Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

What? You get 1s longer base reload, but your reload remains consistent for longer.

On normal Chally 2s it’s 5s for about 4 rounds iirc, on CR 3 TD it’s 6s for 16 rounds.

i know i rather the quicker reload and the better benefits of the 2E and BN

Do you not remember how ungodly OP Russia was prior to the 2A6 being added? They’d been over a 70% winrate for over a year at that point.

The only actually “special” thing the 2A6 had at the time over the 2A5 btw, was that it was the first tank in WT that could reliably pen russian hull armor at any range. This lead to a MASSIVE overcorrection on gaijins part where they not only dropped the BR of EVERY top tier russian ground vehicles (making Russia not have a top tier for a while) but also buffed their UFP armor effectiveness (hence why the Russian UFP RHA is sitting at a KE modifier of 1.35x now, instead of 1, which is what it should be), AND reduced their spalling.

The 2A6 had no actual impact on other nations at the time, it couldnt really pen anything new on an M1A1 at the time for example, it was a bit more reliable with odd shots, but it was the bane of the russian players existence simply because holding W just lead to an APFSDS going through the UFP at 2km.

As an extra sidenote, we’re STILL whining about the 2A6? that vehicle was added in 2020 ffs, alongside the Strv122B btw, which almost nobody cries about cuz its not german even though its STILL top 3 best MBT’s over 3 years after being added.

I could understand crying about the Strv122B PLSS back then, literally best armor ingame when top rounds were 3bm46, but the 2A6 was functionally no different than the 2A5 to any nation BUT Russia back then.

The trend of “a new top tank is added to Germany and everyone collectively loses their mind”


im just saying that the CR3(TD) is not better then the Leopard2AV7

Nobody here even thinks it is. Granted, they aren’t too far apart in their capabilites, but for some reason people think 2A7V is this Godly abomination that single-handely dominates top tier (because what is a line-up, right???), and that nothing can even hope to match it (because it’s apparently the “best performing MBT by a significant margin”), but the CR 3 TD with most of 2A7Vs qualities gets a pass simply because;

A) It’s not as good (less armour coverage, worse gun-handling;)
B) Isn’t present in the same number
C) Isn’t German (this one is basically the most important, people somehow found a reason to complain about the PSO - which mind you, was a DOWNGRADE from the 2A5 added back in March of 2019).

I can bet you 10 bucks that if 2A7V was added to the Brits, very few people would be this vocal, for various reasons.

post scriptium:

Karma farming be like.


They would russian mains still moan with our barley working SPAA missile as it could kill a BMP and on a lucky shot a T80

Sorry, should’ve clarified. Very few people that don’t main Russia.

Ppl would celebrate it as a “minor nation” getting one up against that evil “major nation” germany…

(Despite germany being for all intents and puposes, a minor nation at top tier because gaijin thinks the only vehicles that exist are 9.0 leo 1 hull variants and weird 1 off prototypes like 3 guys somewhere kinda wanted maybe cuz it looked funny)

Reminder post-2A6, Germany did not get a single new rank 7 vehicle until the PSO, just under 3 years later, and its a 2A5 sidegrade. Germany actually had the (iirc) 2nd or 3rd least rank 7 vehicles ingame before gaijin restructured rank 7 by pushing half of rank 6 into it to pretend they hadnt been favouring a few nations since rank 7 became a thing…


Yes. I question my self what happened to those players because my experience with the current soviets teams is like this: 16max team best case scenario 4 actual non bot teammates. BVM and the 2A6 were equally good, strv being the best.

The thing they didn’t do then but do now is actually respawn more than once or twice. Naturally you rush with the bvm or other t80s. Russian braindead players don’t know what capture zones are so they rush enemy spawns. You kill them once and then win the late game. There is the scenario where a successful push in some maps will lead into spawn trapping, but this isn’t a thing only russia can do.

A very common theme now: Ru main dies—>Spawns pansir or base ka50. To the point you will see like 5 useless pansirs clogging up the spawn and contributing nothing. ka50 on top tier is practically obsolete, so again its a other dead weight on the team.

Biggest redeeming factor for russian top tier now other than the pansir is the ka52. It’s the only way to keep the swarms of leopards down, but you will still end up losing because russian retards can’t capture points for shit

I’m not even mad lmao. You are less than an afterthought at the moment.

Leopard 2 has the crew lined up as a one shot. The Abrams has the easy 3 shot kill on the lower mantlet/turret ring.

Both are easy one shots if you can aim. The Abrams really stopped being survivable with the introduction of the 550mm+ pen rounds. It’s survivability depends on people being stupid and I don’t consider something good if it has to rely on someone elses stupidity.

No. Win rate is not just team skill, it’s also teams playing one-death leavers. And I’ve noticed that that happens alot with Germany and USA, and not as often with USSR.

The same happens with Germany and USA. One death leavers or die and get in chopper. It’s a rare damn game I get where my teams come with more than two back-ups.

might have to do with ussrs available wallet warrior line up of turms, 2s38, bmp 2m, T-80UK + whatever air shenanigans you wanna add

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As a wallet warrior/tryhard/whatever-slur-they-wanna-call-me, I can say that many of my losses these days in GER are due to one-death leavers in Leopard 2A7s, 2A5s, and very few Clickbaits. Russian T80BVMs still doing their zoomy thing and avoiding death because their ammo goes black every time I hit with DM53.

Yeah i remember those very disgusting and tbh i love see Russia getting stomp it satisfied my bloodlust very well if ask me do i feel bad for other nation that get in the crossfire? yes i do

Awwww who flag my truth fact does it hurt someone feeling?

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So lets do a recap of germain/sweden main arugmentation to keep their veichles OP:

  1. It is like that in real life so it should be in game
    -In real life russian teams should have 3x more tanks than you, so each tank can be used at least 3 times in a single game

  2. russian tanks have a strong ufp too all you have to do to kill a leopard is aim the weakspot
    -When you aim on a weakspot of a russian tank you are guaranteed to oneshot it 85% of times, specially on lfp and driver hatch or sides, meanwhile leopards already have a bigger space inside to disperse spall, more crew and more armor too all littered with spall liners everywhere making every penetrating hit a gamble, in fact most of the times the shell at best will kill 2 crews (if lucky)

  3. Bvm when released got higher winrate

  • This statement is no comment by itself but lets analize it to demolish completely their argument, the bvm is one tank that got this winrate for a while (still inferior to leopard in this situation) in this update we have sweden with at least 3 of them and germany with 1 and they usually end up in the same team
  1. win rate of tanks as someone stated STRV122 70% lecler 66% ariete 65% ztz99a 63% type 10 63% 2a7v 62% (doubt about that) merkava 62% challenger 3 58% t90m 55% m1a2 40%
    -Lets analyze this data, nato nations got a similar winrate, other tanks are basically carried by the fact they end up with germany and sweden most of the time, as we can see USA, USSR and Britain got a similar one because somehow they are going more times than not in same team with USSR against the rest

  2. Leopard 2a7v has almost the same weakspots of 2a5/6 against 3bm60
    -Fake for most part, the hull add-on armor usually end up shattering the round on ufp so the only weakspot is the lfp (unreliable)

  3. I don’t have problems dealing with leopards (and other personal, fake, experiences)
    -This statement don’t deserve my time

  4. The last one are people posting themself shooting leopards in protection analysis claiming is not op and can be killed easily aiming for weakspot

  • For some obscure reasons those people never post a gameplay against germany and sweden paired togheter where they do all the things the claim to be able to do.

Final considerations, they are exalted people who are trying to cover up the evident fact leopards can’t stay in this dominant condition to keep the gameplay alive, when you will get actual facts and proof under their nose the reply will probably be “skill issue and l2p” so the best we can do is let gaijin understand we don’t like this kind of gameplay and hope they wil listen to more unbiased players and revert some changes

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sure if they would explode everytime a single apfsds hits the ammo ;)
and would have to be attacking while nato tanks are waiting trenched? in

Im sorry all you have to do vs leopards is shoot driver hatch to kill 3 of 4 crewmembers…
And russian tanks 85% oneshot ? sorry what ? more like 40/60 except shooting drive sprocket? which seem to nuke it 9/10 times ( but that is not always possible…) shooting driver hatch will kill driver and engine the ammunition in between will remain unharmed because black magic i guess ?
And sideshots is weird because of ru era performance in general
because last time i checked 652mm pen is more then 200mm relic armor and still eats it like 5 out of 10
And the bigger space in leopards is meaningless if you still have that bs weakspot of driver hatch where 3 of 4 ppl sit behind ;)

I had to laugh so much lol
the 2a7v add on armor turns the auto shatter ufp into a penetrateable? area
as shown here by @Drag0oon in his post showing it with 598mm pen on 100mm penning the ufp lul

Anyway i like how people just ride all day on how op the 2a7v is while sweden have basicly 3 of them with even better armor lol

oh and with the reallife stuff you should be careful what you wish for
because then half of russian relic side era bags would
Either be empty or filled with rubber or egg cartons or smt


I’ll be happy for Brits to have Canadian Leopard 2A6M CAN since Challenger are really not a good tanks to play with

russian tanks already explode when something hit their ammo, all tanks have problems with ammo disappearing and not exploding but on russian one you notice it more because ammo always get hit
honestly i die everytime someone hit my driver hatch even with crew maxed out and qualificated with sl
And again, to kill 3-4 leopard crew you have to get a perfect shot that most of the time is impossible to have when all his team is searching for you or his hull is behind some cover,
Btw im talking about both nations as you can see in the previous comment, sweden and germany paired togheter is what it makes them OP (and the spall liner too)