Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

Its a prototype it can use what gajin want it to use

its a prototype with confirmed usage of ammo it was presented with DM63 not DM73, even so i doubt DM73 will come as of rn since i dont think they will make such a big jump, and we already have DM63 ingame present on the TAM 2C and on the CM11 as for ingame stats

I am still confused, aparently Germany is developing multiple rounds at once. We are developing a new round with the UK and at the same time with France for the new MGCS which techniques might be used in the 120mm one as well. As far as i understoof the Shard already is made with technology of the MGCS project

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yeah im confused aswell not sure if this is something like the UK suddenly proposing helping germany to make the ammo in mid developement or if its just another one

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That’s… 105mm munitions, not 120mm ones.

ik but its still there isnt it?

105mm DM63 has no relation whatsoever with 120mm DM63, the same way 105mm DM33 has no relation whatsoever with 120mm DM33, etc

It really doesn’t matter tbh. It lacks anti-era capabilities like the DM53 so if it was implemented like that it would be useless.

well damn i wished at least the 105 DM63 had the real penetration tbh

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That would be?

around 550 reported by taiwanese tankists who were using the CM11 with DM63

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Unlikely, that would be higher than M900

well that was the reported penetration on the DM63 in a 105 by taiwan

Incorrect. There is no difference in the construction of the penetrator between any of the LKE II family APFSDS.

What you see on the top is the unfinished rod, the one at the bottom is the finished one.

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ty for the clarification

105mm DM63 is also not developed by Rheinmetall or any other german company, its license built M426 from the Israelis, just like DM23(M111) and DM33(M413).

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All power to you who are doing hard work to get the 2A7V implemented as realistically as possible.

I hope the effort is rewarded.

Best of luck, keep it up.


All Leopard 2A5+'s mantlets, including Leopard 2A7V’s, can be penetrated by M26 Pershing’s 90mm shell. Even according to the official Gaijin armor charts (where, for some reason, German Leopards have less mantlet armor than the Swedish ones), their mantlets should be able to withstand this and more.

Some clarifications:

1- The mantlet scheme is not a leaked classified source; it’s a public source: LEOPARDS IN UKRAINE - by Mike Mihajlovic

2- Link to Gaijin’s charts: Защищённость ОБТ - Google Drive

3- The red numbers are my calculations based on the scheme. I gave the 240mm thick piece the 0.45 KE multiplier Gaijin decided to give it to abide by their very own standard.

4- What I find most interesting is that, while Gaijin’s official chart’s values are not far fetched compared to what I estimate it should be, ingame the mantlet can be penetrated by shells such as M26 Pershing’s M304 or T-54’s BR-412D, which means that the currently ingame armor is VERY FAR from providing Gaijin’s very own official values.

Also, why do the German Leopards, including Leopard 2A7V, presumably provide less protection than the Swedish ones?


5- According to my calculations based on this scheme, where I based each plate’s thickness on the thickness of the external one, this would be Leopard 2A5+'s mantlet protection:

-448mm KE on the lower area, without the additional sloped wedge plate.

-608mm KE on the upper area, with the additional sloped wedge plate.


Can someone make a bug report if this is still an issue on the Leopard 2a7v (the drivers hatch issue)
We might get it fixed now.

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