Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

I usually see 2 to 3 lone Swedish players on my team, I once had a an entire 4 man squad and they dominated.

İts normal considering many new players dont know how capable Sweden is and old school players are already use to deal with them.

With enough amount of time Sweden will become one of the most played nation soon.

we are well aware of that fact, but like every nation we have the right to have our tanks to be represented in the most optimal state. Specialy when gajin literaly gives sweden prefered treatment and gives them better leopards for whatever reason when that isnt the truth.

When you say other nation are allowed to demand/have their tanks fixed, only germany isnt you are just a hypocrit


yes that’s a fact but what would you do if your best MBT comes to the game uncomplete and missing a lot of features that could be easily fixed?

“My favorite class is the spy”

As much as i’am the first person that is trying to get Leclerc fixed, the best German tank should be in the German tech three, not in the Swedish one, the 2A7V is 20 years newer than the 122 yet somehow the 122 is better lol


Friendly reminder that german players arent complaining that the 2A7V is underpowered, theyre complaining that it modelled inaccurately, and has no good reason for being modelled so poorly. THATS the complaint.
You could argue the mismodeling is a “balance decision” but

  1. BR’s are for balance, not vehicle models
  2. There are outright vehicle model issues such as the turret sitting too high, inaccurate dimensions, and armor holes, none of which are “balancing factors” but are in-fact 3D model issues.

No, not even close lol. Most nations MBT’s have some pretty substantial issues, but the leclerc isn’t one of them being actively held back by said issues beyond neutral steering afaik. Its just not a particularly great tank. It was VERY good when it was introduced in-game btw, its just been power crept as new munitions were added and other tanks got access to better sights.


newer you mean?

Well, yes. You got my point tho.

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The Leclerc is currently missing substantial mobility since its underperforming for the acceleration ,like the type 10, reload speed, different option for the smokes, thermal quality as well, since out of 4 tanks 3 probably need to get the thermal quality changed. And some other stuff that im not actively working on it, however this is not a Leclerc thread, so lets keep talking about the vehicle in this thread, the 2A7V


Reload speed and acceleration should definitly be fixed if inaccurate, but likely wouldnt make a massive impact on its performance.

Smoke options arent a thing in-game, and gen 2 thermals across the board is hardly something to complain about, granted they should be pushed up to gen 3 if they were gen 3 irl. Gaijin likes to lie about their stance on thermals though, seeing as when I pointed out that if they went by their rule of “thermal resolution trumps thermal generation” all russian vehicles would be knocked down to gen 1 thermals, so they quickly backtracked on that rule, but then have once again backtracked with some gen 3 TGP’s like the one on the German Tornado IDS being modelled as a gen 2

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Reload speed always have an impact in game, acceleration may be debetable, however if lets say the 2A7V had accurate acceleration it would be get to spot quicker than the 122’s for example.

They are. Leclercs currently can launch 2 salvo of smokes, then they’re out, that is what im refeering to, they should have more options on that regard.

The M1A2 had its reload time reduced and its still eating dirt. Is a better reload better? Of course it is. Will it make a massive difference on a tanks performance in-game? Not really. Reload speed being off is a much smaller performance issue thank something like an artificial weakspot being added that reduces or ruins the armor profile of a vehicle for example.

The 122 has better acceleration AND top speed than the 2A7V atm, and even if the acceleration on the 2A7V was fixed, its likely it wouldnt have much of an impact either. Once again, like reload, itd be nice, itd be accurate, but its not a massive deal either. The acceleration issue on the 2A7V is different than that of the leclerc too, seeing as the 2A7V has incorrect acceleration DESPITE having the negative of a lower top speed, which was done SPEIFICALLY to improve acceleration. The leclerc only has incorrect acceleration, which is even less of an issue.

I thought you meant different types of smokes, and if your referring to salvo sizes, im pretty sure most tanks can control salvo sizes irl, so its still kind of a “gaijin doesnt model that” situation…

Smoke in general is a very lazy implementation ingame, which should suprise no one, seeing as gaijin develops this game, and predominantly puts care an effort into things that benefit russian vehicles, which is how were over a decade into the game and still steering with clutch braking, seeing as the russians never seemed to have figured out how to get passed that

Which falls into the category Devs are lazy.

This is correct, however if they fix the 2A7V, it would have 2A4-type level of acceleration, honestly i’d take the lower top speed but better acceleration.

Thats player fault, not vehicle.

Which is my whole point. An improved reload is an improvement, but it wont make a massive difference in the vehicles performance. Its a nice bonus, not a make or break thing. Unless were talking about like, doubling the ROF or something, in which case yeah that’s different.

If you recall, my whole point regarding the leclerc was that its very much not an MBT whose performance is being substantially held back like the Originaire said. There could be improvements, sure, but nothing that’d put it head and shoulders above other nations tanks, or even on par at this point quite frankly. That DOESNT mean I dont think those issues should be fixed though. Just that Originaire is overblowing how bad the issues with the Leclerc are.

I mean, sure, but thats not a big deal regardless…

Which affects all nations, not just France or the Leclerc, nor is it a major performance issue either…

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I may also be biased or misinformed about how bad some nations vehicles are modelled, seeing as the ones I focus on are predominantly western jets, and german MBT/IFV/AA vehicles, and some, like the 2A7V, and Puma IFV are so abhorrently modelled, that they literally require reworks of their models to “fix” issues and thats ignoring all the game stat issues like projectile weight/dimensions, overheating time, penetration values, armor plate thickness values, etc… but I really dont think the Leclerc is so badly modelled that if it was completely fixed it would change the vehicles gameplay and BR like fixing the Puma IFV would for example.


To be fair, the reload applied to all 120mm M1’s and the M1A1 jumped up to a 66% winrate.


Reload rate is among the most important metrics, and possibly more important than the often overrated armour metric.

Are you in favor of historic 8-12x in the gunner’s scope for all leopards?

Are you in favor of historic carousel autoloader jamming for all T series tanks?


Why are you responding with a question to a question that is off topic. I was responding to a direct assertion of leo2a7v’s adherence to historical details