Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

Do we know when the second dev server starts? Well see how they corrected it there and if they add the boxer vilkas.

every freaking thing i can find online stuff you guys already posted talks about Latest D Tech for Hull and Turret

idk if we get a second one but i hope we do

It has a lower top speed to improve acceleration. I wasn’t able to find information about the exact gear ratios yet.

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Toxin maybe ask RENKEN about it. Its probably the best source since its a RENKEN Transmission

So we don’t have information to do bug report?

thats old news and we already pushed a new bug report

What Shini said. Here’s the report:



you guys are doing good work i m proud of you and i have to say Gaijin has to change the needed sources for Modern Tanks because we cant give any armor values for those

Even a personal reply from the Bundeswehr, Gaijin said, cannot be used as valid evidence. XD


Crazy they dont accept stuff directly from the German armys website


they think they know more than German army i guess what an arrogant.


To me it seems like War Thunder is becoming a political („propaganda“) product.

That dissapoints me. I have been playing this game for 10 years now and this development makes me think that I am going to stop all grinding efforts.


If PL is going to Rank VIII and staying as Top BR…

They better give it its historical DM63 already so that it’s worth something up there.

Or they want to keep the glorified 2A4 with 300mm KE hull armor and 1/3rd+ of the turret being a weakspot with a 530mm pen shell at Top Rank and BR and call it a day?


heh heh heh you know Gaijin what gonna happen to non-Russian vehicles.

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not sure about 2pl its only a guess

Ah ok xD

I didn’t check on the dev server, I’ll take a look at the notes.

Anyway- Rank VIII or not, PL needs its DM63.

DM43 at 11.3 when the top BR is 11.7 and it has barely better armor than 10.3 2A4 is ridiculous.


I have actually re-submitted my DM43 report for it xD

The devs actually thought it could only reach 1740m/s when fired from the L/55, but magically it also reaches 1790m/s from the L/52.

This is beyond logic at this point.

I get it if the leopard 2a7v Is too much for the game right now, but why add a gimped out Leo 2a7v when the could have added the 2a6ex for example. Would have bin fine with it if it hade the same armor values as the strv122. Gaijin could have easily copied and pasted like they love to do.


This is the exact reason why ive completely stopped making bug reports. The devs do not care to model things accurately, and do not care to provide us any decent feedback regarding the state of bugs. I can understand there are many bugs, and the job of the tech mods is to communicate with us, but “not a bug” and “not currently modelled for balancing purposes” have VASTLY different connotations, and unfortunately the devs picked “not a bug” sometimes followed with condescension or insults as their reply.

Also doesn’t help they tell us NOT to leak classified documents (duh) but proceed to tell us that until exact figures or classified documents are unclassified, they categorically refuse to fix things that are OBVIOUSLY wrong, which leads to many “leaks”

I honestly believe the devs just use the “leaks” as free advertising at this point