Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

ammo do not explode charges do so you are wrong here propelant is more simillar to dm63 one than you think

I will add that since then I have seen people pen the UFP often enough to make inconsistent compared to the Strv122s. Shells like 3BM60, DM53, Type 10 and M829A2 have all penned the “most armoured” area. :D

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you do realise that even rounds like 3bm42 etc have powder around it ?
Or do you want to tell me that this is just garbage to fill the space between round and casing? XD

most ru tanks that i killed in recent games where
Either crew knockouts or fuel explosion and rarely ammo racks because i stopped shooting at them
because of that funny rng moments


Last time I checked Russian ammo uses 4Zh40, 4Zh52 or 4Zh63 charges first used in the 1980 which are made up of HIGHLY combustible and sensitive components. You are claiming that there is a 25 YEAR difference between when the Soviets and Germany developed inert charges for their munitions.

There is also further charges around the APFSDS itself that are still highly combustible. There is no way that Russia developed a inert charge for its rounds and not advertise it to hell and back let alone not at all. There are also plenty of examples of this being untrue in Ukraine too, both with T90Ms and normal T72Bs and anything in-between.

You are lying.


damn, any idea how high that is ?
Maybe a new record ?

legends say it continued traveling up to the orbit and was the succesful start of russians tank space programm

Not one of those are ammoracks you troll
maybe first one with a big maybe
but i dont see a flying turret there btw…

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wow first picture of a destroyed leopard ( and i think its a turkish one hit by a kornet
Why move when you can stay alone in the open and play arty lul)

Anyway for each one of your pictures i could upload 50+ of ru tanks without a turret xD

Anyway thanks for proving that you run out of your initial post with leopards op bla bla and resort to derailing this thread more :)


the second one was a training accident in Poland where anover vehicle drove into the barrel

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Top leopard had a fuel fire which then turned into both a hull and turret bustle fire. This is not the same as a ammunition detonation.

The bottom leopard was in a training accident, these happen just as much with Russia as anyone one else.

Just like with Russian tanks, a good example of what happens when you don’t train your troops to effectively use equipment.

how about not lying

lying about what? that leopards are not invincible tanks that can’t burn or explode? seem real to me considering germany immediately called them back from ukranian special operation front for how bad their performance is

Wow what a cheap move.

This a Turkish Leopard2A4 with B Tech Armor package that has been destroyed by Kornet hit, it has nothing to do with Ukrainian War.

Best thing about Russian tanks is we dont need that kind of cheap moves in order to Show how trash they are.

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Hah i expected that if i post turret flying Russian tanks Russian mains will just post imagine of destroyed leopard2 also what you try to prove here? we are talking about DM63 combustible sensitive witch someone claim that Russian ammunition have similar property which if it does similar to DM63 it wouldn’t sent the turret flying high and and I never said leopard are indestructible (no one here ever say that BS)
well at least Leopard 2 that destoryed in Ukr the crew pretty alive and well and higher chance of survival what chance of Russian tanks crew?

prove it that this is result of the DM63 detonation if you can i’ll never speak sht about Russian stuff ever again
can you? or you’re just typical Russian main that got feeling hurt?


“ammo do not explode charges do so you are wrong here propelant is more simillar to dm63 one than you think”

this lying but what can u expect from a person like u

inbound for the next whatabout

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1st one may have gotten ammo racked, but the pressure was vented through the blow out panels, crew most likely survived… Also, turret is still attached.

2nd one was a training accident that had nothing to do with ammo racking.

but they did not get called back

there is almost none left there, their performance was too bade and got a much higher casualty than expected

İs that the same reason why Ukraine officially adopted Leopard 2 series for their army?

Try harder please, i need to laugh harder to your rotten jokes.

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