Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

armor you mean Tin Cans on Tracks cause only mother russia can built armor remember the Sekrit Documents Comrade

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don’t forget the egg cartons called relic :D

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They are spacers… How often do we have to bring that up.
But i do agree, those bags do take way too much dmg for what they are…

Oh boy, its never “out of his brain” haha.

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i love people like you spreading missinformation and being overall braindead

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thats not missinformation, there is documented cases where russians didnt have relik available anymore and filled them with egg cartons

That being said, apparently the egg cartons are supposed to work as spacers

How is this supposed to be innapropiate lol



There would be ERA in that photo in that open bag, no? There are only spacers as far as i can see…

here a picture of the composition inside the bag, to understand it better.

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Thats what ive been looking for, much thanks 😁

those arent egg cartons ffs, look at the shape. Theyre VERY clearly ERA spacers made of plastic.

Im no vatnik, but propagating low levels myths like this really doesn’t help our credibility. Be better than the gaijin devs that say dumb things like “the AIM-54 was never particularly effective against maneuverable fighter sized targets”

Seems like the Object 292 will be able to pen the 2A7Vs hull front but not the Strv 122s


and if you complain you’re a Germany suffers crybaby

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Ah yes the famous 2A7V at 10.0

I was just stating a observation.

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Understandable, have a good day.
Beside that, even at 10.0 the 292 is already pretty sad but its not like you can go lower with something like that.

Not like the Firepower would make a difference. The mobility will tho, with 24HP/t

The funniest thing I’ve read in months. Are you from some village that everything looks like egg cartons to you?

That’s a classic lie of yours

then it is an A7V hunter…
wonder if this is been done purposely…

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guys, as a british main i come hasking for you guys to cry like you have never done before to get the damn reload speed better. i will be right there next to you crying.