Leopard 2A8

No it has yet to be put on

let me see, italy produces the F35 under license but it has some issues with the building due to the main issues of materials and factories sizes, making it harder to use both bigger and more advanced machinery for the creation process So far, they only got 15 out of 59, not even including how bad they are doing with the parts, Another funny part is that their F35’s are built out of the base of older F35’s, which is outdated compared to the newer US F35’s and now italy wants to upgrade them

I’m not talking about the combat ID panels, I’m talking about the dark green paint that the new Abrams are painted. It’s designed to reduce the thermal signature. We looked at them through thermals, and it actually does reduce the signature.

Da heck i’ve never seen that

Dude now You are Just making shit out of nowere. Such issues were never described by the Italian air force/navy and Leonardo, You are Just inventing fake reason to claim that Italy is inferior to’ germany (wich is not lmao).

Could I ask You what sources You use? Because You know nothing about Itaf F35. The number of delivered F35 Is over 30 currently out of 90 (the air force also want to’ increase the Number to’ 131) and we never got any issue with the parts lol. Meanwhile Germany Will receive only 35 F35 After 2030. Cope harder.

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Wich Is a false statement btw

Nothing Is confirmed forn now. And btw It was also said that Ita Leo Will have autoloader so

As far as i’ve investigated they has 15 with an order of 59 and with plans on extending the order to a higher numbers, together with plans on adding new tech, the F35 had a few issues that got solved in early to mid stages idk if italy Ever got them fixed since they were producing the mid stages of the F35, or if they ever got them in the first place, the order was delayed for some months in a few stages for what i could because of production issues with some of the parts if you have info to disclose or dimiss what i said it would be nice of you to share it since im doing my personal investigation on it

Leopard can’t fit an autoloader due to numerous factors and it would require a heavy modification of the turret wich would have to be approved in the first place

Then my advice Is to get Better sources, the ones You used are inadequate. It seem that Your info are from 2015 (wich means they are pretty outdated)

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Info it’s pretty límited so i get onto italian sources or lockheed Martin but Indeed the info its from 2015

Considering Italy Will be the biggest leo2A8 user (since Italy ordered 132 units + 124 recovery units or similar numbers while germany for now ordered 18) there Will be much money for more changes

Was said issues it’s asking KMW for this and taking in count how is Germany it’s either gonna be stupidly hard or just not gonna pass through and Will have to settle in a non autoloaded version

Not only is the information you are using old, it’s pretty rich trying to pretend Germany has a better air force than anyone in NATO. They have been having their air defense subsidized by the US for the last 30+ years while they fart along with the Eurofighter program. As late as 2019 the only had 4 of which FMC at any one time which is pathetic, and only recently FINALLY bought into a 5th Gen program while likely not having a single airframe before the rest of the alliance has already completed their F-35 buys and are looking into the next thing.

Congratulations! Do you want a medal for that achievement as well? News flash, Leopard 2A8 is an interim varaint for Germany until 2Ax/9 is ready for production, which it should be around ~2026/2027.

Then again, Bundeswehr recently confirmed that they’re in need for at least ~120 more tanks for the new Lithuania Brigade & operational reserve sooo… take that as you will.

They have been having their air defense subsidized by the US for the last 30+ years while they fart along with the Eurofighter program.


As late as 2019 the only had 4 of which FMC at any one time which is pathetic


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My bad got the numbers wrong it wasn’t 4 available at any one time but only 1 in 4 available. Which is still pathetic.

And France only had 19% of their Tiger fleet mission capable back in 2018/9, what’s your point? That nations at the time didn’t feel the need to keep their equipment operational perchance(?).

This still makes your CLAIM a massive pile of nonsense, because Germany was never subsidized by US when it comes to their airforce, ever.

Though, it’s fine to ignore that there were times when US itself only had ~50% of their respective aircraft models up and running, isn’t it? As long as nobody mentions it, that is…

U.S. Air Force | The Heritage Foundation

Here’s a source (pretty new) talking about Luftwaffe’s EFTs achieving a 80% mission capable readiness rate:

The Luftwaffe and its industry partners | ILA Berlin

It’s not. They outsourced their air defense to the US. The ONLY reason they were able to produce the ef-2000 without an interim 4th Gen aircraft like every other typhoon operator is because they relied on the US. So trying to downplay the Italians having a better air force than them now because of some fantasy production problem is bullshit.

Cool. You’re not the only one in here last I checked


By the time Italy receives the majority of 2A8’s Germany will have most likley switched to the 2AX/9 as they are using the 2A8 as a intermediate. You are forgetting that you are speaking of timeframe of ~14 years in the future and assuming Germany wont do anything in the mean time.

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