Let's talk about bots in Naval (AI controlled vessels added by game to battle)

Is this directed at more or someone else? I ask because we seemed to be the last people talking. If it isn’t I don’t want to butt in…

I didnt want to mock you. i was sacastic. i was pointing out problems that are more often in higher BRs. Your number in battles in higher BR is quite limited. So i just say that you might miss some expertise.

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I understand, I was just curious if the one you posted about 15 minutes ago was directed to me or just anyone.

I think this is a very good idea as far as a radius of targeting goes. If only the AI bots could be limited to shooting at aircraft to a radius, like 2000 meters, I think that could go a long way towards solving the problem of there insane AA firepower.

I am afraid to say though your probably right, Gajinn is unlikely to take the time to fix this problem.

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Gaijin is sooooo slow in reacting to the players. Or better to undo some decisions made in the past. F.e. the introduction of midfield AA in Air-RB. took them month to remove them. So u got killed randaomly over some areas of the map. And RB has plenty of players. All were pissed.

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I got shot down from 6 km multiple times and often by stealth shells. One moment I fly, the next my both wings fall off or my fuselage falls apart. You think you are safe, but laser precision AI is there to beg to differ. The way I understand, certain guns will have different shooting ranges, not like we have 2.5 km aiming reticule. I’ve shot down planes from 6 km+ with my HE-VT before, but that takes some luck as well.
What sucks, you are on a bombing run on a cruiser, the coast is clear, so you focus on your target and dodging bullets, but then poof you got shot down by AI that has just spawned out of nowhere Star Trek style and started shooting.

As annoying as it all is, I kinda like this, as it limits Bomb Thunder that is so prevalent in ground battles. For that reason I mostly stay in ships and plan to not lose my first ship, if possible, so spawning a plane is not happening anyway;).