Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

i mean, idk what they find so offensive of me posting a bug report, but if thats what they wanna ban me over, oh well lol. I havent played since Dec 15th xD

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yeah looks similar on my end xD since like 2 weeks

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What is this? This absolutely insane. Things like this make me want to drop the game when the mods and devs just outright gaslight the community with impunity.

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After Pal world release I didn’t even log-in the game

Does anyone here know the exact parameters of the EMES-15A2? I have conflicting sources


Daytime optics magnification

And what for?

This is kind of a thread about the historical accuracy of the leopard 2a7.

I’ve read 2 different versions and can’t figure out which is correct.

idk if it might help but there is a 2A7+V and a 2A7V the first is just a 7+ with addon armor never went into service and only 1 was made for Showcase

It doesn’t help me much. Because I’ve already found information directly about 2a7v and other information that contradicts it



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but this is a Normal 2A7 not the 7V which has better Optics

They have the same EMES-15A2. Moreover, I am trying to figure out if it is installed on Leopard 2a5\2a6 or if it is EMES-15A1 there

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oh you mean the Day Sight yea the normal 7 and the 7V use it but i think the 5/6 did have an older version the 2A7 is from 2014 while the 2A6 is from i think 2001 so there is a gap

I would like to find information about the EMES-15 model in the A5 and A6 leopards, as well as its Daytime opticts.

So far I don’t have exact sources about the sight model of A5 and A6, and the data on EMES-15A2 are different from each other

i think your best bet would be an Archive in Germany but some of those are still Restricted for Private use only its also why i did not post anything for the Transmission as its for Private use only

Is there anything you can help me with regarding the information I’m interested in?

  1. Model EMES-15 on A5 and A6
  2. Daytime magnification EMES-15A2

from what i found and a friend sadly not we only found the Optics for the 2A4 so far and those are correct ingame

It’s not actually true, but that’s not what we’re talking about here

my wording sry but from what he saw it is correct that however does not mean it was the right one atm however i cant drive there again within the next months as it takes time and costs money to drive there