Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

I honestly dont know why gaijin isnt communikating more after the dox*ing of trixxter,
communitcation with the community is key in deescalating the situation and to prevent another disgusting incident like that.

Speaking the holy one’s name will make a lightning bolt come out of the sky and smite you on the spot.

(it’s a joke someone told me when I tried to say it)

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Why did we go from “please give us D-tech in the hull” to “Please don’t make the tank worse then 2A6”… I think I lost all hope


So does that mean they will fix it?

This has been forwarded as a suggestion for consideration

Maybe yes, maybe no…



Beating a dead horse by now, but I felt like this needs to be reposted anyways.

Remember, 30 years of material & design advancements - > worse.

Only at Gaijin Entertainment.


Wait, is that new? So they didnt fix it?

If you need another example of the same thing look at the Challenger 2 TES ERA and see it the same protection as as much older era found on the m60 believe

few days old

So we still dont know if they are gonna fix it by release? PLS GAIJIN FOR ONCE


Where do u find these changelogs?

Datamines on a DC
You can find then also on Reddit

reddit datamines

So, dc? or reddit? and if one of those care to share? pls


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Thanks :)

Don’t really need to. We’ve got the Puma right here as the prime example. It’s so inaccurate that, by this point people call it a bastardation of the actual IFV.


So they nerfed both the strv122 and 2A7V? Great it really does seem like they pick and choose what fits thier narritve, the more I linger here the more it seems like grinding the 2A7V will be a waste.