Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

So its always better to post it directly in the report, not via PMs.

We cant as it contains sensitive information. You yourself constantly say that it should be discussed in DMs, no? And suddenly thats wrong?

So much for “effective communication”



Isn’t this actual classified document baiting?


so just like i said, that is the problem on the bug report website and 3rd person cant add stuff under the sensitive area where it gets hidden for anyone else

Im not sure what you mean by this. Answering in the report itself that you have attached what has been asked or made an update is not sensitive information.

Any files added under the historical file section are hidden from view anyway.

Most of the information was already posted in that section, in PM’s we also included additional information… mostly because the website LIMITS YOU to 10 images per section, so the only way for me to add them would’ve been to make them PUBLIC.

Yes, to put it bluntly @Smin1080p the bug report website limited my capability to expand on the report with new data without basically making it all public, said information was given in the DM’s, the report still was closed.

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Im not sure what you mean by this, classified documents should not be used under any circumstances. They will not be handled at all and will be automatically rejected and the user banned.

@Smin1080p in short, can one @Yoshi_E bump the PM message , you look over and reopen the bug report in question?

Because currently we are going in circles

I don’t understand what you mean here. I neither have the permission to view or post into the hidden historical file section, nor was I ever asked to provide an update. The Moderater in question received a reply to his question, so why would I need to reply twice?

He should be the one to forward the information not me.

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Its better a new report made with the correct material attached from the get go. Reopening the old one at this stage is too conflicted. It should be clear from the outset if everything is present and not spread over PMs.

sure… just dont let it get closed immediatly again because of duplicate and worst case furina getting another ban as a result


All the material is already attached!

Neither I nor Yoshi can attach anything more than that because the website LIMITS it to 10 images per section (screenshot or additional files).

Re-making it would’ve just gotten it closed due to “duplicate”. Are you serious?


How would we know everything is clear if we cant communicate with the developers to know if its clear?
Communication usually works in a way that one provides information and the other responds

You can attach more files in subsequent comments.

so the problem is to many sources, max limit is reached welp

Unfortunately I am not on hand 24/7 to forward everything instantly. Any matters can be taken to PM for clarification.

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Exactly. There are many reasons as to why we don’t post the sources simply in comments, such as;

  • we were told to only share it if we have to
  • we paid for them, so we don’t want to simply make this information public
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You do not need to communicate with a developer directly to create a bug report. If you have already collected everything requested as you said, then all thats needed is a new report with all of that attached.

You were already informed by the moderator what was required from that report.

The new reports then get instantly closed as they are duplicates and you will get banned for it, even with additional info provided.

@FurinaBestArchon was already banned twice for doing exactly that.


Ok guys, I have unfortunately done my best here to help clarify.

I will go back through my PMs tomorrow, but as I mentioned I receive a lot daily and when there are multiple cross conversations, sadly I cannot keep track of every subject and chain.

I suggested a new report to keep it clear, concise and to the point without edits, amendments and corrections which can lead to further confusion.

Appreciate the effort put in on all fronts and by all parties and it was not about asking for more. Just offering the best chances of making sure there is no further confusion or complications.

With that anyway, I wish you all a good evening / night o7


The issue is that when @FurinaBestArchon does make a new report, its labeled a duplicate and he is then barred from making more suggesitons, and this isnt beggining to touch on the limited number of sources they can add, with apparently more than a few being sensitive in nature. Asking them to post them publicly is a bad idea for both them and Gaijin.