Leopard 2A8

At least Italy already has 5th generation planes, Germany has to wait until 2030.

What 5th gen? Havent heard of any 5th gen yet, if You mean the one being developed by the UK and italy and is not in production yet, Germany it’s getting the F35 wich is a 5th gen and its gonna be under production in rheinmetall factories, italy it’s still getting them since there is issues when transporting them overseas

Do you even know when the first F-35 will be operational in Germany?

the 2A8 is leagues ahead of other tanks, additionally we know next to nothing about it.

It’d be like adding the T-14 or KF51 in terms of how much we know for sure.

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Italy has the F-35 on order right now.

germany will be the main country in europe to provide with parts italy cant really have F35’s in service due to the same issue of it needing parts and constant maintenance in order to properly function as part of the airforce force. This was very well known with the Eurocopter, hence why germany is replacing it with the H145M. As long as it takes to have the F35, they will have an operational air force at the long run, unlike Italy, which will likely start to suffer consequences on the lack of parts at some point, especially taking in account the issues some parts have with the F35. There is also the option of buying the parts from MERICA at a very high price Of course, issues with factories in italy are that theirs are very slow at producing parts due to the limitations in size and material import, and some parts cannot be built in italy as far as i know

Maybe fix 2A7V first I don’t trust gaijin will model 2A8 correctly


You did not answer my question.


its gonna take between 6 or 7 years till its done but they are gonna be the biggest manufacturer of F35’s in europe, plus its probable they end up making adaptors for IRIS-T’s on the payload bay

Germany is far behind when it comes to airplanes.

Ah, yes, far behind That’s why the typhoon gets constant modernizations with numerous systems engines and weaponry, using IRIS-T missiles, making it one of the best, if not the best, IR Air-to-Air missiles in the world, and even making an AESA radars with capacities for detecting airplanes with minimal radar signature, together with unique and effective counter measures and a better HMD than the one currently mounted on the F35’s. The eurofighter is a 4th generation aircraft that constantly gets upgraded to keep up with everyone and it does, in fact, do pretty well

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If this hits, then they also need to add the M1A2 SEP V3. It will have Trophy, as well as increased frontal armor and the dark green paint seen on the vehicles reduces the thermal signature.

that’s identifiers so gunners dont end up shooting each other; they dont have any significant meaning on reducing thermal signature in terms of thermal stealth, other tank solve this issue either with coating or with long skirts

Ahh, all 15 have been received?

You don’t know diddly-squat about how the F-35 program works clearly

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+1, for sure, however others like the M1A2 SEPv3/v4 and T-14 Armata are added along with it, for nations other than those add what’s best for them.

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its supossed to be 59 not 15

And also another newer prototype

Oh someone already posted it my bad

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Still no trophy? Was it cancelled?