BR 9 and 11% of which are russian.

What this means that while russia has 9 vehicles to choose from at BR 8.7 including the o279 all other nations have an average of 3 vehicles. At BR 8.3 All other nations have an average of 2.6 vehicles to choose from. Its a black hole that favors russia. They simply need to move the o279 up to BR 9.0 or 9.3.

They should actually move the o279 up to BR 9.0 for balance. It makes sense just looking at the vehicle numbers.

Check all the vehicles at 8.3 & 9.0 now.
Especially take note of MBTs, the things that can lolpen Obj 279.
9.0 matches are what 279 is going to see nearly all the time.

Also Russia’s not a tech tree, Soviets are.

Nice straw man. Literally no one is arguing two tanks being able to pen each other is what creates balance. Being able to penetrate a tank in specific locations requiring precision != ‘lolpen’. Again, this game often is determined in a single shell, so bouncing ONE shell is enough to turn a fight from won to lost instantly. Thats the advantage of armor. Or are you saying you NEVER bounce a shell in the 279, which i’ll just call bullshit on.

The idea you can pull out, fire, and retreat in a city is generally what is going to get you killed more than get you kills. The acceleration difference over 20m for a 14 hp/t tank and a 21 hp/t tank is minimal and what one can do, the other can do nearly as well. Armor matters FAR more in a city, especially the ability to angle a UFP around a corner.

The T29 broke the balance of the game by being a strict upgrade to the Tiger 2, the best armored tank at the time. It took months to have its ground pressure massively increased and it go to 7.0.

The IS6 release was the single worst time period of this game’s history for ground battles. 83% WR and games comprised of 70%+ iS6s. It didn’t help that the turret had TWO 100mm plates behind the mantlet for some ‘unknown’ reason that took months to correct after reported.

XM-1 doesn’t have amazing armor, but it was one of the first tanks to include internal bulkheads and firewalls. With HEAT being the primary shell type at the time for that BR (it was both more common and better performing at the time), it made it incredibly resistant to OHKs. If you are going to call the maus durable, then the XM-1 also was. It had a 76% wr also and was heavily dominant, making everything in its BR range miserable to play.

Lol… this is like talking to a child. Do you know what makes a tank kill more enemies and perform better? Gun stats, armor stats, mobility stats, and soft stats (ground pressure, depression, equipment ect). So yes, a tank’s abilities are factored into statistics. If people are performing well in a vehicle to the detriment of others, a vehicle should be nerfed. If no one but ‘hypersweats (seriously?)’ plays the CL-13 and they still do very well in it, why should it not be upteired? Or do you think good people play a specific bad vehicle and performan well in it just to spite you?

Ah yes, i’ve never played a map with thick underbrush… Or you could sit below a ridge and look for movement rather than relying on sitting with your turret exposed in order to look around with thermals. Because thats what your advocating with gunner thermals and i see it get people killed constantly. LRF start making people scanning with thermals a trivial target.

Your first screenshot shouldn’t happen. Angle at 20 degrees or more and most of the shoulder pennable spots start becoming muddled, especially at distance. Driver fault for positioning poorly.

Your 2nd shows a shot that you would have to be insane to try. Even a slight deviation and you are bouncing. Literally my point.

Your 3rd shows a spot thats literally saying nothing significant is behind it. LIkely the unfilled ammo racks take up that space. so lets say you shoot that and… what? Hope?

Now, your expectation is that HEAT rounds kill everything they touch based on your arguments. We know that to not be the case. They have been WAY underperforming realistic expectations since they got nerfed from the ‘cheafs’ era. APHE has never been underperforming. Even if you DO get penned, if you aren’t disabled you return fire with a better gun than what shot you vs targets that have NO chance of bouncing your shots (barring bad accuracy, seems to be something you excel at). So the 279 STILL has the firepower advantage over HEATFS slingers.

You seem to be very good at shooting at tanks where they are not vulnerable. As your screenshots show. How about you shoot said light tank under the turret and watch how the entire turret crew dies and the tank is disabled. Try playing france and learn how solid shells work.

Imagine a Modern Battleship Layered with 40 C-IWS on each side 800MM Guns

Imagine keeping 40 C-IWS operational and fed.

its all work out!!

@Zephoid This is also an issue of lineups and volume of tanks. The 279 is sitting in a position where russia has a massive number of tanks to choose from. Here are some numbers if you simply go +/- .3 BR

russia = 17 Tanks (0 SPAA (they got RADAR SPAA at 7.7)

Great Britain = 11 (2 SPAA)
Taiwan/china = 11 Tanks (1 SPAA)
USA = 10 Tanks (1 SPAA)
Germany = 9 Tanks (1 SPAA)
Japan = 8 Tanks (1 SPAA)
France = 8 (1 SPAA)
Sweden/Finland = 6 Tanks (2 SPAA)
Italy = 6 Tanks (1 SPAA) (0 Tanks at 8.7)
Isreal = 6 Tanks

Keep in mind this is if you go +/- 0.3 BR to build a lineup. If you go simply with 8.7 alone then the numbers look like this:

russia = 9

Italy = 0
USA = 1
Japan = 2
Germany = 3
Britain = 3
France = 4
Isreal = 4
Sweden/Finland = 5 (+2 SPAA)
Taiwan/china = 6

At 8.7 BR russia has 9 Tanks, and 0 are SPAA. Imagine trying to build a line up to win at this BR, and one of the tanks you have to face is the 279 plus they have 8 more to choose from at that BR.

“nothing else”

guess that autoloaded 130mm and the good mobility for a heavy tank means nothing

If the Object 279 was moved up to 9.0 where it belongs here are what the numbers would look like:

France = 0 Tanks
Sweden/Finland = 0 Tanks
Great Britain = 2 Tanks
Isreal = 2 Tanks
Germany = 3 tanks
USA = 3 Tanks (+1 SPAA)

Japan = 4 Tanks
Taiwan/china = 4 Tanks
russia = 4 Tanks.

Way more balanced in numbers if they shifted it up to 9.0.

When you have a Dart or an ATGM zooming towards you, then no.

When you have a Dart or an ATGM zooming towards you, then no.

The 130mm works the exact same regardless. Fantastic gun. Don’t try to cope about this.

Their is no reason the 279 should be given special privileges other nations are not afforded and allowed to not face APFSDS like everyone else has to. Everyone else gets to face them, the 279 can as well.

Again, playing bad, getting killed. You haven’t located the vehicle you obviously know is in the area and are firing MGs wildly, giving away your position. You could have sat at the edge of the building with your tank hidden and observed the area to locate him, then peek out and fire. You can fire on the move, he can’t. He has a chance of killing you with his atgm. You have a guarenteed kill on him.

  1. A friendly plane just nuked the area
  2. There was no visibility
  3. It was a full uptier
  4. I saw not a single enemy in person whole match

That S Show was rigged against me from the start.

I am not sure what this is referencing.

My comment was that if other tanks don’t get special protection from darts, the 279 shouldn’t either.


Every 9.0 is superior to it.

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What a loaded statement. There are 7 tech tree MBTs at 9.0 outside of russia. There are only 16 tech tree vehicles total at 9.0 including AA and autocannon IFVs. Its one of the lowest vehicle count of any BR.

As for ‘every 9.0 is better’, there are two M60A3 TTS and a Magach that are all worse. They get darts, but no armor on a tall chassis and a bunch of near-useless ERA. Between 337mm apfsds and 360 pen aphe, i’ll take the APHE. Once you get 400 pen apfsds its a clear winner. Nothing else at 9.0 has armor except the same chieftan that has been fodder for the 279 at lower teirs. Besides those 3 tanks, you have said chieftan that is pretty close but i’d call slightly better due to the chieftan actually getting a functional round. The two Type 74 i have no experience with but i have not heard good things about them.

Also, 9.0 takes it outside 7.7 range, which has a whole host of tanks that have zero chance of penning the 279 frontally. Every other tank that has invulnerability in a full downteir has MASSIVE drawbacks (fixed arc, slow, bad gun, ect). The 279 is unique in that it has no drawbacks.

there is always the M60a1 RISE that seems to be getting downtiered a alot ot 8.7