Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

ok thank you

But was the person who took that photo from a nato country? Was the camera they use made in a nato country?


You were banned because you were spamming the system with both duplicate reports and spam reports.

Making multiple reports such as this:

Is not in any way productive or useful in the resolution or forwarding of any reports or issues. All this does is actually hamper and slow down the team, clog up the platform and mean additional time needs to be taken to remove these duplicates / spam before we can get to other peoples valid reports.

We appreciate people are passionate about the vehicle in question, but these actions are hugely counterproductive to actually forwarding any issues.


well thats fair

1 Buff that went trough Community Bug Reporting System

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@Toxindragon Community Bug Reporting System denied
Community Bug Reporting System Roof armor added

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Yep, I don’t know why I need to prove all Leopard 2s post KWS 2 have at least D-Tech in the turret AGAIN though. Maybe I shouldn’t have attached anything besides the screenshots xD


Ain’t no way they will let Germany have a better mbt than Sweden. It’s funny at this point

How they turn tables

Remake it, and attach that tl’d page which directly states vehicles upgraded under the KWS program received D-technology inserts, then prolly worth adding the page from Gesamtwerk where they talk about differences, and similarities between the 2A5 & Strv 122.

Those two should be enough proof.


Yea, I had enough sources already but I didn’t expect I’d have to prove it again when it’s clearly a bug so I only attached one.

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It’s WestlanD so lol.

Pray you get Gunjob, or just DM him on discord or something, he will forward it right away.


Does it say how much a improvement thisbD armour is


Does the 2a7v not have better roof armor?

Well good luck with it but if they don’t know how much improves it they really love to low ball it

WestlanD is the new TrickZzder it seems, i always see him denie good reports for lol reasons like: Dev made an excel sheet so their right, Not a bug becouse i said so, Not a bug becouse only 1 secondar source (manufacturer) and the best not a bug becouse we cant fix it xD


It does not have the extra roof armour the Strv 122, the 2E, 2A6EX and so on have, if you’re talking about that.

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Lame, its actually very useful

Irl yes against drones and cluster and such things but in game its actualy worse becouse it makes the tank more visable in hull down