Leopard 2A7V Being ammo racked by a T80bvm discarded sabot from its APFSDS Round 3BM60

Today I was playing in a top tier match With the Leopard 2A7V when I was suddenly shot by a Russian T80-BVM. It Ammo Racked me, but it didn’t show that the tanks round penetrated my Armor. Instead, it displayed the discarded sabot from the round itself and hit my Left Track and turned it Red, but the game said I got ammo racked. So, War Thunder you got some serious explaining to do as well as opinions of other War Thunder players that might have experienced this as well.


Maybe it would be possible to get a replay link?

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Sure, I just don’t know how to though.

This is a known bug; a lot of times the kill cam will show one of the sabot petals instead of the main APFSDS round.

The dart did in fact kill you, but the camera is tracking a SABOT petal instead of it.

If you watch the replay of the match through the POV of the T-80BVM, you will be able to see how the round actually hit and killed you.


My question to that is why the SABOT showed that it hit my Left Track and turned it Red, but it still showed me that I got ammo racked?

You need to watch server replay, not client replay. Server replay will show how game saw where actually SABOT hit which can be different in regards to your display or hitcam.

It’s just a glitch. One time, I got shot by a 2A7HU in a M1 and the kill cam showed the sabot casing getting stopped on the top of my turret cheek armor. But in the background, you can see 4 missing rounds in the bottom of my ready rack, when rounds are taken from top down, left to right. Just a glitch.