Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

dont bother the guy is stuck up and wants to give the leoaprds only the x12 zoom

In fact, I want to point out to the developer the stupidity of his principle of defining a sight for tanks. It doesn’t mean changing leopards

if its what the Tank really has then so be it i just want it to be Realistic even if it means a nerf will come

The problem is that gajin only uses the daytime channel for optics. So some tanks will suffer from this, even if they have a handy panoramic thermal imager.

I want to collect such examples and point out that it’s absurd and inconvenient to follow gajin logic (they need to go deeper into the type of sight), you should just use the best parameters among all optic modes

This will keep the leopards in their current form and help some of the other tanks as well

thing is there is to many other things missing like digital zoom, then there is the commanders and thermal optics being x8 etc etc, its technical limitations and if we start looking into other nations tanks u propably would end up finding similar cases as well

Digital zoom seems unnecessary in a game with its card sizes.

I think we should just use the best parameters of available sights on the tank.

If you have a thermal sight 2-8, daytime 12x and another backup daytime 16x, the tank’s total should be 2-16

technical limitations in programming, to differentiate them all

Now that would be 12-16

You saw the recent attempt to change the helicopter zoom, right? It was canceled.

or give us 2x 8x 12x and 16x ofc that would take time but would be nice to have

Excuse me? What I’m saying requires nothing in programming. It’s an approach to selecting the final zoom of the scope.

changing zoom is not that hard programming wise but it would take a lot of time to get all the Info and change all the zooms

If it’s about simulation mode - I don’t mind, however in the rest I’d prefer to make all players comfortable sights with some assumptions.

Now there are assumptions (the game does not take into account the zoom of the thermal imager), but at the same time it is inconvenient for many tanks

In fact, most tanks already have it set up that way (because they used to do that I think), only then they came up with a retarded rule that prevents customization of the sights and uglifies some tanks

More like modeling thermal sights with their own magnifications and FOV that they have IRL will only make them worse for everyone, as literally everyone has them worse than Day Time optics, same with NVG.
While, yes, surely it makes game much more realistic it opens another point on judging thermal sights, how comfortable it is and only makes game harder.
Thermals already should be used only for spotting, this change will only force people to switch to day time optics for that.

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Not related to 2A7V alone, but here’s a bug report on DM53s performance.



waiting for the bogus reason they’ll conjure up to shoot it down.

People are still crying about the most broken tank in game? Ffs just make it correct and put it at 13.7 so the Leo mains can all play with each other

ehhh 13.7 is a bit over the top, but yes we would prefer a correct tank with increased br. Best guess sth like 12.3


i mean its a bug report to fix the incorrect pen of the shell

There has to be some sort of balance, people are mainly complaining about wanting more armor, it’s already the best top tier tank and people are still wanting more, so if they want better armor and shells on the already best tank they need to expand br and put it by itself. It already broke 11.7