Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

I should re-word: Best performing vehicle by a large margin. Maybe the strv is even better

What is this based on?

Thunderskill? Personal experience?

@MythicPi showed above that 2A7V is nowhere near the top of the ladder in terms of W/L R, so how is it exactly the “best performing vehicle by a large margin”? What does “best performing vehicle by a large margin” even mean?

Best armour? Best firepower? Best optics? Best survivability? Best mobility?

Well, what is it.

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I dont blame russia for the mismodelling, I blame gaijin.

Pretending the 2A7V hull roof is immune to rounds in-game because of how it SHOULD be modelled is a pretty big reach lmao

Reality maybe??? How you not played top tier? The fact that Germany wins even with having a burden called USA on top should prove this alone. What do you wish to compare the 2a7v to? The t90m? What does the t90m have over the leo (other than the profile).

The 2a7v has: Best pen, 2nd best armor (you get to trade thermals and the gun for more armor=srtv 122+), high mobility, best survivability (i guess the t90m is 2nd but i dont have experience as not many use it, geee)

T90m has: highest reload and the worst pen on top tier, coupled with the slowest reverse speed and mediocre mobility. Also classically no gun depression as well.

I may have gotten it mixed with the strvs. It’s not far off regardless

its literally worse than then 2A5/6 tho??? tf do u mean “its not far off”

Its been bug reported for the PSO and 2A7V for so long and gaijin just thinks its funny to make add on armor give you worse armor

CR 3 TD has identical firepower + optics. It also has a lot more spall liners (it unironically is more survivable), is more mobile (top speed isn’t limited, and it accelerates slightly better since transmission changes).

The only thing 2A7V does better than the CR3 is the weakspot size on the turret, and the stronger break (but it trades that for significantly weaker hull roof).

Why isn’t anyone crying about the TD? Oh right, because all the sweat lords didn’t flock to it like they did to the 2A7V, nor are they present in the same amount as the 2A7V…

The fact that Germany wins even with having a burden called USA on top should prove this alone.

So do others?? I don’t even get this argument.

X nation is a burden, but Y nation still wisn - Y nation must be OP!!!

I’ve seen France carry US players, does this mean Leclerc S21 is OP??

I’ve yet to see a worse argument than this for why 2A7V is supposedly the “best tank”.

This a rather weird trend with german MBTs. They always add them with no actual balanced counterparts. Leopard 2A5 curbstombed, I don’t remember exactly what other trees had but the t80u was the ussr top dog. Leopard 2a6 on new power, also stomped and the swedish leopards of course.

a lot more no you mean spall liner on the upper front plate in U shape missing the Driver so no false

We’re seriously going to act like it has less spall liner coverage frontally than the 2A7V lol? When the V has no spall liners covering the conga line (driver + gunner + commander) at all?


No one is crying about the challengers except the people that play them lmfao. I can’t recall the last time I had to fire a followup shot to kill one. The TD is not more survivable that the leopard, it’s equal at best and it trades actual mobility. Not to mention its armor is trash

What does this mean?

How does a 62.5 tank w/1500hp and recently improved transmission ratios is “less mobile” than a 64.3 one whose top speed got limited to CR 3s level?

Does the 2A7V break the laws of physics or have I missed something?

Not to mention its armor is trash


Humongous difference in green coverage (granted the turret roof is indeed better protected).

This is M829A1 btw…

As far as I can see, the only difference between the two is the beak (that somehow everybody shoots, people had 2+ years to learn against 122s, they didn’t - skill issue) and turret roof.


frontally they are the same they have no spall liner in front of the driver but the TD only has a spall liner frontally instead of the leo having it in the turret and sides like what is your point

Those have become irrelevant after Gaijin “”““fixed””“” (read this is as them just making everyone less survivable) APFSDS spall generation.

The only still relevant spall liners are those behind frontal armour, that’s it (this is due to spall being tied to residue penetration btw, I’ve seen Optical talk about it on discord). The one on the left side of 2A7Vs upper plate is basically the best part of it.

and on both tanks when you aim at the driver their is no spall liner so it kills every one

All challengers lose their speed by barely turning. Also have one of the worst profiles. You rely too much on armor analysis, and I thought everyone knew it’s a rather unreliable method to figure actual performance


That’s been fixed lmao. You’re living in September of 2023 still (and I thought we’re talking about the CR 3 TD here, aren’t we?).

You rely too much on armor analysis

Dude, those spots can be defeated by M829A1 in custom as well, at this point you’re not even making proper arguments, just throwing words at a wall hoping they stick, or that I don’t notice them.

It’s not like I’m even saying 2A7V’s bad, but my face when y’all are acting like it’s so much better than the 2A6 when it really isn’t.

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Are you really looking at unspaded hp???

I can happily demount all engine mods from my 2A7V, then it will also be 1327hp.

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my bad on that as i haven’t played it much due to the better dart not being worth the longer reload and slight improvement over the base challenger 2