Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

You know if you’re not going to involve yourself in an argument reasonably you could just block me and move on, don’t ruin your day over fake tanks

They’re ignoring the slug on Russian projectiles. The reason why M735 was nerfed isn’t because they “ham-fisted it”, the guy who made the report misunderstood what he was reading, and used information for an older prototype that Gaijin of course, didn’t fact-check (they never do unless it’s to buff something), this was explained by Conraire weeks ago.


As far as I was aware was it not someone poorly applying the lanz-odermatt equasion to those rounds (hence ham-fisting it)?

More to the point tho, the entire point is that those rounds ARE different, which is why they’re treated differently. There’s been a few bug reports on different alloys and such, some far more specific per round and they’ve been ignored as well.

No. User that made the report didn’t properly checked and misunderstood, and devs / who forwarded the report didn’t checked it.

Actually just checked, 3BM-42 also has a different density… so yea, when information is available, they correct the density and well, I just gave them information on alloys produced by Rheinmetall.

Whether they act on it or not is irrelevant to me.

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The point that its an active production line and no other round existing

Clearly they are making L28a1 don’t know why you think they would be making the latest rounds that they make

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Looks like there are somethings even more dense that could be used as an Kinetic Penetrator


No reports forwarded since I last updated the list.
No changes to the Leopard 2A7V in game since release 2.33 (now .114)


Thats just depressing

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Nah, THIS is depressing

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what’s that against

I know, so far I am pretty dissapointed in the armor. Expected so much more from fighting the swedes with their 122s more than enough. Atleast the thermals are great tho, and it looks nice

Probably DM53, although it doesnt make a difference with other rounds I believe

real sadness

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Anything over 600mm pen

Only that both of those are pretty much accurate against modern APFSDS while the Leo is massively underperforming.
Yes it’s sad but at least not butchered

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Not the CR2 composite is wrong
and the breech is wrong
the list goes on

But that still wouldn’t stop high pen APFSDS unfortunately

With the breach its the same case with the newer Leos (2A5 and up, uncluding the Strv 122s)