Let’s talk about the Chieftain

Dunno if I agree.

Also, it’s worth bearing in mind - the Conqueror is 7.7. The Chieftain is 8.7. Chieftains will face things like T-64s that negate their armour completely, whereas the Conqueror has that problem a lot less (only really dangerous vehicle is stuff like the T-55AM-1, simply because of the ammo it gets, and how the Conker Sabot is a bit finicky with it sometimes)

I find tier for tier, the Conqueror is a whole lot better than the Chieftain in terms of protection. I find both pretty similar in terms of mobility, and if it weren’t for constant shell shattering on the Conqueror, I’d call it superior in the firepower department too.

I could use other 7.3 vehicles if the AMX10M is an issue for you. It’s all largely the same results though. They’re pretty much near identical in protection.

As Firestarted said, the Chieftains armour (while similar to the Conquerors) is largely negated by higher BR enemies.

I’d absolutely prefer decompression and leave the Mk 3 where it is, then push the other Chieftains up. I’m just saying if it was to drop to 8.3 in the meantime it won’t be the end of the world.

Chieftains are superior to the conqueror because of the shells, the reload, the gun handling, depression, and the lower profile.

L1G while at face value looks like a good round, is subject to the dreadful shattering mechanic and also strangely seems to spall very little on penetration as well as having worse angled performance.

L15A3 on the other hand does not shatter and hits like a freight truck whilst having better angled performance.


the chieftain has a far better cannon, round, and has HMGs,
has more effective armour with the dozer blade, even against the T64, the T64B should realistically have went to 10.0 with the leopard 2k.

the conq is slower over all, has worse suspension, worse reverse as well last i checked. It also faces a lot of tanks that pen its armour like swiss cheese between 8.0 and 8.7.

there is no reason to recompress and move the chieftain mk3 down at all. its absolutely fine where it is. best place its been in a long time hell i still use the mk5 and mk3 in my 9.3 lineup when i want to have fun and take out 4 chieftains xD they work absolutely fine with the way its meant to be played even in up tiers.
the conq suffers more in an uptier than a chieftain does.

as i stated you as well you never included the dozer blade on the chieftain, but had the extra armour on the conq.

I love all of these vehicles but the chieftain mk3 is absolutely fine at 8.7 and has been for a long time now.
and as @Casino_Knight accurately said the chieftains fire power absolutely trump the conqueror that alone is why it shouldnt and cant go down in BR. an 8 second reload with a 120mm apds that can pen the front of almost if not every 9.7 bar the T64B and phenomenal depression and a low profile allow it to be dominant.

as well as this man ive got hundreds of games between the mk3 and 5 chieftain, you dont even have either yet xD which btw, definitely will enjoy them and i hope u do :=)

Conqueror is garbage, the post pen is so bad that sometimes it doesn’t even one shot BMPs and other light vehicles

I have similar experience lol mostly side shots only nuke one crew per ammo, feels like it generate 9mm pistol spalls, given the same situation and shot angle the Fox will OHKO the enemy. Something wrong


Something is definitely wrong, idk why Britain isn’t allowed to have anything GOOD, the conqueror seems fantastic on paper but in reality is bad because of the ammo spall mainly. I mean the thing is slow it can be easily killed at 7.7, at least give it some firepower. The only exception so far is the the Khalid, which is probably my favorite tank in the game.

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I don’t have the Khalid but I can see it has the same turret as the variants at 8.7, which offers good protection but not great like the mk10 with stillbrew, you might already utilize its speed advantage though, I would get the Khalid if it has the same turret as the mk10 lol.

I’ll name a few British stuff that I personally think it is good:
Chieftains (all of them)
Rooikat MTTD

The rest are either bad or I suck at using them or both lol

The rooikat 105 is good but overrated imo, I have both but I prefer the Khalid, if you can absolutely get it, it’s super fast and the gun kills anything, the only disadvantage is the lack of thermals but it’s not a huge deal, the armor is bad but still better than other 9.3 such as the leopard 1a5

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The khalids extra mobility really does make a huge difference, allows for far better positioning, conbinef with a substantial rounf and average armour.

The challanger 1s are fantastic as well btw probs where id say to stop with britain.
Vickers mk7 etc

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i agree with this, ive recently spaded both after skipping them for a while, while they are slow and the hull is useless it can be worked with. The round is fine and there is no need for a lrf imo. however the reload is what lets it down, i understand a longer reload if it had other advantages but it simply has none. the only advantage ive found is in a full downtier if you find a hull down position enemies will really struggle to deal with you and when they penetrate the turret you will survive


The lrf for the mk5 is historical though and the l15a5 round.

Definitely not bad tanks as is rn

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The Mk.10 is missing almost 100 BHP and should have the L60 Mk.11a that develops 840 BHP


And what about the sources that claim it has 120 mm front glacis plate?


I will have a go at my book collection tonight and see what I can find


Thank you.

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It will sadly need to wait till Monday since I’m now in Sweden and yesterday was to little time between packing my stuff
I’m sorry for the delay


No worries mate. Enjoy Sweden.


Yeah, I believe most British user/instruction books are using net power, not gross. So considering WT uses the latter not former, many British vehicles are likely underperforming.