Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

still waiting for you to show, where i lied. which i apparently do regulary if it is classical

I was referring to the information about testing the material.

Kevlar is still Kevlar.

Besides, I can send you an example when a primary Russian source was rejected with the words “I think they misprinted it”

thats another matter, happens with other sources as well.

But PLEASE, i want you to show me those classical lies i regulary do, or apologise, because you are saying bullshit and avoiding the matter

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Your lie is that you just run around the forum talking about everything Russian is bad.

Your argument: the ussr is always bad, always lying.
Germany is always good, always true.

This applies to your delusional disputing of the existence of kurganetz when you were given a bunch of videos and you asked for more and more.

That goes for your current statement about egg cartons.

Overall your point is propaganda. “We are good, they are bad. We tell the truth, they don’t. We do good, they do bad.”

In that case, provide information about spall liner from Germany, Sweden, United States, Britain separately.

Tests of each nation

Wow, didn’t know a thread about the Leopard 2A7V is a place for arguments where two people try to figure out who’s a liar or not.


thats not true, i do say when russian stuff is good or when german stuff is bad

That was Chickenfingers39 not me, i only complained about western autocannons not implemented correctly

do they look like egg cartons ? yes. Did i correct is to Spacers before other added informations yes.
Those not a lie, if anything its a human mistake of me missremembering it, looking it up and correcting it as i should

russian has good stuff as well in their areas, just as germany has bad stuff and those stupid decisions.
If you only find the moments where i act like that , thats on you not on me.

As example the Tiger UHT from germany is a wreck, which doesnt work half the time in reality and has massive problems. The decision to replace it with H145M is one of the stupidest decisions i have ever seen and by no means a replacement.
On the other hand, the russian Hind, is an examplary great helicopter which was perfect for troop transporation and carrying massive armament. The Ka-50 series as well is revolutionary with the ability of the ejection sets

another example, russians were way ahead with short range missles , the R-73 was way better then what the west had available. And was the sole reason the IRIS-T development started based on the capabilties of the R-73

I can praise russia and denounce germany

yeah sorry, but i dont like to let those accusations sit on me

@Ralin you are invited to reply in private messages, to not go further off topic

Thanks for the adequate response, but it doesn’t seem that way to me in general.
You keep saying something is bad because you think it is. For example 2a42 - do you have any data that it is bad?

I for example have read that leopards have a 12x gunner’s sight, but a 4-12 thermal imager. According to the rules of the game in that case it should be 12x without panorama.

Besides, I have data about mismatch of gun speed of Leopards, but I don’t shout about it at every step as German bias.

We already proved it wrong using several manuals from user countries but alright…


12x is for the backup sight that’s place on top of the gun breech.

Is there a 4-12 scope out there? Or just a thermal imager?

Actually I was wrong, the backup gunsight is fixed 8x magnification.
And yes, regular sight is fixed at x12 magnification.

German bias? Why 4-12 in game?

he is referring to the gunner sight not to the back up sight wich its 8 times magnification meanwhile the gunner sight its 12 times optical magnification

But it 4-12 in game why?

because that’s how it is in real life

Sorry I didn’t realize, above you wrote about 8 and 12 in real life. There was no 4.

Because the backup sight isnt used ingame.