Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

Heres the companys logic: “If a tank or other military vehicle has not officially entered service with Germany (For example), then it will never fall into the German development branch”


Type 81C is MUCH worse to deal with imo. The pantsir is still “manually” guided for the most part, and though it has more range, air munitions can still outrange it. Its also super easy to spot and the radar gives it away as well. The type 81C is basically a giant near automatic death bubble around the AO and was a horrible addition to the game. Its just downright unfun to play against and there’s not much “learning” to play around it.

But Japan isn’t as good in every other aspect so i give it a pass
Never mind F15J coming they got everything covered

I mean the pso exists. The 2a6ex would have bin more likely to enter service then the pso. Not to mention 2a6e in Spanish service.

Common NATO/Westoid issue, Engineers clearly too stupid and only know how to make worse armor the further from the 80’s we get /s

Too bad they dont have glorious Russian RHA space magic steel with 1.35x KE modifier. Russian engineers and material scientists are clearly the superior intelligence on this earth, capable of making armor 1.35x more effective than itself, which, as a self-referencing function, effectively makes the armor effectiveness infinite! :p


This is not my logic. The 2A6EX did not enter service and unfortunately I don’t think we will see it. The same goes for many combat vehicles, so there is less and less interest for many players in playing this project

It’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that they’re deliberately biased

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dont forget the the super high quality steel used on the T-34s in WW2 which armor plates totally did not break apart when hit with something like an 88

It was satire

KPZ-70, Leopard 2K, Leopard 2 PSO, Strv 122B PLSS and Strv 122B+ want to know your location.

bad example those are in the sweden tree

tbf, if we start going into that, thered be issues all around.

Unless the material is a composite, theres little reason imo to actually make it vary between nations. Modelling such issues really only hurts everyone.

I’m not arguing with you. I’m just saying. The Leo 2a7 sells more then a unknown upgrade package

Joint project, Prototype of the beginning of the Leopard 2 series, Entered service in a different form, The Swedes generally have no further options for the development of military vehicles, and this makes me happy

Every tank I listed are ingame

That’s my point; just because a tank didn’t see active service it doesn’t mean it can’t be implemented ingame.

So what do we do next, resist?

wait until official implementation, we cant do anything until then

Don’t konw, I’m not playing anymore. I’ll already replace my playtime with work.

So far it looks like this. Kf-41 was not issued due to comical reasons. Aviation was refused due to the fact that there were “no” options and nothing to add, although this is bullshit. So, yes, I personally just draw such conclusions at the moment

I want stug iv

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